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More often than not, you're stuck with a support role. =D
But don't fret! You can choose anti-meta champions for support roles!

In my experience, i tried support adr, support assassin, support tank.
back then it was not viable, but in S4? very easy! haha

Now let's get to the point.
Let's go anti-meta but we will still choose wisely depending on the situation.
I'll be picking my favorite anti-meta champion for support role per situation

1) Ashe - team composition lacking range damage or crowd control.
having double adr gives alot of focus damage in the early game.
But be careful of champions with gap closer, always use max range!
and always harass with auto attacks

Summoner's spells - Heal + Flash
Standard AD runes
AD masteries

Gold item: Ancient Coin (beginner) or targon's brace (advanced)

Helpful skills
Frost Shot - add slows to auto attack and Volley
Volley - for sticking to the enemy or for disengage
Hawkshot - extra vision. useful when anticipating enemy jungler. also, use when you are over extending.
Enchanted Crystal Arrow - global stun to help positioning or initiation for your team. can save your teammates also.

Late game to become: ADR or tank/utility

2) Lux - team composition lacking AP damage.
Having AP range support enables you to harass using auto attack + skills.
Lux is a great support, long-range spells, snares, slows and shield

Summoner's spells - Teleport + Flash
Standard AP runes
AP masteries

Gold item: Ancient Coin (beginner) or Spellthief's Edge (advanced)

Helpful skills
Light Binding - for snaring enemies, follow up with auto attack
Prismatic Barrier - always anticipate enemy burst to your AP. counter with this skill, good for tower dives also.
Lucent Singularity - use this skill to farm with the passive of Spellthief's Edge
Final Spark - long-range ultimate, great for securing kills.

Late game to become: AP and utility

3) Talon - team composition lacking assassin or burst AD damage.
having an assassin with your ADC would give your early game high burst damage,
be careful though, this is a high risk high reward strategy, if you get behind.
It'll be hard to come around.

Summoner's spells - Ignite + Flash
Standard AD runes
AD masteries

Gold item: Ancient Coin (beginner) or targon's brace (advanced)

Helpful skills
Noxian Diplomacy - activate this before hitting enemy champion
Rake - use this to slow or harass your enemies
cutthroat - silence skill, good for disrupting burst or preventing the enemy to use his skills to retailate
Shadow Assault - assassinate, chase or burst targets, escape tool also.

Late game to become: hyper carry

More to come soon!
IGN - clarkngo
Philippine server