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Rengar Build Guide by winterapb



Updated on January 11, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author winterapb Build Guide By winterapb 7 0 19,453 Views 3 Comments
7 0 19,453 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author winterapb Rengar Build Guide By winterapb Updated on January 11, 2023
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Runes: MAIN 1v9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By winterapb
- fun to play
- unique playstyle
- carry potential
- much variety in item builds
- high risk high reward
- high tweak potential
- good in duels
- good split push (when behind or enemies grouped)

- hard to master
- limited ganks pre 6
- you have to learn every matchup
- difficult to play when behind
Early Game:
Try to establish an early lead by engaging in skirmishes, tracking the enemy jungler, and ganking the lane that is likely to carry the game for your team. Get Serrated Dirk early and avoid over-forcing ganks. If no ganking opportunities are present, focus on getting level 6 and playing for objectives, such as dragons and Herald (the first Herald has more value than the first dragon). You should take advantage of your lead in game and use it to pressure the enemy team and pick off out-of-position targets.

Mid Game:
The mid-game is a difficult phase of the game where the enemy team starts to group and it's harder to keep a lead. You have to focus on sticking to the winning lane and enable your bot lane to help invade the enemy jungle and keep your lead. Rengar can also take advantage of his ultimate to get picks on side lanes if the opportunity presents itself. With your second or third item you will be very strong and able to one-shot most squishy targets, so you should focus on securing objectives such as camps and Baron, by looking for picks before an objective spawns or zoning the enemy team away. However, you should never risk a 50/50 contest unless they are very behind and it's their only way of winning the game.

Late Game:
Rengar is a strong late-game champion that scales well. Once you reach the 4-item spike, you will be able to 1-shot almost every opponent and should look for easy picks and 1 vs 3 fights. You should carry your team by applying pressure to side lanes and getting turrets, creating vision and using your ultimate to zone the enemy team off turrets. Additionally, you should be aware of your win condition for the game and play around it, whether it be getting dragon soul, winning team fights or sidelaning. Rengar is not good at sieging and the best way for him to impact is by zoning the enemy team off their turrets and pressuring a 1-shot with your ultimate and let your team take their base.

Team Fights:
When team fighting as Rengar, you should focus on getting a flank to kill the carries of the enemy team. You have wait for your team to engage before following up and use the right Ferocity spell depending on the situation. It's the best for Rengar to not straight-up dive into the enemy frontline, as your are a glass cannon (when going assassin), and can 1-shot squishies but can also be 1-shotted yourself. You should make sure to not use the 4th stack of Ferocity until the enemy's crowd control has been used and then cleanse it with Battle Roar and escape if needed.

How to use Ferocity:
When playing Rengar, you have to use your empowered abilities strategically.
Use your empowered Savagery (Q) to deal maximum damage quickly and to reset autoattacks.
Use your empowered Battle Roar (W) to cleanse any form of crowd control and heal some taken damage.
Use your empowered Bola Strike (E) to CC a target and provide time for the team to follow up.
- Ward over the wall to jump to the Krugs.
- Try to get full ferocity after each camp.

Blue Side:
Red > Krugs > Raptors > Wolves > Gromp > Blue > Scuttle

Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Scuttle


- Fast invade into early invade.

Blue Side:
Red > Blue > Gromp > Invade

Red Side:
Blue > Gromp > Red > Invade

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League of Legends Build Guide Author winterapb
winterapb Rengar Guide
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