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Recommended Items
Runes: Fleet Footwork (Sustain)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Default Lane
Ability Order Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Default Lane
As of right now, Fleet Footwork is by far the best rune page to take on Jhin. There are optional keystone runes such as Dark Harvest, Arcane Comet, and potentially Hail of Blades. However, the focus will be Fleet Footwork with a brief explanation of the other rune pages if you desire to try them out!
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Dancing Grenade
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Deadly Flourish
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Captive Audience
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Curtain Call
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The extra 80 health and 8 AD is helpful for early all-in aggression to snowball. Thanks to Jhin's AD scaling, the 3% lifesteal is pretty damn efficient as well. Take this 95% of the time.
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This is a starting item that will allow you to trade better because you have a movement speed advantage as well as dodge skillshots and kite/escape ganks better. It allows you to get 4 pots as well for better sustain and forcing the enemy out of pots/heals. The downside is that you have less AD so last hitting will be harder and you’ll have less all-in damage if you don’t trade with the enemy first.
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As of right now, there are 3 Jhin builds that you can go. Crit, Lethality, and then half-half build.
Crit is the most reliable while being the most fool-proof and good in all situations. So, we will start with that. |
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Crit is the most reliable while being the most fool-proof and good in all situations. So, we will start with that.
You’ll be rushing Stormrazor first because it gives a good amount of everything for Jhin. AD, attack speed, crit, and a passive that gives you a guaranteed empowered auto as well as extra movement speed. Jhin lacks mobility until he gets a lot of Crit so going Stormrazor as your first item actually gives you a lot of help in the mobility department. After this, you’ll be buying Infinity Edge as your second item as it’s a massive AD spike for Jhin. It provides a lot of AD alongside Crit. The passive is that it allows your Crit to do 168.75% Critical Strike Damage when without it you would do 150% Critical Strike Damage. That might look like a small boost but because Jhin has so much AD that’s a big difference to your Crit power. The third item will be interchangeable in this build. Rapid Firecannon or a Last Whisper item. You will go Rapid Firecannon because it’ll give you better access to reaching people with each heavy hitting auto or if you’re in a good spot you can reach people with your 4th shot thanks to Rapid Firecannon. Without Rapid Firecannon it will be hard to reach certain targets and you might end up putting yourself in danger just trying to get in range. The more Crit you get the faster you run around and the faster you recharge your energy attacks including Stormrazor + Rapid Firecannon. If you decide not to go Rapid Firecannon then you will go Lord Domink’s Regards if you’re playing against Tanks or Mortal Reminder if they have a lot of healing, after you build that then go Rapid Firecannon. Situational items after.color] |
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This lethality build is the best lethality build so far to snowball with Jhin. Jhin was very broken the first season he was released because he was an assassin and on the side he was an ADC. His entire kit uses lethality and burst items very well.
Each point of Lethality = 1 armor flat pen. So, if the enemy has 50 armor and you have 30 lethality then the enemy has 20 armor when you hit them. Lethality got buffed for season 14. Ghostblade is very cheap starting at 2700 gold and gives you raw AD, lethality, and movement speed. Then you go Armor Pen Crit items to take advantage of your burst and also Crit scaling. That’s why Collector is next because it’s the only Crit-Lethality hybrid. Then you go LDR for the % Armor pen as well as Crit synergy and you finish it off with Infinity Edge and Rapid Firecannon for scaling late game which will allow you to burst people down with just a few autos each. |
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This item is really good on jhin if you’re playing against a lot of tanks or melee champions late game. It’s rly bad early - mid game which is why if you’re thinking of this item you want to build it as your final item in the late game. It has a very big AD ratio so when you get that 3rd proc on someone it’s 400-700 extra damage and this get’s increased by 50% if you’re constantly hitting the same target. TLDR: If you’re playing against tanks and are struggling. This item will delete them but only when you have a lot of AD so buy this late game.
