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Sett Build Guide by Muffina Kun

Top [25.S1.1] Sett - The Boss [Masters]

Top [25.S1.1] Sett - The Boss [Masters]

Updated on January 22, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Muffina Kun Build Guide By Muffina Kun 9,164 Views 0 Comments
9,164 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Muffina Kun Sett Build Guide By Muffina Kun Updated on January 22, 2025
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Runes: Conqueror

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.1] Sett - The Boss [Masters]

By Muffina Kun
About Me
I'm muffinakun, a Sett main from the EUNE server and still currently playing Since the end of Season 8. I reached #2 Sett Eune & #10 World, also reached more than 3M+ mastery points having the #2 place on the highest score on EUNE.
About This Guide
Welcome to my Sett guide, I decided to make my guide so new Sett mains want to learn something they can learn something from my guide aswell.
If you have a question, you can leave a comment.

~ Made with ☕ & ❤️ ~
About Sett
About Sett
Why you should choose Sett?
Well Sett is a strong Fighter and a King of the Baron side.
Sett is a champ that can have a big impact in the most of teamfights, can peel teammates and frontline your team. Sett have weakness aswell, he is immobile and he can struggle gettin kited by range champs he is against like Vayne, Quinn, he falls in late making him dependable on his Haymaker and The Show Stopper wich can lead him even fails, like bad positioning your The Show Stopper, his Haymaker is easy to avoid and make him a vulnerable champ, if the enemy team have a lot of crowd control his engages can make him struggles finding a good position to engage.
Sett his kit is very easy to learn, he is an Attack Damage & Health based champ, that's how his Haymaker works, he can win a lot of trades due to his Pit Grit, wich gives him 2 AA instead of 1 AA like the rest of the champs, his passive gives him health regeneration based on his missing health.
~ Easy to Learn
Sett's kit is pretty simple, he is an Attack Damage & Health based champion, his Knuckle Down is an additional Attack Damage based on the enemy's Health percentage, he also gains speed towards an enemy. His Facebreaker is a crowd control ability, his The Show Stopper is a great engage method, he is kinda used as a finisher aswell. His Haymaker is a cone wich is Attack Damage based based if it's not in the center, but he does true damage on the center of the cone.

~ Frontlining/Engaging/Fighting
Sett's is known to be a strong Fighter, but he is known to be a very strong frontliner for your team, also having potential in fights while his engages have massive impact doing AOE on landing his The Show Stopper.
Sett's in late can deal a ton of damage due to his favourite item Overlord's Bloodmail.
Also there are many items that can make Sett have a lot of potential depending on his enemy team, he depends on Striderbreaker, staying toe to toe with his opponent. Having Sterak's Gage can help Sett frontlining easier and survive against heavy burst damage incomes.

+ Side Laning/Split-Pushing
Sett's passive Pit Grit giving him an aditional AA and having his Knuckle Down makes him one of the strongest split-pushers in the game, also having Hullbreaker on his pocket, he can demolish every structure comes in his way.
Sett side-laning it's an important thing to use in your games, giving your team priority to secure objects like Baronor Dragon depending wich lane is Sett positioned, also having Teleport is an important spell if your team can't secure the objectives fast or have some trouble securing them.
~ Late-Game
As I mentioned before, Sett's late is kinda rough for him, making him less powerfull and more dependable on his team decisions, making his plays and engages a struggle for him if the enemy team reached Late-Game, making him fall behind depending only on his Haymaker wich is very easily to dodge if you don't have any other minion or any champions to stun his target with his Facebreaker.
Sett's Haymaker is very expectable and easy to dodge by walking out of it or his opponent Flash away from the cone.
Also positioning Sett's The Show Stopper can be a struggle sometimes, like usually his engages are expectable and predictable, making him a weak champ and losing all his potential that he gave in his Early-Game & Mid-Game.

- Immobility/Falling Behind
Sett can struggle a lot to recover if he goes 0/3 in his early game, giving his opponent a way to get you under tower and having no chance to farm aswell.
Sometimes Sett's known weakness against many champs is that he is immobile and he risks to get easily kited by Marksman champions like Quinn, Vayne. Making your games choose Ghost instead of Teleport in some cases, and take Fleet Footwork as your keystone in your match.

