s贸 n tomar os pokes e fazer trocas curtas que vc ganha
just don't take the pokes and make short trades and you win
usar o w no tempo certo e n ficar tomand os q de gra莽a
use the w at the right time and not take the q for free
joga farmando n tenta matar e joga no spyke do quebrapassos
He plays farm and tries to kill and plays spyke in Quebrapassos
muito dificil tenta so farmar e jogar fight
very difficult, just try to farm and play fight
joga farmando n tenta matar e scala nao tem como matar
Play farming, don't try to kill and there's no way to kill
tenta n茫o tomar os pokes e farmar vc ganha dela na side com 1 item s贸 e n morre pq se n fica mt hard
Try not to take the pokes and farm, you beat her on the side with just 1 item and you don't die because if you don't it becomes very hard
joga farmando n tenta matar e scala nao tem como matar
Play farming, don't try to kill and there's no way to kill
perma ban n茫o tente jogar contra
perma ban don't try to play against
skill matchup se vc n tomar o q vc mata ela
skill matchup if you don't take what you kill her
muito facil s贸 matar
very easy just kill
matchup sensivel qualquer coisa que vc errar vc morre ent茫o joga na wave e farma oque der pq vc da outscale
Sensitive matchup anything you make wrong you die so play on the wave and farm whatever you can because you outscale
Dr. Mundo
so ganhar n茫o tem segredo
There's no secret to winning
skill matchup,usa o q s贸 qnd ela usar o w
skill matchup,use q only when she uses w
n toma aa de gra莽a e scala suave
no free auto attack and smooth scaling
s贸 jogar e ganhar seu q cancelo o e dele
just play and win his q cancel his e
cuidado at茅 o lvl 6 dps disso vc ganha todas as ttrocas
be careful until lvl 6 after that you win all the trades
mt hard se n usar o w certo
mt hard if you don't use the right w
facil 茅 s贸 n茫o tomar o e dela que vc ganha todas
it's easy, just don't take her e and you'll win them all
even porem tem q desviar do e se n ela te amassa na troca
even though you have to dodge the e if you don't she'll crush you in the exchange
s贸 usar o w no e dele que vc ganha as trocas
just use the w in his e and you'll get the swaps
skill match se vc usar seu q no tempo certo e aproveitar o cooldown do e dele vc vence
skill match if you use your q at the right time and take advantage of the cooldown of his e you win
even so farmar e matar ele com o time
even just farm and kill him with the team
se vc n abusar early vai s贸 tomar fora isso vc pode fazer proxy e skipar a match
if you don't abuse it early you'll just get hit, otherwise you can proxy and skip the match
茅 s贸 farmar e scalar vc ganha dele na side depois n茫o tem como matar
just farm and scalp and you'll get it on the side, then there's no way to kill it
nunca joguei mt os que joguei foram faceis
farmar e e fazer proxy n茫o tem como matar
farming and proxying has no way of killing
hard ele te da mt cc e vc n consegue splitar e na fight ele pune mt
hard he gives you a lot of cc and you can't split and in the fight he punishes a lot
abusa do nivel 1 e usa w no timing certo e desviar das skill
abuse level 1 and use w at the right time and dodge skills
s贸 jogar na wave e dar dano pra divar depois
just play in the wave and deal damage to get rid of it later
skill match desviar do machado 茅 facil
skill match, dodging the axe is easy
skill match tem q cancelar o bod茫o dele com o q
skill match, you have to cancel his goat with q
dificil tem q desviar de todos os q, e jogar no cooldown do e dele
it's hard to dodge all the q's, and play on his e's cooldown
facil s贸 n tomar muito poke do q dela de gra莽a
it's easy, just don't take too many of her free poke
s贸 n tomar poke early que vc ganha dela facil
just don't take poke early and you'll beat her easily
usar o w no w dele e usar o sustain ao seu favor early game
use the w on his w and use sustain to your advantage early game
skill match, tem q usar as skill certa pra ele n correr pra bush e sair full
skill match, you have to use the right skills so he doesn't run to the bush and come out full
usar o w certo e jogar no cooldown
use the right w and play on cooldown
dificil ele te pokea mt,tenta farmar oque der e n fica low a ponto de setar dive
difficult, he poke you a lot, try to farm what you can and don't get so low as to set dive
mt dificil ele te cancela te da slow s贸 farmar e jogar o basico
it's very difficult, it cancels you out and slows you down, just farm and play the basics
s贸 usar o w certo que 茅 facil
just use the right w and it's easy
dificil early game,ele tem a lane phase muito forte,porem,depois vc fica suave ai 茅 so amassar
difficult early game, he has a very strong lane phase, but then you get smooth and it's just mashing
easy s贸 n茫o deixar ele passar a espada por vc,la ele
easy just don't let him run the sword through you,there he
so n茫o tomar o e que 茅 facil
just don't take the e that's easy
joga farmando e pondo os pontos no q ele n茫o te caita
play farming and put the points on what he doesn't give you
tank free scale
s贸 cuidado com o insec do e
just watch out for the e
farma e n茫o tenta matar
and doesn't try to kill
mesma coisa que illaoi s贸 desviar do e,e quando ele ultar s贸 sai
same thing as illaoi just dodge the e, and when he ultrates just get out
usar o w certo que 茅 easy match
use the right w which is easy match
Tahm Kench
s贸 desviar do q que vc ganha todas as trocas
just dodge the q and you'll win all the trades
muito hard muito poke e mt dano,farma oq der e depois joga fight
very hard a lot of poke and a lot of damage, do what you can and then play fight
s贸 usar o phase rush no certo que fica facil
just use phase rush on the right one and it'll be easy
s贸 farmar n茫o tem como matar
just farming, there's no way to kill
se n茫o desviar do e ta fudido meu parceiro
if you don't dodge the e you're screwed my partner
hard ele te da mt dano e lane mt opressora,ent茫o joga dando max no q e joga nas trades curtas
hard he gives you a lot of damage and a very oppressive lane, so play max on q and play in the short trades
paia early game,n茫o toma muito poke q fica facil
difficult early game, don't take too many poke that it gets easy
usar o w no q e sair do e e depois virar nele e sair
dif铆cil no in铆cio do jogo, n茫o apanhe muitos golpes que se torna f谩cil
skill match se vc jogar no seu w e na passiva vc joga lane phase suave
skill match, if you play on your w and passive you play smooth lane phase
facil s贸 n tomar muito os pokes do q dele que fica suave,e poe 3 pontos no q pra ele n te caitar nos minions
it's easy, just don't take too many pokes from his q and it'll be smooth, and put 3 points in the q so he doesn't hit you in the minions
joga abusando do seu early game e guarda o seu q pra sair do w pq se vc usar certo seu q faz vc sair do w dele
play abusing your early game and save your q to get out of the w because if you use your q right you get out of his w
farm lane,n茫o tem como matar a n茫o ser que ele trole mt na lane e perca muita vida atoa
farm lane, there's no way to kill it unless it trolls a lot in the lane and loses a lot of life by itself
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