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Viktor Build Guide by zolamalo

Middle [25.S1.1] How to Dominate Midlane with Viktor | Zolamalo Guide

Middle [25.S1.1] How to Dominate Midlane with Viktor | Zolamalo Guide

Updated on January 20, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zolamalo Build Guide By zolamalo 11 1 7,583 Views 3 Comments
11 1 7,583 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zolamalo Viktor Build Guide By zolamalo Updated on January 20, 2025
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1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Bone Plating
Shield Bash

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.1] How to Dominate Midlane with Viktor | Zolamalo Guide

By zolamalo

This guide is currently a work in progress! 🛠️
It’s approximately 80% complete, and I’m constantly refining and updating it to provide the best experience possible. Stay tuned for updates and improvements!

Hi there! I’m Zolamalo, and I’m thrilled to share my Viktor guide with you.

I started my League of Legends journey as a Yorick main in the top lane. Eventually, I decided to try out midlane and discovered the joy of champions like Vex. But then... Viktor happened, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Now, I proudly call myself a Viktor main.

Let’s be real: I’m not a streamer or some “RANK 1 VIKTOR WORLDWIDE” kind of player. I’m just a dedicated High Elo Viktor main who loves the champion and wants to help others master him. My goal is to create a guide that’s easy to follow, visually appealing, and helpful for:
  • Low Elo players
  • Viktor beginners
  • Anyone looking to refine their gameplay

This guide covers everything from item builds and runes to lane matchups and teamfight strategies. I hope it helps you climb, improve, and fall in love with Viktor like I did. Thanks for reading! ⚡

+Scaling potential
+Good Waveclear
+Strong Teamfight
Viktor's ability to scale into the late game with high damage and utility makes him a powerhouse in extended games, especially when his Augments are completed, enabling him to dominate both teamfights and objectives.
-Weak Early
-Mana Hungry
Viktor's immobility and early-game vulnerability leave him susceptible to aggressive junglers and roaming champions, making careful positioning and warding crucial for his survival.

Advice for Improving with

If you’ve gone through this guide, remember that you are the one who has to develop your own playstyle and unique approach to Viktor. A guide won’t magically take you from Iron to Challenger overnight. Improvement requires practice, patience, and persistence. Over time, you’ll start to understand the champion, the game, and yourself better. Stay focused on your own progress rather than blaming allies, and maintain a positive mindset.

This guide is designed to give you the tools to succeed by teaching you core concepts—like countering difficult matchups or surviving tough lanes—but it’s not foolproof. To truly master Viktor, you need to put in the effort to learn his mechanics and adapt to each situation. If someone plays him differently, that’s okay; you don’t need to mimic others.

Find your own strategies and builds that feel comfortable and effective for you.

Why Am I Not Winning Games?
Improving with Viktor
Your Go-To Bans for Viktor
Final Advice

Viktor upgrades his Hex Core throughout the game, enhancing his abilities with powerful Augments, significantly boosting his damage and utility.

Tip: Prioritize upgrading your E, Death Ray, first, as it significantly improves your waveclear and poke. Upgrade other abilities based on the game situation to maximize utility or survivability.

| Range: 600 | Cooldown: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 | Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 |

Viktor fires a blast at an enemy, dealing damage and granting a shield. His next basic attack is empowered to deal bonus magic damage, making this ability great for trades.

Tip: Use the shield from Siphon Power to mitigate incoming damage in trades and combine it with your empowered auto-attack to maximize harass during the laning phase.

| Range: 800 | Cooldown: 17 / 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 | Cost: 65 |

Viktor places a device that slows enemies in its area. If they stay too long, they are stunned, providing strong zone control in fights or skirmishes.

Tip: Place Gravity Field in chokepoints or near objectives to control enemy movement, and use it reactively to peel against diving champions or engage in teamfights.

| Range: 550 | Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 | Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 |

Viktor unleashes a laser in a straight line, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. This ability excels at poke, waveclear, and dealing consistent damage in teamfights.