~ Getting countered
As many people know Baron side, where Sett is known to be the strongest, can struggle sometimes and not be the best on the lane getting counter-picked in the champion select, so the only solution is avoid trading if you know you don't win the trades with the enemy, always put Stealth Ward in your bushes to avoid getting ganked, and ask your jungle to help you get back in the game.
Conqueror is the most strongest keystone in Sett's potential of a Fighter, giving him chance to win long trades while stacking fast his keystone, giving him bonus Attack Damage during his fight.

Fleet Footwork is a good choice if you are against Marksman or Mage while making Conqueror a bad choice in laning in his current game, the keystone gives you bonus Movement Speedmovement speed and gives you a little bit of Health back giving you a chance to live longer while farming and making your farming way less struggling while kited.

Grasp of the Undying is a good choice as a keystone for having short fight trades against many champions like Renekton, Malphite, Gragas, Jax, and many champions that you can't have long trades instead, the keystone permantly increase your Health, healing him aswell while using his Grasp of the Undying.
Triumph taking down an opponent or assist a take down restore %5 of your missing Health, 2.5% of your max Health and granting an additional 20 gold.
Absorb Life Killing a target 1-23 Health based on level.
Legend: Alacrity Gain 3% attack speed plus an additional 1.5% for every stack. (Max 10 Stacks)
Last Stand Deal 5%-11% increased damage to champions while you are below 60% Health. Max damage gained at 30% Health.
Demolish Charge up a powerful attack against a tower, the charged attack deals 100 (+35% of your max Health) bonus Attack Damage.
Second Wind After taking damage from an enemy champion, heal for 4% of your missing Health +3 over 10 seconds.
Shield Bash When you gain a shield, your next basic attack against a champion deals 5-30 (+2.5% Bonus Health).
Overgrowth Absorb life essence from monsters or enemy minions that die near you, permantly gaining 3 maximum health for every 8 seconds. When you've absorbed 120 monsters or enemy minions, gain an aditional 3.5% maximum health.
Revitalize Gain 5% Heal and Shield Power. Heals and shields you cast or receive are 10% stronger on targets below 40% health.
Pit Grit
~ INNATE - HEART OF THE HALF-BEAST: Sett Health regenerates「 up-to 0.15 / 0.5 / 1 / 2 (based on level) health per second (maximum reached at 95% of his missing health. 」

~ INNATE - HEAVY HANDS: Sett's basic attacks alternate between his Left Punch and a Right Punch on-attack. Sett begins attacking with his Left Punch, and will reset back it after 2 seconds of not performing a Right Punch.

~ Sett's Right Punch is empowered to gain 50 bonus range (unless [knuckle down] is active), attack at 8 times the Left Punch's attack speed, and deal 5-90 (based on level) (+55% bonus attack damage) bonus physical damage.
Knuckle Down
~ ACTIVE: Sett empowers his next two basic attacks withing 5 seconds to gain 50 bonus range and deal bonus phisycal damage, capped at 400 total damage of each attack against monsters.

~ For 1.5 seconds, Sett also gains bonus Movement Speed while facing visible enemy [champions within 2000 units.

~ Knuckle Down resets Sett's basic attack timer. The empowered attacks are guaranteed to be a Left Punch followd by a Right Punch, resetting Sett's current Pit Grit state (of applicable) and ignoring the usual time-out period for a follow-up Right Punch.

>> 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+ 1%(+1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% per 100 AD) of target's maximum health)

COOLDOWN: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
~ PASSIVE: Sett stores 100% post-mitigation damage as Grit on the resource bar, up to a cap of 50% of his maximum health. Each instance of stored Grit decays in value by 30% every second after 4 seconds.

~ ACTIVE: Sett charges up a strive over the cast time. Additionally, he immediately consumes all of his stored Grit to grant himself a shield at the start of the cast time that is equal to the epended Grit for 3 seconds, decaying in strength over the duration after 0.75 seconds.

~ After the cast time, he unleashes a blast in a cone in the target direction that deals physical damage to enemies to hit; those hit in a center line are dealt true damage instead.

