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Malphite Jungle/Tank/Roaming (English / German)

Malphite Jungle/Tank/Roaming (English / German)

Updated on May 17, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hih0 Build Guide By hih0 15,563 Views 1 Comments
15,563 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hih0 Build Guide By hih0 Updated on May 17, 2011
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Introduction (English)


If somebody need help translating their guide into german please feel free to contact me.

First of all i want to meantion that this is my first guide and english isn't my main language so i want to excuse my mistakes up front.

I played Malphite for a long time now and i always see people, who really suck playing him, so i thought i try to show you how i play Malp. Not everybody has to agree with the build/masteries/runes that i choose, but try it out and leave me a comment how it went. You also don't need to play him 100% like i will descripe it. It depends on your mates or oponnents. I always say there is not a 100% build for any champions, because you are not always playing against the same people, so try to swtich it if it will improve your game.

Now have fun reading my guide and please leave a comment to let me know if i made mistakes or if u disagree with my build.
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Introduction (German)


Wenn jemand Hilfe braucht seinen Guide ins Englishe zu übersetzten soll er sich bei mir melden.

Zuallererst wollte ich sagen, dass das mein erster Guide ist und ich hoffe ich mach nichts zu viele Fehler.

Ich spiele Malphite jetzt schon relativ lange, aber ich sehe immer wieder Leute die einfach nur sucken wenn sie Malphite spielen und deswegen dacht ich, ich mache hier einen Guide wie ich denke, dass Malphite am besten gespielt wird. Nicht jeder muss mir, mit der Art wie ich Malphite spiele, zustimmen. Porbiert es einfach aus und lasst mich das wissen ob es gut lief. Ihr m¼sst Malphite auch nicht zu 100% so spielen, wie ich das hier schreibe. Es ist nur ein "Leitsystem" wie man ihn spielen kann. In jedem Spiel werdet ihr ihn warhscheinlich anders spielen, weil ihr andere Gegner habt und euch auf diese eisntellen m¼sst.

Und jetzt w¼nsche ich euch viel Spa� beim lesen des Guides und bitte hinterlasst mir ein comment und rated den Guide.
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Summoner Spells (English)

It is just the perfect spell to jungle. If you jungle with Malphite i would always recommend to get it.

Also a great spell. It allows you to escape and hunt down enemys pretty easily. Sometimes it can be combind with Unstoppable Force, if your opponents are staying back you can flash near to them and then initiate with your ult.

These three spells you also can use on Malphite. Ghost is also a nice escape and hunting spell, but on Malphite i prefer Flash. Clairvoyance and Fortify are also good supporting spells, which you can use. BUT keep in mind that with smite you won't have a escape spell if you choose supporting spells.
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Summoner Spells (German)

Smite ist einfach der perfekte Zauber um uz jungle. Wenn ihr mit Malphite jungled w¼rde ich euch empfehlen immer Smite uz nehmen.

Auch ein super Zauber f¼r Malphite. Flash erm¶glicht euch schnell zu entkommen, aber auch Gegner relativ leicht zu jagen. Manchmal kann man es mit Unstoppable Force] kombinieren, indem ihr euch zu den Gegner hin "flashed" und dann mit der Ultimate sie stunned. Dadurch wird eure Range von [[Unstoppable Force erh¶ht.

Diese drei Zauber k¶nnt ihr auch mit Malphite benutzen. Ghost ist auch ein super Zauber zum entkommen oder den Gegner zu jagen, aber ich bevorzuge daf¼r Flash. Clairvoyance und Fortify sind auch gute supporting Zauber, welche man benutzen kann. Aber denkt daran, dass ihr aufjedenfall Smite dabei haben m¼sst und wenn ihr weder Flash oder Ghost benutzt keine Zauber zum entkommen habt.
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Runes (English)

I take armor and dodge runes for better survivability and that you can jungle better.

Magic penetration is for a bit more damage output, cause u have 3 magic spells.

The magicresist essences are for a bit more survivability too.

You can siwtch up the runes if u like, but that runes are my favorite.
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Runes (German)

Ich benutzte die R¼stungs und Ausweichen Runen f¼r bessere ¼berlebenschancen. Au�erdem helfen sie auch enorm beim junglen.

Ich benutze Die Magie Durchdringungs Runen f¼r ein bischen mehr Schaden, weil Malphite ja 3 aktive Zauber hat.

