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Udyr Build Guide by lolWillieP

Jungle [14.21] AD UDYR IS BACK - Grandmasters+ WilliefknP's Udyr

Jungle [14.21] AD UDYR IS BACK - Grandmasters+ WilliefknP's Udyr

Updated on October 23, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lolWillieP Build Guide By lolWillieP 50 6 73,870 Views 2 Comments
50 6 73,870 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lolWillieP Udyr Build Guide By lolWillieP Updated on October 23, 2024
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3 4
Legend: Haste
Last Stand

Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.21] AD UDYR IS BACK - Grandmasters+ WilliefknP's Udyr

By lolWillieP
HELLO WilliefknP at your service. I am a multi-seasonal challengar Udyr one trick, I play on the NA server and stream over on Twitch at

If you are looking for other playstyles of Udyr, I will make sure to get guides on Mobafire for each style of Udyr. Here is an all in one video guide for Udyr, including Tiger:
PATCH 14.19 BROKE AD UDYR. It is S+ tier for solo queue now. If you're struggling with "bad teammates" look no further for a new champ to main.

Welcome to my AD Udyr guide! Why AD Udyr? It's easier to carry with, can snowball games faster than AP, and allows you to be an anti-carry one shot bruiser. If you ask me, it's also night and day more fun than AP tank playstyle.

Is it hard to learn? Nope. Give yourself some grace and about 10-20 games to learn the playstyle, and I promise you'll never go back to AP tank. You'll also learn how to snowball any game, winning or losing.

I hope you enjoy, if you have any comments please let me know as I try to improve wherever I can.
14.21 Updates
Hello! Items have changed, and I've also had some more time to play with runes.

Experimental hexplate is the backbone and core of your build. Long story short, ultimate haste apples towards Udyr's passive, not his R. If you take ultimate hunter and hexplate, you have 60 ultimate haste. More awaken q's = the fastest farming champ in the game goes crazy. It is bugged on Udyr, I talk about it more in this video if you want to learn mroe about how to take advantage of the bug.

Additionally, second item is spear of shojin now. Both of your first two items give +450 total health, hexplate gives ultimate haste, and shojin gives you +25 basic ability haste. Combine the two and you POWERFARM faster than any jungler I personally know of.

You should be averaging above 9 cs/min on this build. You are faster than a bullet train since you can spam e with shojin cd.

For remainder of items, entirely depends on your comp and the enemy's comp. Build whatever you think you need!
This is THE most important part of playing Udyr, AD Udyr especially.

Your teammates do not matter. What I mean by that is you have the ability to solo carry games, regardless of how many lanes win. Mute chat if you need to, but your mental is or should be above all the normal nonsense.

Instead, focus on the fact that you're playing a SUPER solo queue carry champ. Udyr is not a carry champ, he's in the league above that. Arguably one of the best champions in the game for climbing.

You have the ability to farm faster than anyone, take objectives quicker than any other jungler, one shot the enemy midlaner/adc, and scale into a super split push monster. You can solo baron and win most 1v1s every stage of the game.

You're a GODYR. Don't let your teammates or small mistakes let you forget it.
Early Game
Alright, early game is fairly straightforward. Level 1, get a ward on my blueside entrance at 1:15 and start your redside raptors. Then, two clear paths I do:

1) Full raptor clear. If I can't invade (weak laners, hard jg matchup, etc) just do a full clear and hit level 4. You should aim to clear all 6 camps in less than 3:10. Here is an advanced clearing guide if you want help:
2) If the enemy jungle starts raptors, eat your raptors then go take the enemy blue + gromp. You'll hit level 3, and if the side lane closest to you is gankable you can go gank. If not, go kill your krugs + red + ward YOUR raptor pit + kill blueside crab and hit level 4 that way. Start clearing your blueside. If enemy jungler goes for your warded 4:00 raptors, kill his outpathed lvl 3 booty with your level 4 midlaner :)

Once you get 1400 gold, go back to base and get a phage + brown boots. Farm until you get enough gold.

After that, you're playing for Rift Grubs unless you have a teamfight reliant comp, in which case dragons are better. Try to keep your camps on cd all of the first 10 mins.

If you can't get grubs, that's fine, but try your best to get all 6 ; it is game winning to get 6 grub stacks on this high CDR build. You'll melt towers and plates, and it opens the possibility of you building a hullbreaker.

If you have to decide between second dragon and 6 grubs, go for 6 grubs.

When objectives are on cooldown, invade and farm the enemy jungle first. THEN farm your own jungle only if: 1) objectives are down 2) you've tracked/farmed the enemy jungle and 3) you have a full side of the jungle to farm

That's literally it. You can climb to challengar playing exactly like this every game, I've done it many times. FARM FARM FARM FARM FARM
Mid Game
Your top priority is get a phage on first back, then finish experimental hexplate as fast as you can.

Hopefully, you'll have rift grub stacks. With EH + spear of shojin, you FRY turret plates. Always look for angles to take turret plates, ie mid roams bot instead of counterganking I prefer sprinting mid and taking 3 turret plates. After successful ganks, always shove in and try to take plates.

Past 14 minutes, rift herald is important but not game winning. Prioritize dragons in my humble opinion.

At the 18 minute mark, start setting up baron pinks and look for bush cheese opportunities. You can 1 shot people with your lightning Q. You also can do a 20 minute baron SUPER fast with an adc and/or dps toplaner.
Late Game
It's crazy that 20+ minutes is "late game" nowadays. Games used to last 45+ minutes when I first started playing.

Past 20 minutes though, I strongly prefer teamfighting over split pushing if possible. Flash one-shot whoever the carry is and you insta win fights.

If you can't teamfight (bad teamcomp, super far behind in gold, etc) then you can try to go splitpush. Get a hullbreaker for the movement speed + turret taking sooner if this is your plan.

For your final item, you can really build whatever you want. Situational tank or more damage, up to you. Overlord's Bloodmail is my standard pick right now.

A lot of people think AD Udyr can't teamfight, I honestly believe this to be a common misconception. With AD Udyr, you can either peel your adc by one shotting the enemy player that tries to engage, or *you* can be the engage by flash one shotting a carry. Up to you depending on the game.

Additionally, if the fight starts turning south, sprint to the closest lane and clear all minions. The enemy team can't take towers if the minion waves are dead, plus they might chase you and waste 30 seconds. You're REALLY fast with e max second.

Finally, remember bush cheesing works all the the way to challenger. Look for opportunities to delete some carries who path poorly.

Most importantly - have fun!!! AD Udyr is meant to be fun. If you can't pull it off, there are dozens of AP tank guides out there if you want to try learning the ropes first with an easier playstyle. Once you've got the basics down, I highly encourage you to come back and try AD again.

Thanks for reading, now go curb stomp some solo queue games :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lolWillieP
lolWillieP Udyr Guide
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[14.21] AD UDYR IS BACK - Grandmasters+ WilliefknP's Udyr

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