>> 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+25%(+25 per 100 bonus AD) of expended Grit)

COOLDOWN: 18 / 16.5 / 15 / 13.5 / 12
~ ACTIVE: Sett pulls in enemies at his front and back along the target direction, dealing physical damage and slowing them by 70% for 0.5 seconds. Facebreaker deals 100 bonus physical damage to monsters.

~ If Facebreaker affects at least one enemy on each side, all enemies are stunned for 1 second upon landing.

~ If no enemies are hit, Sett is unable to move or attack for 0.25 seconds after Facebreaker's cast time.

>> 50 / 70 / 80 / 110 / 130 (+60% AD)

>> 150 / 170 / 190 / 210 / 230 (+60% AD)

COOLDOWN: 16 / 14.5 / 13 / 11.5 / 10
The Show Stopper
~ ACTIVE: Sett supresses and reveals the target enemy champion while dashing with displacement immunity to their location and attaching them to himself upon arrival. He leaps another 600 units in the same direction to slam the target into the ground, creating a massive shockwave and quiclky sliding forward 250 units beyond the impact.

~ Enemies withing the epicenter take physical damage, and the other enemies hit by the shockwave take physical damage that is reduced by up to 75% based on proximity. All targets hit are slowed by 99% for 1 second.

The dash will end and create the impact prematurely upon encountering terrain that cannot be dashed through, whether by distance or invalid space.

>> 200 / 300 / 400 (+120% bonus AD) (+ 40 / 50 / 60% of primary target's bonus health)

