Aatrox lvl 1 is really weak, what you want to do is zone him off the first 3 minions and if he tries to trade you continue fighting him, in the end you should end up with more hp and then just keep zoning until you 3rd wave crash into reset, after lvl 6 if he ever q+e forward on you look to hook him in and all in if you're the same hp you should win the all in
Your advantage is the first 3 levels so look to start w and try to trade her lvl 1 when she goes for the wave, after lvl 3 u want to poke with q and try taking as little poke as possible from her q, wait for her to waste her energy then use that time gap to do short trades with her, after 6 matchup becomes very hard cause it all depends on how many abilities u can dodge, build a negatron early on and scale safely
You want to poke her a lot with q and punish her with autos whenever she tries to go for minions without w, never engage her with e because she will just hookshot away so only use it when you all in her and she tries to hook away, at lvl 6 use your e to guarantee hitting your q cause she can beat you if she ults your q
Dr. Mundo
Neither of you can kill the other, his passive makes it so you can never run him down because you can't use e and he will just try to farm with q, try to poke him with q and farm up till you have Stride then you can just simply run him down after wasting his passive with e, if you're not ahead until his 4th item u hard lose 1v1
Whoever wins early wins through the rest of the game,take w lvl 1, whenever she goes for a q auto her back with auto + w never let her hit q for free and try to q her after the auto + w to waste her parry and if you think you can all in her if she uses it just e her in and run her down, at lvl 6 to ult her you should use e if needed to guarantee her not parrying it
Try to zone lvl 1 if not possible then you want to farm till lvl 3, poke him with q as much as possible in this lane and try to sit in bushes to not soak too much poke, your goal is to poke him out with one sided trades and then make it so he can't q you cause otherwise you just e him in and run him down
Every time he goes for a q make sure to auto + w him , if he uses e after q just walk out of it while he's slowed to reduce dmg and then hook him back in and all in him if you think you can
Matchup heavily dependant on jungle help & how good Gnar is, you want to poke him with q when he tries to auto attack you, trade with him by using e + q + aa + w to build an hp lead since you can't rly all in him, if he ever walks up too far and you think you can catch up to him with ghost if he jumps away then e him and run him down with ghost
In this matchup if the gragas doesn't wanna die he won't die, it's generally a farming matchup and until mercs don't bother trying to trade with him, once you have mercs if he ever dares to e in pull him back in and go for all in that's really all you can do and make him burn flash or ult to escape every time, try to look for roams/better resets cose u have push, basically stack waves, proxy and roam
Whenever she goes in for a e + auto you should try to auto + w back on her and go for a q,threaten her all the time with q poke so she doesn't dare going for minions without using e and always play for short trades unless you can all in her, after lvl 6 you only win all in if you can kill her before she gets all 3 ults off or if you have significat amount of hp more than her
lvl 1 start w and zone her off the wave, you win almost all the trades, the only way you can lose is if you fight her in a really big wave or if you manage to miss your e cause you can't hit q on her otherwise
In early all you can do is poke with q and try to bait out his e with fake autoing, whenever he jumps on you just e him and walk away or q him if possible, you win all ins against him as long as he doesn't have a huge hp lead on you on the beginning of the trade, Try to keep lane frozen/close to your tower as much as possible and ask for ganks since Jax is very easy to abuse with Darius cause the only way he can trade with you is by jumping on you
Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Jayce is and how much jungle attention you get, in early levels you want to poke him with q whenever he autos you and sometimes trade with e + aa+ w + q and ask for ganks, at lvl 6 if he ever walks up too far you should be ab le to all in him as long as you are not below 75% hp, at lvl 9 keep in mind that you can one shot him with e+ aa + w + q + r + aa if you're even or ahead
Matchup goes in your favor in early game, try to auto w him whenever u can when he goes for q on wave and follow up after his e with your q or use your q to poke him when he uses his q, care for his w near his tower cose he can push you rly far into his tower and ult after so care for that, between 6 and 11 u win until he gets iceborn afterwards u win again once u get lvl 11 + first item
In early levels try to bully her as much as possible because she's not a champion till lvl 6, ask for jungle attention since she starts to beat you if she ends up going even after 6, always stack waves, poke her hard before crashing a wave so she can be divable etc.