Die Magie Resistenc Essences sorgen auch daf¼r, dass man ein bischen l¤nger ¼berlebt.
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Masteries (English)

I think 0/21/9 is the best what u can do with Malp. The armor and dodge chance will help you again clear the jungle better. You don't really need the attack speed and ability power form Ardor. The other masteries will help you more. The extra experience and the 15% longer buff will also help you with your early game and will also be helpfull, because you will get the blue buff very often, cause you really need the Mana and the CD reduction.
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Masteries (German)

Ich denke 0/21/9 is das Beste, dass man mit Malphite machen kann. Die R¼stung und Ausweichchance hilft einem wieder einfacher zu junglen. Ardor kann man auslassen, weil man die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit und die F¤higkeitst¤rke nicht wirklich braucht. Die extra Erfahrung ist beim junglen sehr hilfreich und die verl¤ngerte Dauer des Buffs ist sehr wichtig, da man versucht so oft wie m¶glich den blauen Buff zu haben, da man die Manareggen und die Ablinkzeitverk¼rzung wirklich gebrauchen kann.
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Skill Sequence (English)

I really like Malphite passive. It gives him extra "health", because 10% of his max health is put into a shield. It increases your survivability a lot. Have in mind if you are jungling, that you always wait for your shield to charge before you attack another monster camp.

A great harrasing and slowing spell, but it takes a lot of mana if you want to spam it in early / mid game. But because it is a jungle guide you only want the slow of the skill if you are ganking. Ground Slam will be your damage source.

It is a nice passive with a somehow good active. I only take this once, becouse of the "splash" damage and the increse of your armor and attack damage. In later stages it will be very usefull if you initiate with Unstoppable Force then [[Brutal Strike] and then [[Ground Slam].

This will be your most used spell in the game. It is really great for farming and jungling. You have an AOE attack and the damage is based on the amount of armor you got. Also not to forget ist, that it slows the attack speed of the enemys it hits. That is also pretty nice if your jungling so it decreases the damage u get.
That the first spell i max, because jungling will become very easy and it goes a long perfectly with Unstoppable Force

Clearly one of the best spells in LoL. An AOE Stun which deals ok damage and has a really big range to cast. It is the best initiate spell in the game.
Doing your Ultimate combinded with your other spells, it will hurt the enemy pretty good.
But Unstoppable Force can't only be used to attack. It can also be used defensivly. You can "jump" trhough walls and get away easily if you are being hunted down. Don't be afraid to use it in a defensive way. It is better to "waste" your Ultimate then to die.
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Skill Sequence (German)

Ich finde Malphites Passive echt gut. Die Passiv gibt ihm sozusagen extra "Leben", weil er ein Schild aufbaut was 10% von seinem max. Leben stark ist. Es ist viel schwerer Malphite mit seinem Schild zu töten. Immer daran denken, dass das Schild 12 sekunden zum wiederaufladen braucht und deswegen erst wieder ein Monster camp anfangen wenn euer Schild wieder aufgeladen ist.

Ein super harras und verlangsamen Zauber, aber er kostet sehr viel Mana und deswegen könnt ihr den Zauber in der Early / Mid Phase nur mit dem blauen Buff spammen. Aber da dies hier ein jungle Guide ist, brauchen wir den Spell nur einmal auf lvl 4, da wir nur den Slow wollen da unser Schaden ja von Ground Slam kommt.

Diese Fähigkeit hat eine gute Passiv und eine relativ gute aktive Fähigkeit. Ich skille das nur einmal auf lvl2 um den Splash damage zu bekommen und um die Fähigkeit zu aktivieren, für den Angriffschaden und Rüstungs schub. Später kann Brutal Strikes] sehr hilfreich sein, wenn ihr es mit [[Unstoppable Force und Ground Slam verbindet. Das steigert euren Magie Schaden um einiges und ihr bekommt mehr Rüstung wenn euch alle angreifen.

Diesen Zauber werdet ihr am meisten benutzen bei meiner Strategie. Er ist wirklich super zum farmen und junglen. Der Zauber macht AOE damage und der Schaden basiert auf der Rüstung die Malphite hat. Was mach aber auch nicht vergessen darf ist, dass der Spell die Angriffsgeschwindigkeit der Gegner verlangsamt. Dies verringert den Schaden den man beim junglen von den Monstern bekommt.
Das ist der erste Zauber den ich komplett hochlevele, weil er super zum farmen ist und durch die viele Rüstung auch gut Schaden macht. Desweitern ist er super mit Unstoppable Force kombinierbar.