COOLDOWN: 120 / 100 / 80

Teleport is the best option most of the games for Sett, getting back to lane, Teleport into the teamfights, or whenever your team needs help securing objectives like Baron, Dragon.
Taking Ghost is an option for Sett when he is against Marksman and he struggle reaching his opponent, it can be a good option in fights aswell if there is a split fight.
The most common spell known as Flash it can be used in many situations, like escaping or engaging, even making plays. Like Flash + The Show Stopper can surprise your enemy and they won't react in time.
Well Ignite it can be used for pressure kill, or having some sort of anti heal spell, Sett in late can one shot with his Haymaker, making Ignite pointless in late, but it's everyone preference, it's the alternate of Teleport.
Core Items
Here we have our symbolic item to Sett, Stridebreaker is a good item to have in your build, sticking toe to toe with your opponents, the Movement Speed the item give, and the slowness it have can make Sett a better play for sett on lane. It can be used to escape slowing your opponents and try to run from any type of danger that can cause you getting killed.
It's a good item component in early if you want to clear waves faster due to his AOE usage and push into his turret making priority to help your Jungle taking objective on Baron side.
Sterak's Gage
Not a lot of champions use this item, but this item is one of the best for Sett making him survive more in fights and having less trouble with burst damage taken. Sterak's Gage can handle well many burst incoming damage, it works very well for example Garen's Demacian Justice, or Darius's Noxian Guillotine, making Sett much stronger against burst damage champions.
Overlord's Bloodmail
Since this item came to the shop, Sett's potential grown a lot in late than before, this item a scaling item for his Haymaker making Sett throwing nuke punches in what stands in his way.
Sometimes in Sett matches this item is not perfect due to his lack of sustain, sometimes there are better options depending on Sett match.
Situational Items
Titanic Hydra
The alternate item of Stridebreaker, Titanic Hydra is a good item on-hit, and it does have a good clear wave making sett a farmer, the good part of this champ you can do a 6 Auto-Attacks in a row so quickly, but the bad part is Sett is immobile making this item not the best choice for him.[/b]
Black Cleaver
Here we have one the good items fitting Sett's build in many matches. Black Cleaver is a fast stacking item for Sett ignoring opponents's Armour.
This item fits well when Sett is dealing with a Tank , Fighter.
Blade of the Ruined King
A strong choice against heavy fighter team, dealing with Tank and you want to show him what real damage on-hit means.
Blade of the Ruined King is an on-hit item based, the item also apply a slow when you succed 3 consecutive hits.
Trinity Force
A strong choice if you want to have a better split push potential, good item for dueling, not the most bought item due to lack of mobility in Sett's kit, but the item have a lot of potential, a strong fighting item that works so good with Knuckle Down and Pit Grit.
Sundered Sky
This item is great for a little sustain if there's lack of sustain in Sett's match and he is struggling a lot getting so bad trades with a Skirmisher.
Sundered Sky it's a sustainable, using your basic attack against a champion is empowered to critically strike for 175% damage and heal you.
Spear of Shojin
Great item for a little bit of a better ability rotation in fights, also Spear of Shojin grants a stack for 6 second, stacking up to 4 times. For each stack, your ability damage and proc damage dealt by abilities gain 3% increased damage, for a total increase of 12% at maximum stacks, granting Sett a stronger Haymaker while he is in a fight.
Chempunk Chainsword
The most important thing about Chempunk Chainsword is that the item applies 40% Grevious Wounds on a target reducing his healing while fighting.
Efficient item known as the alternate for Thornmail.
Executioner's Calling
Recommended to buy this item component in early game if you are against champions like Aatrox, Vladimir, Dr. Mundo.
Split Push Item
Knowing this item potential leads to a massive impact on demolishing the enemy towers, Hullbreaker is known to be a good item for split push, giving Sett a massive impact on taking down opponents towers.
Health Items
This item goes well when it's about scaling, turning Sett into a meat shield and cominbing with many other items, he can be a nightmare in late. Heartsteel gives you bonus permanent health when you get a stack by hitting once your opponent when the item it's charged.
Warmog's Armor
It's a good item when you escape fights and want to get back in fights with your team. Warmog's Armor is a regeneration health item that recover your missing health while out of combat.
Armor Items
Randuin's Omen
A good armor item laning against Marksman or Fighter like Tryndamere.
Randuin's Omen is a good option if you struggle with champions that builds critical strike items, also the item slows the enemy when casted, making Sett get close to his opponent, mixed with Plated Steelcaps is an exotic combination for make your opponent weak against Sett.
Dead Man's Plate
This item gives Sett bonus Movement Speed when it's fully charged, also it gives you a faster way to reach your opponents and it helps a lot in escape. Dead Man's Plate gives you an option for chase and engage aswell.
The most important thing about Thornmail is that the item applies 40% Grevious Wounds on a target reducing his healing while fighting.
Efficient item known as the alternate for Chempunk Chainsword
Bramble Vest
Recommended to buy this item component in early game if you are against champions like Aatrox, Vladimir, Dr. Mundo.
Death's Dance
Reduces 30% of all post-mitigation physical and magic damage received and instead stores the damage to successively take it as true damage over 3 seconds, dealing a tird of the stored damage each second. Death's Dance is a decent option for Sett but it comes with consequences, you can't stack Grit at maximum potential.
Magic Resist Items
Spirit Visage
Is not an item you usually see on Sett, but in some cases it works really well having enchanter support in your team, like Soraka as a healer or Yuumi, Lulu as a shielder.
It helps Sett's Haymaker's shield to be way more bigger.
Force of Nature
This item gives Sett bonus Movement Speed when he takes magic damage grants him a stack of Steadfast. Force of Nature also gives you 70 magic resist and 6% increased Movement Speed while having 8 stacks of Steadfast.
Maw of Malmortius
The alternate of Sterak's Gage, Maw of Malmortius if you take magic damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a shield that absorbs 200 (+150 for Meele | per bonus attack damage)
Adittionally, triggering this effect grants you 10% omnivamp until the end of the combat.
Boots of Swiftness
These boots are perfect for reaching your opponent way faster, moving fast on the map, helping your jungle if he gets invaded or wants to invade the enemy jungle, perfect for split push, perfect option if Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads are not necessarily in the match.
Plated Steelcaps
Good against many Attack Damage champions, reducing incoming damage from all basic attacks by 12% (excluding turret attacks). Makes Sett work easier if he is against Marksman aswell.
Mercury's Treads
Good against Mage champions, or fighter AP based, offers Tenacity and magic resist, perfect boots if you are against lot of crowd control.
Elixir of Iron
Grants 300 bonus Health, 25% Tenacity , 15% increased size, and Path of Iron for 180 seconds.
Leaves a path behind that grants allied champions 15% bonus Movement Speed.
Elixir of Wrath
Grants bonus 30 attack damage and 12 physical vamp against champions for 180 seconds.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Muffina Kun
Muffina Kun Sett Guide
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[25.S1.1] Sett - The Boss [Masters]

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