Farm till lvl 3 and let the wave come into you, poke him with q whenever he tries to auto and do short trades with your e, if his e is ever down try to run him down on that timer cause he can't escape you otherwise, matchup is relatively easy cause you just hard outsustain his poke and put him in bad position, keep in mind at lvl 9 you can one shot him with e + aa + w + q + r + aa combo if you are ahead or even
You farm till lvl 3, afterwards look to poke her with q and if she ever walks up too close e her in and short trade with her or run her down if you think you can, she is easily abusable so try to get your jungler to camp you
Matchup is very one dimensional if he ever misses q then you can trade if he ever holds q you can't trade till he doesn't have it etc. so it's very movement dependant, later you stat check him as long as you are even with him, Keep the wave on your side if you can and ask for ganks since it's quite difficult for Darius to kill Kled in early due to most Kleds going combat summoners
Let him q you on the first two levels all the time to waste his mana and also poke him with q, after lvl 3 look to hook him in when he throws q and short trade him or all in him depending on your hp, he can't really do much to you because you just outsustain his q poke and you win most trades, Wave will be on your side most of the time because of his q agroing the minions so ask for ganks or run him down if he dares to q you while he's deep in lane
This is mostly a skill matchup, it strongly depends on how much you dodge his skillshots, if he ever misses q you look to trade with him while trying to sidestep his e, he is very weak in early and that is your only window to get your lead on him cause he outscales you otherwise, Try to make the lane state so your jungler can gank you cause Mordekaiser is quite a useless champion in early and he's really easy to abuse
Matchup is all about if you can dodge her e or not, you play around your q poke and trade with her in ways where she can't e you because of minions, never try to all in her past lvl 6 unless she misses her e
In early he shouldn't be able to touch the wave at all unless it's under his tower, zone him lvl 1 with w and whenever he walks up to go for a minion in this matchup just e him in and run him down
In early you try to avoid walking up too far so he doesn't run you down with axes and you only look for short trades, the matchup is all about spacing between autos and just dodging his q till he eventually falls off, you can only kill him if he is way lower hp than you
In this matchup you try to poke him with q whenever he goes for minions and try to dodge his w so you can auto w him and run him down, at lvl 6 remember to use your e in order to prevent him from using his 2nd ult cast
Matchup heavily dependant on whether your jungler helps you or not, you can never land your q on him without using e neither can you outtrade him with e + q, all you can do is dodge his q and farm up and scale, Make it so your lane is gankable and prioritize just keeping yourself even with him
In early levels u always want to wait for her to waste her passive and then look to poke with q, a good poppy is hard to kill because she will use her e to gap close away from you so the lane is going to be just a bunch of short trades but it doesn't really matter since u beat her in all stages of the game with or without a lead
Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Quinn is and how much jungle help you get, all you can do in early is farm with q and try to poke her with it when she autos and trade with your e, only way you can ever run her down is if she oversteps while being lower hp than you because most Quinns will go ignite into Darius, I advise dodging this matchup
Take w or q lvl 1 and zone him off the wave since you stat check him, in this matchup you want to poke with q a lot and do short trades and only all in him when you're sure u can kill him and that there isn't a jungler covering him becuase junglers tend to play for Renektons a lot, if he ever jumps in with e you have to try to catch him with e when he tries to jump back if you do u automatically kill him, matchup is very easy even if notthihng happens in early bcs u outscale him hard
Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Riven is and how much jungle attention you get, in early your goal is to short trade most of the time and use your sustain against her, when you all in her your goal is to keep your Q as long as possible and then E + Q her to guarantee it hitting cause otherwise she just dodges it with one of her abilities, after lvl 6 you only win all in if you manage to E her Q3, Make it so your wave is in a position where she can't do long trades with her q against you cause you otherwise run her down before she can get away from you with her abilities, ask for ganks a lot in this matchup since most Rivens don't run flash so their weakness is early game
You mostly want to poke him with q in early levels, e him in for an all in only if you have way more hp than him since he has a lot of burst in early, matchup is quite simple you can just do nothing and you will just eventually outscale him however I advise permabanning this pick due to how difficult and useless u are in early
lvl 1 you beat him with W as long as he doesn't have Lethal Tempo, through the early levels your goal is to basically just poke him with q whenever he goes for minions and do short trades till he is just low enough for you to run him down, Make the wave so it's on your side of the lane so you can easily run him down if he ever becomes low enough and abuse him with jungle cause he has no escape if he ever overextends
Respect his lvl 1 if he has ignite, poke with q a lot in the beginning cause he is only stronger the first few levels than you then you start to beat him,if he ever E in on you then you just run him down and kill him just care for jungle help cause junglers like playing around shen in early levels
Lvl 1 he will try to just walk by you and put his gas on the wave so just poke him with q till lvl 3, whenever he tries to flip you go for an auto + w so he is slowed after he flips you then E hiim back into yourself and run him down, he can't really do much to you since he can't outtrade you no matter what unless you get spacing gapped
Zone him lvl 1 with Q or W, whenever he tries to go for a Q on the wave try to walk around it and then go on him and start autoing him and once he walks away pull him back in, he can't really do much to you since u stat check him all the time
zone him lvl 1 and deny him xp, this matchup is all ab how many rocks u can dodge and trading with him withotu being pulled into his tower, generally u win all ins most of the time unless there is a huge hp disadvantage, every time he goes for a minion in melee make sure to punish him for it and threaten all in, get mercs in matchup
Tahm Kench
You win lvl 1, punish him with an extended trade if he doesn't respect you, through the lane your goal is to just do short trades that eventually lead into an all in, remember to keep your e for his teleport so you can cancel it
Twisted Fate
This matchup is all ab spacing and rly jng dependant cose if the TF is good at spacing you can't rly touch him, play with bushes a lot and try to keep your hps similar cose him being lower goes in your favor, matchup gets easier after getting swifties and stride but until then it's really rng on the player and game
Lvl 1 respect his e cause he stat checks you so just farm with Q and poke him, once you're lvl 3 try to short trade and bait his e out and if you dodge it u can run him down or even if he hits u if you have way more hp u can still win the all in, remember never use your e on him when he uses e cause it cancels yours out wait to use it the second he jumps
Respect his lvl 1 because he is stronger than you but after that you win the lane through short trades, whenever he goes for an auto makes sure to auto + W him back and if he tries to e away pull him in and then run him down, you stat check him as long as you had more hp than him at the beginning of the all in, after 6 justt make sure u don't waste your e so he doesn't run you down
Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Vayne is and how much jungle attention you get, with fleet she is rly hard to kill unless she missteps otherwise pull her and run her down.
