This post IS a RANT. I'm reaaaaally salty right now. Don't worry though. I won't be hating on anyone or anything. I will only express my hate for the subject at hand.

Dunno how many of you have seen the new Summoner's Rift that is heading to the PBE. I'll put a link at the bottom for those who haven't. Aaaaanyways, this is the worst update I've seen in League since I started playing in Season 1. Not only is this map freakin awful (I will say why down below) but despite what Rito is saying, there is a high chance people with low end PCs will be screwed over. I already just barely play with 20-30 fps. I don't need more updates for a map that is fine as it is (excluding the Jungle Monsters and Neutral Buffs and maybe the bushes as well).

And here is why this map is awful:
- It's dark
- It's messy
- It looks like the Dota 2 Map (dark and messy..)
- It doesn't have anything unique. It looks like your standard dark phantasy MOBA map. Yes, the old map is a little bit cartoon-ish and childish but that's what made it unique (in a way).
- Not a big upgrade from the current map. Obviously it looks more stylish but I don't think it's anything special.

So yeah. I'm so mad. I hate this new map. I despise this new map. I feel like puking just by looking at this new map. For those who share my opinion, much love for you! For those who don't, what the heck is wrong with you? (Just kidding but seriously guys..don't support this new's AWFUL!..this isn't Dota's League of Legends ._.)

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the rant but I'm so freakin' mad right now. I can do nothing but rant.