Some impressions from my foray into E, Spirit Fire, max Nasus.

The point of the build is, IMO, twofold.

1) It lets you lane and possibly have kill pressure in some match-ups that are impossible if you are trying to Q stack.
2) A Q stacking Nasus is stuck wherever he is stacking, which can lead to the "never leaves Top lane Nasus syndrome" that prevents many Nasus players from impacting the rest of the map. E max for wave clear alleviates this problem by giving you a way to quickly clear a wave.

To be clear, you do stack, you just don't prioritize it over lane pressure.

Quinn, Pantheon, Fiora, and Riven are really hard match-ups for trying to stack Q. With E max you don't really try and melee them. You simply chunk them with E while hopefully picking up a last hit or two. I've managed to kill more than one of these champions simply by poking them to death with E, especially the ones that think that they can stay and get minions while stuck under their turret. Just walk off screen like you are leaving and then walk back up and E the area where they are standing and poof you are up a kill and they lose the farm at their turret.

So far the hardest lane I've faced has actually been against a Cho'Gath, though to be fair I didn't quite have the ins and outs of E maxing down at the time, so I don't think I played this match-up optimally and the rest of my team **** the bed, so it really didn't matter how well I did or didn't do in that game.

Per Quas in most melee all-in match-ups you start with a Doran's Ring. On your first back you pick up a second Doran's Ring and a Corrupting Potion which lets you spam your E for wave clear and damage.

In match-ups that you can sustain against and possibly trade in melee with you start with a Corrupting Potion and then buy 2 Doran's Rings on your first back.

After that you start itemize appropriately for your lane/game. Quas tends to go into the lane appropriate portion of Zz'Rot Portal, either Raptor Cloak or the Negatron Cloak and then Sheen. Though he may sit on the cloak or even skip the Sheen until later in the game.

Most games he does build Trinity Force. Some games he builds Frozen Heart first starting with a Glacial Shroud.

In his opinion you always itemize against Fiora no matter what the rest of the enemy team composition looks like.

In most games I've played with this approach I end up getting the first tower since you can easily push to the turret whenever they back or roam and hammer on their turret. Two or three times of this an you get to stack their turret.

The "breakout" game I had with this build was 6 turrets and 2 inhibitors. And that is kind of how it seems to work. Push, push, push. Get towers. Then join your team from cross map to bop a few champions on the head to make sure you end up coming out ahead in the team fight so you win in two ways.

Despite not prioritizing stacking I tend to end up with 300+ stacks in most games. The most I can remember picking up was in the 500+ range, so not breaking any records on stacking but I am breaking Nexi which is more important.

If your laner comes back it lane with magic resistance to mitigate the damage from Spirit Fire and it is someone you can harass in melee then you want to make them pay for their error by autoing and Qing them every chance you can get while they are standing in Spirit Fire as it shreds their armor.

As I discussed much earlier in bullet point 2, you need to pay attention to the map and look for Teleport opportunities or simply to walk down from Top lane when you see something developing or want to make something develop. One game I did this after getting my tower. Then I walked Mid and took Mid tower and then my team ended up in their Bot lane and we took down that tower as well. So a good rotation netted us all of the opposing teams outer towers. Watch a few episodes of SoloRenektonOnly (who tends to take Ignite). He shoves the wave past river and then looks to roam to other places on the map to make plays because he knows he has a couple of minutes for the wave to bounce back. He'll then rotate back to Top lane to pick up the giant wave on the return.

I haven't really tried the Zz'Rot Portal version of this build yet. Though I've watched a video on this style of play so it is something that I'm going to try in upcoming matches to try and generate even more pressure faster.