Tip: Aim Death Ray diagonally or predict enemy movements to ensure it hits multiple targets. Use it to poke enemies from a safe distance during laning or before teamfights.

| Range: 700 | Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 | Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 |

Viktor summons a controllable storm at a target location, dealing burst damage and silencing enemies briefly on impact. The storm follows Viktor’s commands, continuously damaging enemies in its path.

Tip: Position Chaos Storm to zone enemies or follow priority targets in teamfights. Combine it with Gravity Field to lock enemies in place for maximum damage.

Early Warding Strategy

Why Timing Matters
Avoid placing any Stealth Ward before 1:25, as it provides minimal value early. Instead, position carefully to avoid unnecessary risks and save your Stealth Ward for critical moments.

Optimal Level 1 Warding
At 1:25, place a Stealth Ward in one of the river bushes. This helps your team by revealing potential level 2 ganks, invades, or early Scuttle Crab attempts. Depending on your Jungler’s starting side, ward the opposite river bush. For example:
  • If your Jungler starts bot side, either the Top or Mid laner should ward top-side river.
  • If your Jungler starts top side, the Support or Mid laner should ward bot-side river.

Why Positioning and Timing Are Key
Placing a Stealth Ward at 1:25 ensures it lasts long enough to reveal Scuttle Crab spawns (3:15) or enemy movement, helping your Jungler plan accordingly. Additionally, it allows you to spot champions notorious for level 2 ganks—like Shaco, Twitch, Jarvan IV, or Camille—and avoid getting caught out early.

Pro Tip: Early wards prevent surprise invades or ganks, giving your team a safer start and better control over the map.

Importance of Warding Mid Lane

Tips for Effective Warding
  • Place Stealth Ward Strategically: Focus on deep Stealth Ward placements in the river or jungle entrances. Deeper wards give you more time to react to incoming threats.
  • Use Control Ward Wisely: Position them in the side bushes close to your side to deny enemy vision and make it harder for them to clear the Control Ward.
  • Balance Vision Between Sides: If one side already has sufficient vision (e.g., bot side), place your Control Ward on the opposite side to cover more areas.
  • Coordinate With Your Team: Work with your Support and Jungler to cover all critical paths. You can’t ward everything alone!

Final Advice
Good warding not only protects you from ganks but also provides valuable map information for your team. Always adapt your warding depending on the game’s flow and where your team needs more vision!

