There's no better time to play briar when ambessa is popular. Briar works pretty well into her if you don't fall behind. Rush botrk and win aganist her. When she R's use E backwards for a guarenteed E hit, maybe a wall.
Briar is pretty good into ranged tops most of the time. Akshan can't E out of any situation since briar can hold Q for the entire frenzy. But he still has outplay potenial on you. (Rush Plated steelcaps)
One of the only truly GOOD matchups for briar. Until he rushes tabis. W his Q + E and hold E if he's about to Q 3 you to minigate damage. Until he buys tabis
Uhm. If he's above diamond you won't be able to play. Since he can just ghost away from your E and all in you.
Dr. Mundo
Easy matchup. Don't let him take plates or he'll beat to shit out of you
Literally it boils down to if she's gonna hold her E. Whoever E's first loses.
Not even that bad. Definitly don't pick briar into him but just dodge his Q's with your W + Q.
Who win's into this champ anyway
Super mega giga counter.
Her parry kills your champion.
Easy matchup, play's itself
I literally never played this matchup but it's probably not good since her Q always will hit you for full dmg and she'll dodge your E with her E. Also her W cancels frenzy
Invisible champion literally made to counter champions like briar
So, it's a ranged top with huge ms who outspeeds you and can rush tabi's. Horrible
Same as aurora (You gotta understand, briar is not good toplane, only a counterpick champion)
Jax used E and your champion suddenly stopped working
Do not. Unless your jungle is good. Dive the shit out of her. Fuck kayle
I've seen caitlyn top being played so i'll put her in just to tell you that her traps will kill you
Another champion that turns off your AA's. But at least you can do something before lvl 3
I've never played aganist good GP but i think he's a good matchup
Haven't played aganist the reworked k'sante as briar. I suppose it's good
He outdamages you and oneshots you after berserks onwards. You win if he uses his W
Morde is a bad champion. But briar is a jungler
No one plays jayce. But when someone play's him, auto play matchup
a natural counter to briar in jungle is a natural counter to briar in toplane who would've thought
Eat him
The croc, the champion that can fold you up like a blanket. If he uses both of his E's and has TP not ignite you can win
You lose aggro when scarl dies, and he has built in anti heal, prolly takes ignite too. And can rush tabi's Just dodge.
You know, if you read this guide and your a diamond or below you probably fold him like a blanket if he's not a OTP. Otherwise it's the other way around.
She takes ignite, briar hates ignite and also you'll never hit riven with your E. Bait her into going in with your E, if use force her to use her E all in her (Unless lvl 6 or above) When you have lvl 6, let her push into you and try to hit her with your R. If you do, you should win the 1v1. Overall, don't pick briar into matchups that you can't one sidedly stomp
Even. Yasuo can hold windwall to block your E so use it defensivly. Your E has a little shorter cld than his W so you can outplay him with that fact. Lvl 6 use E when he's about to knock you up to guarentee that his passive is gone.
Depsite malpite being malphite, all you need to do is RNG that your team has 3 AP and 2 AD. Then just sit under town and farm, he will never kill you.
The biggest cancr matchup in the whole fuckng game, you will not be able to play even if he's iron 4. His entire kit counters you in every single way.
Bad matchup, unless you catch him without his passive close to full.
Just dodge his E with your W and murder him
another briar counter in jungle that counters her in toplane too.
Unlike yasuo, yone E deals considerably more dmg. Making him more of a thread. You both build the same items and you will be behind. Just use E behind you on his R like yasuo matchup.
Hmmm. Just use your ult on him to follow up on his gank for fun, and die. Leave the game afterwards
Armor stacking monkey that can put a clone down that briar will focus.
Fat tank like malphite that will stack armor on you, take the black cleaver build and try to win by sustaning with minions and E. You will go even but why even play briar if you're not ahead.
Don't Chase Singed
Teeko. Same as jax.
His E tanks your entire W and then all in's you with 0 counterplay. He has ignite too
Ranged top with ms. Same as kayle but without the bullshit R.
Tree became meta. So fuckng boring. His W turns off your W (if not near minions)
Yes Pick it into him. Careful, he can time his Q and cancel your W + Q combo
If sett was short and a girl. Her R can fully counter your R if she uses it right in the teamfight
He wins melee range so you lose
Also why not just play tryndamare. He's literally better briar, and wins into her too
Cringe pick that briar counters with pure sustain.
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