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This item is situationally good on Jhin because of the active! It is the only way Jhin can get an auto-reset. It gives you 55 AD and 550 health so the stats are pretty good too. How you’ll use it is auto > hydra for reset > 4th shot so you essentially use two autos at the same time and this will help you 1 shot enemy squishies. When do you want to get this item? As a 6th item only and if the enemy has squishies for you to burst down. Otherwise, do not buy this item.
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When you need lifesteal, magic resist, and a way to get yourself out of CC. Also, it gives a nice 50% movement speed buff four 1 second. You won't be able to outplay every CC ability in the game by dodging. Sometimes, it's going to hit you no matter what OR you want to run straight into them and need to remove the CC to kill them fast. Buy Quicksilver Sash first as it'll provide the most utility. You don't have to finish Mercurial Scimitar first if you still need other more important items. You can also keep Quicksilver Sash the way it is and upgrade later.
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Gives 20% lifesteal which is quite a big deal when Jhin's AD reaches absurdly high levels ranging from 800-1.2k AD. In addition to this, it grants a shield if you overheal. So when you combine Bloodthirster with bloodline and overheal in your runes, then you get a ton of sustain and constant shielding of yourself. Think of this as a pure lifesteal item. It doesn't provide as much utility/survivability as Death's Dance or Mercurial Scimitar.
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This is by far the cheapest and most cost effective anti-burst item in the game for any ADC and Jhin is no exception. The lifeline passive gives you a 240-600 damage shield when you fall below 30% HP as well as giving 7% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds when auto-attacking champions to kite better and stay out of range. It would be an ideal 4th Crit item in your build..
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This item builds from one of the most clutch items to ever been created. Stopwatch ! If you feel there are threats that will one-shot you. Feel free to buy an early stopwatch beforehand so you're able to make a play with it. Then you can upgrade it to a Guardian Angel which provides 40 Armor and 45 AD. I recommend it against low-counter play assassins where building defensive stats is the best way to counter-play them. Looking at you insecure Kha'Zixs and Rengars.
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This item shares the same lifeline passive as Phantom Dancer so do not buy this item if you are thinking of getting Phantom Dancer. I recommend this item as an early buy in lane if you're playing against mages in the botlane which seems to be more common these days. It's also very good against a magic threat in the mid-late game if you don't need the Quicksilver Sash active or have Phantom Dancer, but I still want heavy magic protection!
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It gives +15 movement speed over the other choices and reduces the effectiveness of slows by 25%. This is good if you want to save gold and gain early mobility. It's the earliest boot you can buy, so if you have Flash down or want to dodge abilities and escape ganks. Consider getting Boots of Swiftness as early. This is usually the main boot for Jhin .
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It gives +35% attack speed. Because of how Jhin passive works, he is able to convert that +35% attack speed into AD and additional movement speed on Crits. Essentially, you would buy Berserker's Greaves when you want AD. Think of them as AD boots. Take them if you favor damage over mobility.
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It provides 20 armor and reduces auto attacks by 12%. Even with the nerfs, it's still a decent buy against AD assassins, full AD comps, or just to reduce the amount of damage you take from autos in trades and skirmishes. This is a must buy vs Draven. Just not as effective as it used to be, but nonetheless, still a solid choice.
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Gives +25 magic resistance and reduces the duration of all CC effects by 30%. All except Suppression, Stasis, and Displacements. It's a good buy if the enemy has 4-5 magic damage comps. So four example, you would build Mercury's Treads into a Maokai, Viktor, Elise, Lulu and Varus. Also, if you're playing against mages in the botlane like Syndra/ Ziggs/ Cassiopia/etc.. Definitely buy Mercury's Treads!
The laning phase is one of the most important parts of the game. What happens in the laning phase has a big impact on how the mid-late game will go. There are comebacks and throws, but you want to take complete control of those results which is best done by understanding how to play the laning phase and taking advantage of it.
