Greetings and Saluations,

This is a blog I have been wanting to do for quite sometime because it's a subject that is rarely talk about in the community and that is those players who continuously brag about how many Pentakills they have gotten in their careers and make it out like they were sipping their tea, hit a button and boom...PENTAKILL (I am looking at you Karthus players right now).

Heres the deal, I am not a great player (shock) and in my 16 months in League of Legends I have record 1 pentakill...that is all...Just one single pentakill but you know what that Pentakill remains special to me because it actually remains exactly that to me as a player - SPECIAL.

You hear all these players online being like "Yeah thats my 30th Pentakill I am so awesome" and I am usually like "You my friend are just a Penta-*****...I bet you can't even remember who you got your pentakills with can you?".

This is the truth - Pentakills are like Sex, they are meant to be something wonderful, something you get on occasions but still feels as great as the first time you ever did it - if you are getting pentakill over and over again then its just like marriage aren't really enjoying the experience you are just doing it then rolling over back to sleep if that make sense.

And in honest if you are really so good that you getting them left, right and centre then why are you guys not in the LCS? I mean lets face it players like Bjergsen, Faker and Rekless are far better players than most of you and yet they still do not get Pentakills that often and when they do they are excited, the announcers are excited, the opponents (although upset) are excited...the entire world of League of Legends is damn well excited because they got to see a pentakill.