In early you want to trade with him as much as possible with your q and do short trades if possible, if his phase rush is ever down always e him in and then run him down even if he pools keep going after him, you beat him in all stages of the game
you want to basically just short trade enough till u eventually have enough hp to run him down, whenever he goes for a q remember to use auto w on him before it so if he is low enough that you're able to run him down
This matchup is all ab spacing, spacing your q so he can't q you on it and if he ever dares to auto you or q you without that always trade him back with auto + w and don't give any trades for free, you win all in if you have 20-30% hp advantage and if you space well
Make sure to poke him with your q whenever he goes for minions and short trade him a lot of the time, if he ever manages to miss his w on you then look to all in him because he can't run away from you otherwise, I advise dodge very rarely u will see Yorick.
Very easy matchup, zone him lvl 1 with Q or W, short trade him till he gets low enough to be all inned, remember to use your e to guarantee your q cause he can dodge it by dashing into you
Zone him off wave lvl 1 with Q and W, short trade him till he gets low enough to be all inned and use your e to guarantee hitting your q cause in an all in he can dash into you with his e to dodge it
This matchup is generally free for Darius, Zac likes short trades which he sustains of but Darius in this matchup can all in him whenever he tries to trade, always zone him lvl 1 and threaten for all in on every cs
First few levels you want to just farm with Q and poke him, you can't really do extended trades becausae he has ignite only if you have way more hp than him, your goal is to do one sided trades where he wins but u eventually outtrade bcs of your sustain, if you ever e him in while u have way more hp than him you can easily run him down if he has ignite
Hi there, my name is Raider, I've been playing League since Season 3.
I'm a multi seasonal Challenger player who is widely known for my 1v9 and consistent playstyle along with being known as one of the best laners on EUW.
I am widely known for my Darius & Jax with whom I've reached Challenger for many seasons in a row and I was one of the only people who got High Korean Challenger playing these two champs exclusively going as high as 1.4k LP KR in S14 Split 2.
In the present, I'm focusing on mostly content creation and coaching along with providing my viewers with the best gameplay possible.
•First off is the early game.
Darius is one of the strongest early game top laners in the game, which means he has lane authority most of the time. That being said, the goal with this champion is to maximize your gold generation and kill pressure to the fullest.
So, in early game, your must is to create a lane state that lets you scale like freezing or slow pushing which puts enemies in a position where they are in danger of getting ganked or you running them down with ghost.
If you apply this, your wave will be very big because of slow pushing which will discourage junglers from ganking your lane since Darius can turn a lot of 1v2 situations into double kills because his passive that gives him large amounts of AD once it's fully stacked.
As for trading in early game,
1. First off you trade by using your Q a lot to poke the enemy champion but at the same time avoid hitting the minions to not break the freeze or speed up the push unnecessary.
2. Second, when you pull the enemy laner towards you with E, you should ghost if you're planning to ALL IN them, but ideally you should try keeping it unless you really need to use it.
You shouldn't always rely on starting a fight with your E, what you should do instead is try walking up or ghosting towards them and get your stacks, then use your pull once they decide to use their escape. This way you secure the kill.
•Second off is the mid/late game.
With Darius, you want to stay in the side-lane as much as possible because your champion can only fight with his summoners up because he really lacks mobility.
So, you want to,
1. Spend most of your time split pushing to get yourself ahead as much as possible in XP and Gold.
2. Taking enemy camps along with your own camps when your jungler is on the opposite side of the map.
3. And finally, abuse the fact that the enemy top laner leaves you alone.
You only want to group for team-fights when objectives are coming up and when you have pushed out your wave on side. Otherwise, you just continue doing your own thing.
The reason behind my success with the champion in Solo-Q is my really high CS/minute, and me always being a few levels ahead of everyone.
For the team-fights, you can play the fights in two ways:
1- Focus on one target to get your 5 stacks then transition them over the rest of the targets
2- Use your ult to execute someone low and get your stacks right away.
Basically, in most situations the way you want to play as Darius in fights, is start them slow and the second you get your 5 stacks you go full in.
This is one of my first attempts at a guide. I really hope I managed to help you all out with at least some useful information. I would appreciate any feedback regarding this guide since I'm planning to make more for my other champions.
If you really enjoy talking about Darius and/or got further questions I'll be happy to answer them on my Twitch stream.
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