Jhin doesn't excel in scaling compared to many other ADCs ( Senna, Aphelios, Ezreal , Kai'Sa, etc). However, he has immense kill pressure in lane if played properly which can lead to snowballing and cracking open the game. With that being said, the laning phase is extremely complex because how you play the lane will depend entirely on the 2v2 match-up. Meaning what support do you have? Who is the enemy ADC? Who is the enemy support? All 4 champions in the botlane will determine if you should play safe, aggressive, push, freeze, etc… Because of that I'll be explaining how to play against each ADC in lane as well as how to play with what support you get and what to do against the enemy support. There's no possible way for me to make a short summary for the laning phase if you truly want to improve and win the laning phase everytime. |
So, what exactly is a trading pattern? A trading pattern is how you're going to use your champions kit to go in and out to trade with the enemy in the most efficient way possible while also making sure you're not putting yourself in danger. I'll be listing them below.
First basic rules to follow before you get into the scenario you're currently in
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Keep your CS up. The biggest problem people seem to have is farming after the laning phase. Keep yourself busy catching waves in the midlane. After the bot tower is gone you are supposed to farm mid with the protection of your support. Mid laners and Top laners are powerful alone which is why they farm top and bot which are commonly referred to as the side lanes.
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Do not wander off on your own. Play around your vision or your teammates. If you decide to facecheck or go into the fog of war by yourself there is a very high chance you might get killed and that means you'll not only give gold to the enemy, but also give them a chance to take an objective 4v5 and you'll miss out on farm since you're ya know? Dead.
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Pay attention to objectives and enemy movement. If objectives are up or soon to be up be sure to get there in advance before the battle starts. If Dragon is up make sure you are farming mid or botlane. If Baron is spawning in 1 minute then be sure to farm mid or top and be near your teammates.
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Recall timings! You need to spend your gold before important teamfights, objectives, defenses, or sieges. It's a common mistake to have 1-3k gold because you've been tunneling on farm or grouping and never recalling. Gold is not useful until it's spent and will not help you in the middle of a teamfight. If there are no teamfights happening then recall and spend it so when the time comes you're ready to fight.
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This will cover the principles of teamfighting as an ADC: Positioning, DPS, and Target Priority.
People get lost all the time on how to avoid dying, why they deal little damage, and who they are supposed to be focusing in a teamfight. We'll be going through all of that. |
Avoiding death, getting caught, and indirect increase to DPS
Figure out who you need to be afraid of the most and avoid them at all cost. Try to get into their mindset, especially assassins. A good example is a fed LeBlanc or Zed. They will try to flank you in order to catch you. Keep an eye out on the vision you have and pay attention to them prior to the fight. If They were near the topside then be on the botside of the fight. You want to mirror their positioning otherwise they'll dash and kill you.
Flanks! Flanks! And more Flanks! Analyze the vision you have and figure out which parts of the map are safe. Place traps in areas you think the enemy will use to flank and engage on you or your team.
Do not feel pressured to auto attack or fight. If a threat is blocking let's say a talon is trying to kill and chase you. Then back off and let them 4v4. If you try to help your team too early then talon will just kill you so wait for him to give up or get focused by a teammate
Be next to your team, but not to the point you're hugging. Many times this can result in you getting engaged on as a team and wombo combo'd. Keep a good distance from the enemy, but also don't get too close to your own teammates. You must find a good balance.
Pay attention to the map and where the enemy was last seen at all times! After the laning phase is over, all you're really doing is farming, taking objectives, or teamfighting. Look at the map a lot when you're just farming as it will give you information to pay attention to where the threats are and then you can mirror them in order to keep out of their way and stay safe.
Do not overchase anyone. Overchasing more often than not leads to an unnecessary death and in return your teammates may die 1 by 1 after you.
I have gun. How make gun do damage?
Spend your gold! If you have unspent gold around 1k and above then you're missing out on valuable stats that would increase your damage and sometimes drastically,.
