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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability

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Strong laning phase with her Poke damage. Massive AoE buffs for your team and an amazing ultimate to deny enemies / protect your teammates. Overall a great Support to win most of the teamfights. While

+ Strong Poke + Great AoE buffs + Massive Ultimate + Good Mobility ![]() |
- Very Squishy - Mana Hungry - Slow Scaling Kit Squishy! ![]() |

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Power Chord (Passive) EFFECT RADIUS: 400 COOLDOWN: 110 / 95 / 80 |
INNATE - ACCELERANDO: Sona generates a stack of Accelerando each time she hits an enemy with ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() INNATE - MELODY: Sona's basic abilities incur 0.5-second global cooldown on her other basic abilities, and cause her to generate a unique aura for 3 seconds that empowers herself and nearby allied champions. INNATE - POWER CHORD: Sona's basic abilities generate a stack of Power Chord, which stacks up to 3 times. At 3 stacks, her next basic attack consumes them all to become empowered with an *Uncancellable Windup, deal 20 − 240 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) bonus magic damage, and apply an additional effect based on the last basic ability cast. Gaining Power Chord's empowered attack resets Sona's basic attack timer.
*Uncancellable Windup A basic attack that is not Silence icon.png interruptible is classified as having an Relentless Force 2.png uncancellable windup. Basic attacks with uncancellable windups are only stopped by Death.png death, Silence icon.png polymorph, Quinn's Quinn's Vault Vault, and in some cases, Untargetable icon.png untargetability and range. |
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Aria of Perseverance (W) EFFECT RADIUS: 1000 COST: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 MANA COOLDOWN: 10 / 9 / 7.5 / 6 |
Sona heals 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+ 25% AP) herself and the most wounded nearby allied champion. AURA: Sona and tagged allied champions receive a shield 25 / 45 / 65 / 85 / 105 (+ 30% AP) lasting up to 1.5 seconds. Sona gains a stack of Accelerando whenever she Heal power icon.png heals a wounded ally or Hybrid resistances icon.png shields a minimum amount of damage for an ally with Aria of Perseverance. ![]()
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Song of Celerity (E) EFFECT RADIUS: 430 COST: 90 MANA COOLDOWN: 12 / 10.8 / 9 / 7.2 |
Sona gains bonus movement speed 20% (+ 3% per 100 AP) for 3 seconds, extended to up to 7 seconds if she doesn't take damage. AURA: Tagged allied champions gain bonus movement speed 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14% (+ 3% per 100 AP) Granting an ally (other than herself) the aura refunds 30 mana per cast. ![]() |

You might get amazed of how much information you are about to read below as most people think that

2) Enemy ADC is going back and forth and will move closer when a creep is critical HP for the last hit, try to time it and react, get closer to get that free Poke ( Auto and Q right after)! That way he is unable to poke you back since he goes for the creep.
3) Watch carefully enemy's position and cooldown, you dont wanna get picked from any Crowd control while you are trying to get in range for the poke (Example: Poke when

Don't forget that this tactic will get your Atlas Quest completed in the most safest way, you don't wanna get yourself in trouble for it. Hitting 2 enemies with your Q will benefit you with 2 stacks on Sona's passive (Max 120 stacks) but will only consume 1 Atlas stack. However, 2 minions can provide you gold if you last hit them with your Q.
Prioritize on securing your ADC's cannon or picking the cs for them if they catching up on lane.
Moving on

Lets say your ADC is low HP but not that critical low. Avoid healing him! Sona's heal isn't that amazingly strong and the mana cost is insane (80 - lvl 1) but it is strong when combined with the Aura that provides Shield. The trick is to try and stay tagged to your ADC and use

The heal and shield provides pretty much the same numbers on all levels that are pretty weak early on in the game, so try to always combine.
Not going to talk about

2) Your game sense tells you that you are going to get ganked pretty soon and you don't have vision (while you actually should have placed a ward pre 3rd Level). Lane is also pushing towards them. Get that E on level 3!
Getting Level 6 you shall ask yourself if you are in position to win a fight as 2v2 with your

Always prioritize

During fights on a 2v2 you shall always use

If your jungler is coming for a gank while the enemies pushing towards your tower, you either use

Do I roam as [Sona]]? Simple answer is NO. You don't go for a Mid-Lane roam because you are risking yourself getting picked from enemy jungler while you are squishy and not with amazing CC skills to lock down the enemy Mid-laner. Plus immobile early game (your E isn't enough to run). Also, you wanna make sure you use your

While you stick with your ADC trying to give him an advantage the only small roam you can do is safely move around river when your jungler and/or mid-laner are there fighting or about to do something.

When a teamfight starts your main focus on Skills is using your

What about

Here are some questions you shall ask yourself before using

1) Who is around me from my teammates? Do they also own a good CC to follow up? Do we have a high burst damage for the quick pick?
2) Do enemies have

3) Does enemy team have a fed and strong Assasin or Engager like

4) Can I just use my ultimate aggressively by using or not my

5) Do they have a channeling ultimate champions like

6) Does my team owns champions like

Sorry if all those questions annoy you, but trust me it does worth it!
> Use your skills in fountain to load once, twice or even maximise your

> Even if both bolts of


> If no one is injured


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