While there were no major changes to supports or ADCs directly, there has been a interesting development occurring in bot lane since late 7.24. This of course being the Relic Shield ADC start occurring in bot late, in combination with Fleet Footwork and Overheal. This came out as a reaction to the original 7.24 bot lane meta of poke bot/lethality, that saw Summon Aery and Arcane Comet being taken often by ADCS.

Popular and Strong ADCS

52.8% Winrate
44.9% Ban Rate

In the last State of the Bot Lane, I said that the bot lane meta was a disruptive one in which extremes are favored; and put Vayne as a hidden OP pick. There were no major direct changes to the bot lane, but Vayne has prevailed as a popular and strong ADC. The reason for this is due to the popularity of Fleet Footwork, Overheal, and Relic Shield. This allows Vayne to pretty much AFK until the late game, where she becomes a monster, while also providing her support some extra gold along the way.

50.9% Winrate
7.2% Ban Rate

Twitch is in my opinion your 2nd best option if Vayne gets picked. The same reasons that explain why Vayne is strong at the moment explains why Twitch is good as well . Fleet Footwork, Overheal, and Relic Shield all are of great advantage to Twitch and his scaling. He is even better than Vayne in some cases due to his ability to fight multiple targets with more ease by using Spray and Pray and Runaan's Hurricane together.

Popular and Strong Supports

53.2% Winrate
1.6% Ban Rate

Taric is still strong in the meta for the same reasons as the previous State of the Bot Lane . His passive Bravado serves as a excellent way to compliment early game champions, while his ultimate Cosmic Radiance is super strong for late game carries. He is also strong against other tank supports such as Leona and Alistar.

51.6% Winrate
31.2% Ban Rate

Leona is still a power house due to the raw strength of Aftershock and Eclipse on her. This makes it so she can shut down the popular disruptive meta of poke/afk farm lanes. Shield of Daybreak is also great at denying vision and is great in combination with Zombie Ward. She also provides enough peel and engage in the late game to justify her if paired with a late game hyper carry such as Vayne or Twitch.

53.1% Winrate
4.3% Ban Rate

Janna is great for protecting poke oriented ADCS with her Eye of the Storm and has amazing disengage with Monsoon for late game carries. She counters both Leona and Taric and works well against other engage oriented supports. She is also a fairly safe pick into most match ups and you pretty much always get what you expect from her: solid peel and great disengage tools.

Hidden gems

50.7% Winrate
4.3% Ban Rate

Brand will be the only champion to have revive a direct buff, but oh boy was this buff a game changer for Brand! Brand's passive Blaze was increased from 2% max hp over time to 4%. While this small percentage increase seems small, it is really impressive when stacked up. Blaze can stack up to 3 times, which means you can be dealing 12% of a targets health over time in magic damage. Brand was already feared in bot lane for his ability to nuke squishy targets with ease, but this buff to his passive makes him one to be feared by tanks such as Leona, Alistar, and Taric as well!

Same reasoning as Vayne and Twitch, but should only be picked over the other two if you are able to pair him with a Ardent Censer support, in order to compliment the usual Guinsoo's Rageblade that is a core item to Kog. He also counts as a " hidden gem " since his play rate is fairly low.

53% Winrate
1% Ban Rate


My feelINGS to bot lane remains the same as the previous patch. Even though the bot lane meta has shifted in favor of AFK farm, late game hyper carries; it was merely a reaction to the poke oriented, early game meta that came before hand. It was bound to happen sooner or later, so I feel it is not something to discount for my final grade. There is still great diversity and general fun to be found in bot lane, particularly in the support role. It is rare to have a stable bot lane meta like this and I for one enjoy it.


ADC Health: B
Support Health: A
Overall enjoyment: A-
Final Grade: A