Well, here we go! We're gonna start off the week and the new schedule with my league matches of the previous week.

In terms of Ranked, I played 5 of my placement matches over the weekend. I'm really late with ranked this season because me and my partner wanted to wait a little bit and then the whole thing with my Hard Drive happened. Anyways, we have 3 wins and 2 losses so far.

In Game 1, I played Top Lane Mundo and played against a Trundle. We were even in CS during laning phase but he did get 1 assist when my jungler decided to gank and got counter-ganked by their Pantheon. Our AP and AD Carrier got caught a lot and it was just one of those games where you can't win. The lesson of the game? Junglers, please STAHP ganking a farm fest lane if your Top Laner is a tank that can't carry.

Game 2, I was Jungle Shyvana since my duo partner wanted Top. I pretty much carried that game. Our support dc-ed for the first 10 minutes and our Caitlyn did an amazing job farming all alone and keeping the turret alive. I did give him a few ganks but early on I power-farmed the jungle, secured a few dragons and kept bot lane in the game despite the dc.

Game 3, I played Support Leona. Every lane won for us and it wasn't a very hard game. I managed to pull off some very nice and quick combos. Not much else to say.

Game 4, I played Support Leona again. They had a jungle Kha'Zix who dc-ed and naturally they screamed all game in all chat. I tried to calm them down and told them to just suck it up and carry on but they kept raging. Remember folks, you shouldn't care about games where you lost because of a dc. It's just 1 loss, suck it up and move on.

Game 5, I was forced into Support Sona since Leona was picked by them. Our Jungle Lee dc-ed and came back at 15 minutes into the game. He caught up in levels but it was too late because their Kat got outta control. Eventually, we lost but it wasn't that big of a deal. Like I said it's just 1 game.

In terms of Normal Games, I played a little bit of normals but that's about it. No interesting games to talk about.

Well that's it for today. Quite a bit of dcs don't you think? o.O

Thanks for reading!