UMBRAL GLAIVE USER!!! So annoying to lane against, outdamages you at all points of the game with her poke, has really good safety with her heal, root and camo. shes really hard to engage on, boxblock her root and dont let her stack free souls off you. impossible to roam against without your adc getting perma poked out of lane.
UMBRAL GLAIVE USER!!! so annoying to deal with, you can place a box in front of you to block her W volley, dodge her R with Q or your R, if youre good enough you can Q infront of your adc and R to make the clone take the arrow for them (riot pls bugfix the QR bug to make this more reliable)
UMBRAL GLAIVE USER!!! Lethality kalista support is insanely strong, her spears reveal the real you if she tags you before you R, if you ever manage to trap her adc she can just pull them out with her R.
Near unplayable, go full defensive with your box placements, see if she gets too cocky and engage on her, otherwise its a farm/roam lane.
So annoying to deal with, her jump grants her a shield and displaces her from the fear if she goes over a box, making your box near pointless, hard to stop her engages, try bait her to engage on you since you can escape it, your adc cant.
Can make the lane unplayable when combined with certain adcs (*cough* Ezreal *cough*) Roam.
ADC dependant, quite annoying to deal with if they know what theyre doing, they will engage your adc everytime they missposition and you cant do much to stop it, he cant really engage you but its hell if your adc is bad at positioning, get vision in the bushes and gain bush control so your adc can see when he is charging his E, place boxes aggressively in the bushes since he will trigger them with E when he flies over them if you place them defensively and you cant really stop his E engage
Hell for your adc, if they cant track the range of his root and dodge it then he wins lane.
Can ruin your engage with her ult and shields, has high poke. get vision in the bushes to see when she casts her tornado, mess around in the bushes out of vision trying to bait out her tornado onto you instead of your adc.
really hard to do anything against, play defensive and turn it into a farm lane or roam. dont buy antiheal unless they have something like a vlad or darius, its just not worth the 800 gold since her ults removes grievous wounds anyway, rush your damage so you can poke her down, she cant heal if she has no hp. dont let her Q you for free, or bait her into Qing you and dodge it with your Q to waste it.
Skill matchup, boxblock his Q to trigger it early, Q or R to dodge his E knockup. bait him into using his abilities on you instead of your adc. Put your clone in his face when he R's (risky as his R melts you)
Skill Matchup, dodge her root, she can trigger your boxes with her plants, but if shes using her abilities to break boxes then shes not using them on you or your adc, break her seeds when safe
Laning hell for your adc, gain bush control so you can see his casting animations, boxblock his stun.
Really tricky to engage on, since you have to get behind your enemy to get your boxes down and get your free crit, which gives him opportunity to knock you into tower. displace yourself with Q when he WQ engages onto you before his Q hits so that he cant stack E for free. always gain bush control so he cant hexflash engage your adc. very annoying that he can just W to displace your boxes as you place them.
Dodge her root with Q, or eat it and displace with Q to make them waste mana using E on where you were, gain control of the bushes and see if theyll waste mana to illuminate the bushes with spells (most are braindead mid mains that cant support properly), easy engage if you can dodge her root with your ult, Can also use your ult to dodge hers.
Skill matchup, try and make him focus you since you can dodge his abilitys with your Q, boxblock his stun, hell for your adc if they cant dodge his abilities.
Skill matchup, most neekos are trigger happy with their ult, so bait hers out with yours. dont place aggressive boxes against her, place them behind you so she cant just W to break them, act like youre placing them aggro so she sends her W to you and use that to get free spellthief stacks. COUNT THE MINIONS!!! if you notice one of them acting weird/know which one she is, ping it to your adc so that they know.
decent sustain with his heal and double shield, he has disengage with his Q and his Q can knock around your boxes when theyre not invis, near impossible to engage on, punish him with a dagger to the face after he wastes shield to poke with auto, if theyre good with their ult they will ruin your chain fears.
Skill Matchup, Just dont stun your adc with your boxes... The game is not your fault if they lose bot and perma roam to camp your team
Now that her Q does NOT one shot our boxes anymore im not permabanning her, you can viably play aggressively against her, shes is quite hard to pin down with her wall slide and chain fear with her dash making this a skill matchup now
Skill Matchup, Hits like a truck so try boxblock her Q's and keep in mind her Empowered Q's have aoe, watch out for her tether because it reveals your invis. Karma players are extremely cocky and aggro, call your jungler for free kills.
Skill Matchup, Dont let her engage your adc, Bait her into boxes, she ruins your engages aswell.
Blind pick was a mistake...
Skill matchup. lead his bombs into your wave to make them push it into you so you can freeze it and call for your jungler to gank him
Renata Glasc
Block her root/stun thing, avoid her ult it sorta counters yours.