Luden's is your go-to mythic item for burst and mobility. If you want to deal massive AoE magic damage while zipping around the map with extra movement speed, this is the perfect choice. It shines when you’re up against squishy champions or need to poke from a distance. The additional magic penetration helps you shred through low-resistance targets, making it a core pick for Viktor in most games. Plus, landing Death Ray and triggering Luden's passive feels super satisfying!
This is the item you pick when the enemy team is stacked with tanks or has a lot of bruisers. The burn effect from Liandry's synergizes perfectly with Viktor's kit, as your abilities hit multiple enemies and deal damage over time. It’s especially great when teamfights last longer, allowing you to maximize its bonus damage. If you're up against champions like Ornn or Sejuani, this item is a must-have to melt through their health bars.
If you're playing against teams that don’t let you freely poke or you're spamming abilities to farm safely, Archangel's is an excellent choice. The extra mana and scaling shield are lifesavers in extended fights, especially when you’re targeted by assassins or heavy engage champions. Pair this with Viktor's naturally high ability damage, and you’ll be a late-game monster, dishing out spells endlessly while staying alive in clutch moments.
Shadowflame is your anti-shield nuke. If the enemy team has champions like Janna or Shen, who rely on shields, this item is a no-brainer. It also gives a solid chunk of flat magic penetration, making it great for dealing with squishier enemies. Combine it with Luden’s or Liandry’s, and your abilities will feel like they hit even harder, especially when bursting down priority targets.
If the enemy team is stacking health items or has durable frontliners like Cho'Gath or Dr. Mundo, Liandry's is your best friend. The burn effect scales with the target’s health, meaning the tankier they are, the more damage you deal. Pair this with your Gravity Field and Chaos Storm to keep enemies in the fight long enough for the burn to do its work. It's your go-to for extended fights against bulky teams.
Cosmic Drive is perfect when you want to become a spell-slinging machine. It gives ability haste, movement speed, and bonus AP after hitting enemies with abilities, which means you’ll feel more mobile and impactful in fights. This item works wonders when you're ahead and need to weave in more spells or kite against melee champions. It’s especially fun to use in mid to late-game teamfights when you're zipping around the battlefield.
For a more aggressive, auto-attack-heavy playstyle, Lich Bane is an exciting option. The bonus magic damage on your next basic attack synergizes perfectly with Viktor's Siphon Power (Q), letting you dish out a quick burst combo. It’s a great pick when you're up against squishy targets or want to split-push effectively. Just remember, you’ll need to position carefully, as this build puts you closer to the action.
This is Viktor’s ultimate power spike. If you’re snowballing or it’s late game and you want your abilities to hit like a truck, build Rabadon’s. It amplifies your total AP by a massive amount, making all your spells devastatingly powerful. Pair this with your full Augments and watch as your Death Ray and Chaos Storm melt entire teams. It’s a must-have for any full-damage build.
Void Staff is your answer to magic resistance. If the enemy team is stacking items like Abyssal Mask or Force of Nature, this item lets you cut right through their defenses. Its high magic penetration ensures you stay relevant even against tanks or MR-stacking bruisers. Combine it with Liandry’s or Shadowflame for a deadly combo against durable opponents.
Zhonya’s is a lifesaver when you’re facing heavy dive champions like Zed or Rengar. The active stasis effect can completely negate their burst while buying time for your team to peel. Plus, the extra AP and armor make you more resilient in fights. Use it strategically during teamfights to survive and turn the tide in your favor.
Banshee’s is your go-to defensive item against magic damage and crowd control. The spell shield is excellent for blocking abilities like Blitzcrank hooks or Lux bindings. It’s a great pick if the enemy team has a lot of poke or key CC that you need to avoid. With the bonus AP and magic resist, you can stay safe while still dishing out damage.
If you’re ahead and feeling confident, Mejai’s is the ultimate snowball item. It rewards you for staying alive and picking up kills or assists, scaling your AP to ridiculous levels. However, it’s high-risk, high-reward—dying makes you lose stacks, so only build it if you’re confident in your positioning and gameplay.
Morello is your tool against healing-heavy teams. If the enemy has champions like Soraka or Aatrox, the Grievous Wounds effect will reduce their sustain significantly. It’s especially useful in teamfights where enemies try to outlast you with healing. Combine it with Liandry’s for a deadly anti-tank and anti-healing combo.

Sorcery Runes

In-Depth Summon Aery

In-Depth Arcane Comet

In-Depth Phase Rush

In-Depth Nullifying Orb

In-Depth Manaflow Band

In-Depth Nimbus Cloak

In-Depth Transcendence

In-Depth Celerity

In-Depth Absolute Focus

In-Depth Scorch

In-Depth Waterwalking

In-Depth Gathering Storm

Akali has a strong early game due to her Five Point Strike and passive abilities. She will try to harass you whenever you attempt to farm CS. To minimize her harassment, keep your distance and maintain maximum range at all times. If her Five Point Strike lands, refrain from moving forward for a while. Akali lacks sustain, has low base stats, and is a melee champion, which you can leverage to trade and pressure her early on, especially when she's focusing on farming. A good opportunity to engage is after she has used or missed her Five Point Strike. Although Akali’s Twilight Shroud is important for her trading and survivability, it has a long cooldown. Take advantage of the periods when it's down to trade and continue harassing her.
Xerath excels at wave clear with his low cooldown abilities, making it hard to match his push. Avoid unnecessary damage by staying outside the minion wave when he casts. Trade effectively when his Eye of Destruction or Shocking Orb is on cooldown, as he becomes highly vulnerable without them. Be cautious about roaming while Xerath is in lane, as he can push waves quickly in your absence. Roam safely only when he is dead or has recalled.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author zolamalo
zolamalo Viktor Guide
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