Dot_Evee's ADC/MID Aurora Guide
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Recommended Items
Runes: early trading
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order My go to ability max
Spirit Abjuration (PASSIVE)
Aurora Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
In my Opinion Cait is the worst Matchup for you since you can never trade or poke her because of her range, while she can poke you out of lane completly. Thats why i ban her out.
Leona and other CC heavy supports are perfect, they enable you to freely get your q and autoattacks off, while they themselfes still provide a lot of dmg.
Leona and other CC heavy supports are perfect, they enable you to freely get your q and autoattacks off, while they themselfes still provide a lot of dmg.
Champion Build Guide
Her passive has 2 effects, a three hit passive that does %hp magicdamage that increases with your AP and a buff that is applied to you for a few seconds after procing the damage.
The buffm provides you with a flat HP regen per second based on level and AP and a very strong movespeed buff. you passive also has a small stacking mechanic where you can get a higher movespeed bonus based on how often you proc the passive on a short time. In general its good to know that Auroras Passive is a tool for her to win extended trades and fights with the strong life regen and steady dmg of the three hit passive. but can also be a good sustain tool for lanes since you will allways regen a little bit of hp when procing it in a short trade.
Aurora Q
Her q is a skillshot that if hit anything, can be returned like a mix of Xayah feathers or Ahri Q. It has the passive effect of dealing increase damage based on how low the enemies health are in %. While the recast is possible, the Cooldown of her Q still ticks down, so you should allways try to keep the Q on the enemies as long as possible, unless you need to proc effects like Electrocute. Just see it as a general rule to keep the Q on enemies you fight with as long as possible in most fights.
Aurora W:
Her W is a small dash into one direction that at the end of the dash turns you invisibile and activates your passives buff for a short time. this ability also resets on kills and has a long cooldown so you wanna keep it unless you need it or if you can get resets off for it. in general its your tool to evade most things in a teamfight or to get into position for a good ult with the invis. if you get the resets in a fight it good to use it while your other abilities are on cooldown to not be targeted during that time of waiting for your dmg to be bakc up.
Aurora E:
Auroras E is probably her most simple ability, she shoots in a straight like and knocks her back, the damage scales with Ap and the knockback duration with movespeed, as easy as that. you can use this ability to cancel some things like hooks, if you use the ability right when you get hit, the E knockback overrites the hook and you wont get fully hooked.
Same thing also works with Tristana Ult or Lee sin ult or any displacement at that manner, its one of the reasons why i play her ADC since she has pretty much only a bad matchup towards poke because of her e savety against hooks.
in matchups where the enemy has a hook you wanna keep you E as long as possible ready so you can allways cancel enemies hooks, if the enemy uses it but misses for example you can still simply do the Q E Q combo to trade. Otherwise keep your E and poke with Q and autos only.
Her R:
Her Ult is making her place a big circle around her after a short dash, dealing damage to everyone inside. the walls of the circle wont let enemies run out of it which makes the ability great to catch people and provide free ganks and catches in the early to midgame.
a thing many people dont know is that the R as long as its active doubles the movespeed of the passive. Generally you want to use your ult to catch people before fights or to get free kills on a gank. In the late game or if you couldnt catch someone before an objective you wanna either use it to damage a specific target like their hypercarry and make them unnable to escape your teams dmg or to damage as many people as possible at one.
I know this Guide is nowehre near perfect yet, i try to keep building it and improve it over time.
If you perhabs wanna see the Aurora ADC Played out, i try to Stream daily on Twitch rightnow and maybe even upload my games soon.
so if you are interested, here is where to find me:
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