Skill matchup, you can boxblock her charm, and its risky for her to engage with her R unless she has been tracking your box placements/mana usage if youre doing it out of vision
Skill matchup, prey she doesnt go ludens/liandrys since her E shield will damage you if she walks into a box (no matter the range but happens rarely unless theyre doing it on purpose) you can dodge her R with your R and Q, if she Q stuns you in the range of her W then displace yourself with Q to dodge the W damage
Skill matchup. boxblock his rockets, bait his stun onto you and dodge it, be warned your boxes lose the 1v1 against his turrets, his turrets will melt your clone if you choose to engage with it, you only get the backstab damage against his turrets when they are disabled (idk if its because they turn to face you or something)
Skill matchup, bait him to stun you and displace yourself with Q when he stuns you so he cant triple auto you and will most likely miss his Q stab since youll be invisible, place boxes defensively on your adc so he cant engage them
Skill matchup, his W blocks your boxes autos, but your boxes sorta ruins his E engages, track his R cooldown so you can safely finish off targets without getting baited in since your invis is your only escape tool.
The ultimate skill matchup, learn the range of his camo reveal, and stand near a box at that distance, so when he appears he will instantly trigger it, if youre good enough you can make him appear in the middle of 3 boxes, always ping when hes been out of vision for at least 5 seconds, and try get vision of the bushes so you know when hes left lane. place your clone in front of him when he ults.
Make some sushi out of her, really hard for her to hit a bubble on you, engage her when it is down. keep her focused on you and try bait out her abilitys.
Skill matchup, boxblock her Q, or eat it and displace yourself with Q to make them waste their W on where you were, gain control of the bushes so you can see her casting animations, she can ruin your boxes with her spellshield, if she does that engage her adc before it comes back up, be careful with your engage because her ult will indicate you are nearby.
Your boxes ruin his engages. bait his flash ult with your ult.
quite easy to bait into boxes with his Q, you can also boxblock his Q, if youre good enough you can dodge his R with yours
Skill matchup, your boxes give vision, his effigy after lvl 6 reveals your boxes, his W will show when youre nearby invis but you can place a box in a bush thats in his W range to make it seem like youre invis engaging because his W will light up as something is now in range to activate it to make them waste W to burn their mana, your R will take more damage from his R and die before you do
Displace yourself with Q when the R's you so youre invis during the stun, or you can R to try and dodge it, your boxes kinda ruin her engages but she can knock them aside with her Q if theyre not stealthed.
Track her echo passive and engage when she doesnt have the double slow root.
can be annoying for your adc, gain bush control with boxes, if you know hes in a bush try cover the bush with boxes to trap the little demon in there (funny af), and if you succeed with trapping him, R and wait for your clone to explode on him, then he will be revealed and trigger the other boxes on him. TRAUMATIZE HIM! make him fear the bushes
Skill matchup. place boxes on your adc since most of them like to flash stun engage, try bait him to stun you since you can just Q to escape it
place boxes defensively so he cant just E W engage you, otherwise he cant really do much else
try and make him focus on you, you can dodge his abilities easily so make him burn mana on you instead of poking down your adc.
Gain bush control and make him use all his combos on you, dodge it all and its a free lane
Miss Fortune
Dont stand in her E, dont stand behind minions to allow her free crits and place your R in her face when she R's
Skill Matchup, His hook is the hardest to deal with since he can just ult and then hook you. boxblock it or eat it and displace yourself with Q to make him waste mana on his E. (immediately recall to make it look stylish and ruin his morale)
Skill Matchup, Boxblock every hook he throws (requires good reaction timing) or use your Q to eat the hook and displace yourself (immediately channel recall to make it stylish/show them that it hit and ruin their morale)
boxblock all his hooks, or eat them and displace with Q so he wastes his stun on where you were, try make him flash stun you with a box behind you to ruin it. bait his ult with yours.
Watch his hook animation and boxblock it or eat it and displace yourself with Q into your boxes to bait him into taking the hook, place a box/ward on his lantern so that his adc cant take it.
ADC dependent, its not your fault if he spams them with E and they let him get in range to W them, dont let him stack off your boxes for free.
One of your best matchups, he cant engage, tho his passive can be dangerous when combined with certain adcs.
he cant really do much against you apart from E, place boxes defensively and just annoy the sht out of him
Just place your boxes on you and your adc, your fear will cancel his knockup. can boxblock his Q if you need so he cant heal for free.
Boxblock her Q or sleep and she cant really play the game, if you start to fall asleep R and place your clone in front of you or boxblock the Q or Q and go invisible during the sleep (not recommended as she can still see your position when you fall asleep)
you can easily escape his cage and dodge his Q and W with your Q, when youre low try bait out his R with your R.
Easy engage, post 6 bait her ult with yours.
Perfect synergy! The best possible engager for shaco if the samira knows what theyre doing, they dont walk at the enemy when youre Invis engaging, if the samira is good they will be able to E through a minion and flash to get ontop of an enemy, your boxes and clone are perfect engages for her a 5 man clone explosion into samira R can win the game
Trap City with double execute, make sure you auto once you place the box on an invis engage so that your jhin can W to root them ontop of the box, most of the time he R's you can send your clone or place boxes at the enemy to force them to path a certain way so that he gets vision from your clone and lands his shots from the forced pathing.