Sicherlich einer der besten Zauber im Spiel. Ein AOE Stun welcher auch noch relativ gut damage macht. Man kann ihn auch aus ziehmlicher Entfernung casten und somit auch noch Gegner erwischen wo man dachte sie wäre schon längst weg. Wenn man Unstoppable Force mit den anderen Zaubern kombiniert kann diese Kombo sehr guten Schaden machen.
man kann Unstoppable Force auch defensive einsetzten indem man über ein Wand mit der Ultimate "springt". Habt keine Angst eure Ultimate zum entkommen zu benutzten. Es ist besser die Ultimate zu verschwenden wie zu sterben.
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So now will be the most important part for most of you. The ITEMS

I always start with getting Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potion. The extra armor reduces the damage you take from monsters and also it grants you a bit more damage because of your Ground Slam. I think it is realy simple why i recommend buying [[Health potion] ;). With this setup you can clear your whole jungle, including both buffs, before you have to Recall.

Sight Ward
I prefer to buy the Ninja Tabi because of the incresed dodge chance and the extra armor, but if your enemy team has a heavy AP team you also can buy Mercury's Treads. But the good think of Ninja Tabi is, that they are really cheap and it will only cost you 550 Gold to buy then so you can buy them after your first Recall and also you can buy 1 or 2 Health Potion to go along. If you go for the Mercury's Tread i would recommend to just buy the boots and buy Sight Ward and Health Potion.

I think this is one of the best items you can get for Malp. There are three reasons for it.
ARMOR, HEALTH, AOE DAMAGE. They extra armor is always nice, but with malp it also generates damage. The health is pretty nice too and his passive is just perfect for you, because if you initiate with your ult and hit 2 or 3 enemys the extra damage from your Sunfire Aegis will heart them too. This item is in my opinion a MUST have for malp.
I prefer to buy the Giant's Belt first, because in the early stages the extra healt is better than the extra armor.

Now you have to question yourself. Against which team i am playing. If it hast heavy AP damage and nearly no AP i would recommend to build a Frozen Heart. It provides you armor and mana, which you really need with Malp. Furthermore you gain 20% CD-Reduction and a very nice passive which will slow the attackspeed of your oponnents down.
If it's a heavy AP team i would recomment to go with Force of Nature second. It provides a lot of magic resist and the life regen is pretty awesome too. I would always recommend getting this item, if your enemy team has at le***t 1 Caster.

For your last 2 items i recommend Randuin's Omen and Warmog's Armor. Both are very nice items for Malp. Health and Armor is always nice to have on Malp. Also the Active on Radnuin's Omen has saved my life quite often :D.

These are some items you can also choose if the team is very AP heavy. You always have to play "the situation". What i mean with that is very simple. Many AD -> armor. Many AP - magri resist.

That was the item chapter. If you have comments or suggestions for the item please post it and let me know. This build always worked for me in most of my games, so just try it out.
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Creeping / Jungling / Gameplay

First of all i want to say that i mostly play Malphite on Summoner's Rift, because i think that he is much stronger in bigger teamfights. So i really don't know much about jungling on Twisted Trealine. I will now show you my standart jungling routeI think until Point 6 you don't have to gank unless you are sure u can get a kill without riking your life or the life of your mates. After the Recall you can easily gank, because you have slow and your Ground Slam is alrdy lvl2. Between point 6-10 feel free to gank wherever you can.

How to jungle:

You start with you E Skill Ground Slam. Go to the blue buff and start hitting it with your basic attack and Ground Slam. Care about Coutner-Junglers so finish the Golem with Smite. As soon as your shield is gone and you lost about 50-100 HP use a Health Potion. Always use your Health Potion, because you will need all 5 to finish your jungle. The red buff can be very tricky, because you will have low life.
Always wait untill you have Granite Shield before you start another monster camp.

What to do if you hit level 6 (Ultimate):

If you hit level 6 you are a ganking beast. Now you start to roam. As soon as Unstoppable Force is ready u need to gank, because you will nearly everytime get a kill. Also you need to help your mates if they are in trouble, so look at the map where your enemys are about to push a tower or where your mates are getting low and need to Recall. If they Recall you hold their lane as long as they need to come back. In my opinion is this the most important part of the game. You need to be in the place where the action is.

How to play in Late game:

You are a tank, so your main part of the game will be to eat the most damage you can. Try to support and save your Carry from getting damage.
Try always to start the teamfight with Unstoppable Force. Try to out at least 2 enemys. The best thing would be to hit a non high HP Champion so he can be killed instantly. Try to get the blue buff as often as possible, so you never run out mana and your CD's will be reduced all the time.

I hope i didn't forget something. If you have comments to the gameplay or jungling please let me know.
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For now that was all i have to say to Malphite. I will try to add new things if something come to my mind that i could have forgotten.
I hope you enjoeyd my guide and you rocked the game with Malphite :).
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