Be brave! Don't be afraid to get close and auto attack! You want to pay attention to their cooldowns and if the people around you are a threat or not. If they can't do anything to you then walk within auto range and smack them up. Many Jhin players play overly safe when they should be aggressive, espeically if no one is trying to murder them. Playing overly safe leads to lowered and less favorable DPS.
Use your Q when you can. In teamfights people usually group up and while it might not get increased damage, it's still a nice potential AoE spell to poke them a little. Use Q after an auto so you don't waste time and have the next auto attack ready to wind up.
Don't impulsively use your ultimate. I used to have this problem myself where I would use my ultimate because it was convenient, but I would've done 2-3 times more time I had walked to the enemy and auto attacked a couple times with Crits. You really want to use your ultimate if they're just too far, they're low hp within range, or someone is alone and you want to catch them. Always try to use auto attacks if you can and pick better times for the ultimate. It's usually best for clean up and sometimes engaging one 1 pick.
Who to focus on, when, and why?
Figure out who you can manage to attack. If you want to attack the enemy Jinx and you have tahm kench and talon in front of Jinx then you have to leave her alone and focus on these two instead!
Be reactive to who your teammate engages or catches out. If they instantly stun a rengar or lucian or anyone then make sure you're ready to follow up as quickly as possible.
Look out for lost tunnelers. There will be people who tunnel and end up wandering off away from their team. Focus them quickly in order to make it a 5v4.
Pay attention to cooldowns. Whether their abilities are on cooldown or not will affect how you focus. If someone squishy doesn’t have flash and you believe you can assassinate them quickly then go for it.
General Mindset to have: Focus your closest targets within range. If important fed champions are nearby and caught out then go focus them instead. If a support isolates themselves from the team then burst them in 2-3 seconds and return to the fight. Focus order should be from the biggest threat to the lowest and depending on your positioning and if you’re safe then you work your way up the list on who you can focus. Example: If a 10-0 Zed gets engaged/stunned and he’s next to you then walk within range focus him instead of the Leona that was on top of you.
Be confident with yourself, especially if you want to take the matter of the game into your own hands. I've live coached so many people and they've won games just by seeing an opportunity and telling them to type it to their team. Shotcalling isn't easy by any means, but you can still do it at a basic level. I'll give some examples on what kind of calls to make and why!
You've killed 3 of the enemy team. The game is 25 minutes. You have a fed ADC and a fed mid laner. It is 5v2 and it's only the enemy adc and support. Death timers are 35 seconds. Tell your team to do baron! If you guys are on the opposite side of the map it'll take 10-15 seconds to walk to baron and you will still have time!
The dragon is spawning in 1 minute. Tell your teammates to group up and gain vision in the enemy's side of the jungle so when dragon is ready you have complete vision and ready to make picks to get the jump on them in a fight to win!
You have 3 teammates grouped and the enemy is doing dragon while Herald is up. Tell your teammates to take mid tower if it's below 30% HP or go to Herald and take it to take the tower later if the tower is currently at 70% HP.
There are just a few examples to get you into the mindset and thought process of shotcalling. Hopefully, some of you understand the opportunities and will be vocal in chat to lead your team into victory.
Many people underestimate Jhin's traps and sometimes skip it until level 9. I would not advise this at all as it has so many uses and is only limited to how creative you can be with them. Here's a map to show you good spots to place them as wards, ways to catch people, or potential Teleport plays.
In the laning phase you can use it to escape, ward for ganks, if the enemy gets stunned place it under them then snare and auto for a big combo, or again Teleport plays. |
Updating the trap sections with Visual images of the map where you'll see exactly where to put traps and which kind of traps. Expect the update within the next day or two.
Using any ability will delay Jhin's reload timer by 10 seconds.
As long as you kill the minions BEFORE the next bounce of the dancing grenade it will still have increased damage. Q does not need to get the last hit.
You can use flash after casting your W Deadly Flourish. It will cast W Deadly Flourish from the original spot, but now you're safe and out of danger!
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