Probably my favou-rat botlane combo, so much 'cheese' potential, The double invis, double executes, his slow helps you cut people off from tower w boxes, and the cheese rat is a lategame powerhouse like ap shaco, only pick if you know how to play around each other!
One of the most fun combos to play botlane, the enemy will see theres no laners, but the neeko is a minion and the shaco is invis behind them, it isnt the best but when both of you know what youre doing the enemy will be too scared to leave tower range, plus 4 shacos running around can make people just straight up leave the game. only pick if you both know what youre doing.
lose lane win game, or win lane and become the demons of the rift, the sheer amount of map control you 2 have together is insane, you can win teamfights before they even begin, if youre good enough to place shrooms right on the activation range of a box the damage is insane, they wont be able to contest objectives unless all 5 are running sweepers, which then makes them vunerable to flank engages. Only pick if you both know what youre doing.
Trap City and extreme poke
AP varus is really good with shaco sup, your boxes let him hit R for free, he does max hp damage you do missing hp damage and both of you are lategame powerhouses, tell him to chain his CC after yours if he cant hit R well, if hes decent he can Chain his R before an engage to let your box arm under them, AD varus isnt the best but still a strong choice if he knows what hes doing.
decent all-in potential, but most tristanas wont know how to play with a shaco and will full engage when to poke and back out of an engage and will likely get themselves killed
Insane lvl 1 cheese options, get him early gold and you win, but most will instantly all in when you go to poke/back out of an engage and get themselves killed
AP kog is amazing with shaco, they hit a box and its a free E + R for kog, AD kog isnt as great with shaco but still works
Miss Fortune
A good xayah can dominate a lane no matter who her support is
Very oppressive
Next to no synergy apart from R'ing when you engage, even then its usually a waste
Good synergy if your ezreal knows how to aim but unfortunately most adcs will first time ezreal with you because they think they need his E for peel and just ruin the lane because they dont know what theyre doing... DONT DEFAULT TO EZREAL WITH A SHACO SUP UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING!
Dont black spear the shaco, lategame he wont be near you and youll ruin his splitpush options, but if you bind jg you can only R when he ganks... not the best pick for a shaco sup
I hate this combo, i pick shaco sup for the added damage, i dont need my adc to pick an enchater to counter that
You are both engagers, and once one engages the other has a hard time following up.
Perfect synergy! The best possible engager for shaco if the samira knows what theyre doing, they dont walk at the enemy when youre Invis engaging, if the samira is good they will be able to E through a minion and flash to get ontop of an enemy, your boxes and clone are perfect engages for her a 5 man clone explosion into samira R can win the game
Trap City with double execute, make sure you auto once you place the box on an invis engage so that your jhin can W to root them ontop of the box, most of the time he R's you can send your clone or place boxes at the enemy to force them to path a certain way so that he gets vision from your clone and lands his shots from the forced pathing.
Probably my favou-rat botlane combo, so much 'cheese' potential, The double invis, double executes, his slow helps you cut people off from tower w boxes, and the cheese rat is a lategame powerhouse like ap shaco, only pick if you know how to play around each other!
One of the most fun combos to play botlane, the enemy will see theres no laners, but the neeko is a minion and the shaco is invis behind them, it isnt the best but when both of you know what youre doing the enemy will be too scared to leave tower range, plus 4 shacos running around can make people just straight up leave the game. only pick if you both know what youre doing.
lose lane win game, or win lane and become the demons of the rift, the sheer amount of map control you 2 have together is insane, you can win teamfights before they even begin, if youre good enough to place shrooms right on the activation range of a box the damage is insane, they wont be able to contest objectives unless all 5 are running sweepers, which then makes them vunerable to flank engages. Only pick if you both know what youre doing.
Trap City and extreme poke
AP varus is really good with shaco sup, your boxes let him hit R for free, he does max hp damage you do missing hp damage and both of you are lategame powerhouses, tell him to chain his CC after yours if he cant hit R well, if hes decent he can Chain his R before an engage to let your box arm under them, AD varus isnt the best but still a strong choice if he knows what hes doing.
decent all-in potential, but most tristanas wont know how to play with a shaco and will full engage when to poke and back out of an engage and will likely get themselves killed
Insane lvl 1 cheese options, get him early gold and you win, but most will instantly all in when you go to poke/back out of an engage and get themselves killed
AP kog is amazing with shaco, they hit a box and its a free E + R for kog, AD kog isnt as great with shaco but still works
Miss Fortune
A good xayah can dominate a lane no matter who her support is
Very oppressive
Next to no synergy apart from R'ing when you engage, even then its usually a waste
Good synergy if your ezreal knows how to aim but unfortunately most adcs will first time ezreal with you because they think they need his E for peel and just ruin the lane because they dont know what theyre doing... DONT DEFAULT TO EZREAL WITH A SHACO SUP UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING!
Dont black spear the shaco, lategame he wont be near you and youll ruin his splitpush options, but if you bind jg you can only R when he ganks... not the best pick for a shaco sup
I hate this combo, i pick shaco sup for the added damage, i dont need my adc to pick an enchater to counter that
You are both engagers, and once one engages the other has a hard time following up.
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