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Kalista Build Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Kalista Guide by misterfirstblood

ADC [14.23] Kalista Guide by misterfirstblood

Updated on December 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 61 17 441,847 Views 4 Comments
61 17 441,847 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Kalista Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on December 4, 2024
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Runes: Standard

Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Treasure Hunter
Sudden Impact

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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[14.23] Kalista Guide by misterfirstblood

By misterfirstblood
Hello guys, I'm MisterFirstBlood from EUW and today I'm gonna show you how to play Kalista.

Kalista is always in a rough situation because she is either broken in competetive and broken in soloQ or useless both in SoloQ and competitive. The second one is sadly the case since months now, shes really in a almost "unplayable" state right now for people that are not on a mechanically level of atleast high diamond.

I cannot really recommend playing her for low elo and i didnt made too much experiences while playing her myself in the last months because shes in a terrible state right now and losing is general not so enjoyable.
Pro's and con's
+ Very easy to Dodge Skillshots
+ It's extremely rewarding to be a mechanically better player than your enemies.
+ Shines in Teamfights.
+ Snowballs very hard if you get lead

- You are dependent on your support.
- Very long ult cooldown.
- You might need a little bit peel against some teams.
- Hard to master.
- In a 1v1/when your support dies you just have 2 abilities
Passive: Martial Poise
Enter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.

Q: Pierce
Throw a fast moving spear that passes through enemies it kills.

W: Sentinel
Gain bonus damage when Kalista and her Oathsworn strike the same target. Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it.

E: Rend
Attacks impale their targets with spears. Activate to rip the spears out, slowing and dealing escalating damage.

R: Fate's Call
Kalista teleports the Oathsworn ally to herself. They gain the ability to dash toward a position, knocking enemy champions back.
Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade are still your bread and butter items. while kalista is more dependend on Berserker's Greaves than other adc's, there are still some pretty nice additions and flexibility when it comes to your 3rd and 4th item choices. Runaan's Hurricane is always nice to spread your damage, Terminus gives you a nice variety of stats, Wit's End gives you on hit damage and survivability. Theres atleast 1 item for each situation you need.

also Guardian Angel isnt a bad idea, because spears stay even if you die and get revived by GA effect. sometimes you can benefit from this.
Since Lethal tempo is no more Press the Attack offers the best synergy with Kalistas kit. Stacking as much spears as possible with Legend: Alacrity and increasing the the exectue damage with runes like Cut Down and the PTA Buff and rewarding you with heal after getting a kill with runes like Triumph and Treasure Hunter sounds nice, huh?
If you go for Domination in second tree anyway, there is also a super good synergy with Sudden Impact why i highly recommend this combination.
- The best and most common mechanic to trade your enemies at botlane is when you attack them, make a minion low health after and press E to damage both and get your cooldown and mana cost refreshed by the minion kill.
- Stack some spears into a cannon minion and try to kill it with Q. If your Q scores a kill, the spear will continue onward, passing all E stacks from the dead victim to the next enemy it hits. Gives you a good chance to engage / slow or deal a lot of damage.
- Short trades are fine as long as you can heal up and your enemies don't. Just trigger your W passive and hit 1-2 spears and disengage and heal up again. You don't always have to all in.
- After getting runaans you have a very strong pushing/waveclear power because every single auto attack could probably place 3 spears instead of 1 and 1 kill is enough to reset your E's Cooldown.
Kalista is hard to play but also one of these AD Carries that can carry games hard when you're a better player. It's so rewarding if you do well with her. You can sidestep so many Skillshots and ults with her auto attack mechanic that you are almost immortal when you get a little bit peel.
Thank you!
Thanks for paying attention to my guide. My English is not the best so if you find mistakes feel free to correct me.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood
misterfirstblood Kalista Guide
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[14.23] Kalista Guide by misterfirstblood

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