You can take either the scaling rune page or the meta page. all you will need to do is try to kill him pre level 4 his level 1 is deceiving he can kill you take W and have ignite if you goal is to win lane otherwise take teleport.
Due to his E and passive dealing a ton of magic dmg he can very easily poke you down and kill you while also being tanky your best shot at winning is taking ignite and trying to kill him level 2 where he has to choose his W or his Q as his second level. otherwise play for the split push.
You can kill him level 5 and 6 with ignite otherwise you need to go for the split push after a while your W will one shot him since his base hp scaling is low. unless he buys tank eventually you will 100-0 him with EWR combo. Survive
K'sante's newest mini rework has made him very good into bruisers like sett or Darius but you can still beat him if you buy cleaver first with plated steel caps since his W true dmg is based on the physical dmg it dealt to the target.
Once she buys sheen you lose any trade either kill her before sheen or go for the scaling build and one shot towers harder than her
With Lethal tempo being back in the game and his newest Q buff he can very easily duel sett especially once he buys bork your best play is take PTA and ignite and fight him level 2 since his level 1 is better
Take E first stun her out of her 3rd Q and you will win the all in with ignite
take split push build and clench your ass
Stun him during his Q animation to get in the handle bar so he wont get a bleed stack slowing down his dmg significantly if he takes lethal tempo then play close to tower since it makes stacking his passive 10 times easier.
only time to kill is when he is mini with no bone plating
Take E if she takes Q and make sure to bring ignite. she doesn't have a good trade level 1 if you hold E and let her engage on you at level 2 you can kill.
If he knows what he is doing you dont win take PTA with ignite and at level 6 cancel his ult with yours otherwise you can concede lane entirely and pray your team can kill him when he has an item and 2 levels on you
Wither makes it so you cant play the game stomp him pre 6 and hope your jg dives him on repeat build tank build with the conq rune page the goal is to 100-0 him with W or die trying
he is gonna try to cheese kill with ignite and his Q dealing max health magic dmg but you can counter buy taking dorans shield and letting him have wave level 1. level 2 you can kill and post 6 if he ever ults out of lane demo his tower with grasp build
This champ if played by someone who knows what setts goals are is unplayable for you if you think they could be a good player then go full tank and pray. if you think he might be bad go full dmg and kill him level 2
you stat check this champ with the power of walls if you have a vital on you just hug a wall on the side its on and auto her to death if she rushes AD then buy dmg since you will always deal more dmg than her. you can bait parry by walking near minions to make her think you want to stun or by wasting W to bait an all in just to stun her the moment she goes in
go tank and fall asleep till you kill his team. if you want to try to have agency for the first 25 minutes buy bork
he is squishy without his W resists so run him down any time his W is on cd and rush mercs as it reduces his E stun enough to where he cant full combo you
most times jayce will be ranged form which will be super squishy. if you can ult or W him in this form he dies quick otherwise you will need to play around your turret to make him tank a shot or 2.
Dr. Mundo
take ignite beat his ass before warmogs spike once he gets warmogs you need to spread your lead to the team so they can kill him quick focus on finishing items anti heal isnt strong enough right now to matter into mundo
If the malphite follows your ult E combo with his ult then you can p much one shot whoever was in the combo
you can W the entire enemy team using yone ult since it stacks everyone on 1 pixel
if the yasuo knows how sett E works he can ult off of it and get a quad or sometimes penta ult from it
Very strong in the meta and the ult can "sett" up a massive ult or E for you
Same reason as amumu just less meta and most times will save R for her adc as support is her most popular role
Lee Sin
if the lee sin knows sett R he can kick the highest health target towards you and you can ult them right back into the enemy leading to crazy health dmg
very strong and her ult locks the opponent in a cage with you
Sett E works for samiras passive and you can stun them into her ultimate if she has it mostly stacked by the time you go in
very strong in meta and his ult can slow them so you can catch them for an ult or W
if the skarner player is good he can ult the opponent into a haymakers true dmg basically giving you free triple kills
slows lead to easy stuns and her ult can kill anyone you get into contact with very good for sett support
if her adc is self sufficient then she can instead pocket you which can end games since sett is already quite strong on his own with a pocket he can 1v5
fiddle R plus your R leads to crazy team fight strength
If the malphite follows your ult E combo with his ult then you can p much one shot whoever was in the combo
you can W the entire enemy team using yone ult since it stacks everyone on 1 pixel
if the yasuo knows how sett E works he can ult off of it and get a quad or sometimes penta ult from it
Very strong in the meta and the ult can "sett" up a massive ult or E for you
Same reason as amumu just less meta and most times will save R for her adc as support is her most popular role
Lee Sin
if the lee sin knows sett R he can kick the highest health target towards you and you can ult them right back into the enemy leading to crazy health dmg
very strong and her ult locks the opponent in a cage with you
Sett E works for samiras passive and you can stun them into her ultimate if she has it mostly stacked by the time you go in
very strong in meta and his ult can slow them so you can catch them for an ult or W
if the skarner player is good he can ult the opponent into a haymakers true dmg basically giving you free triple kills
slows lead to easy stuns and her ult can kill anyone you get into contact with very good for sett support
if her adc is self sufficient then she can instead pocket you which can end games since sett is already quite strong on his own with a pocket he can 1v5
fiddle R plus your R leads to crazy team fight strength
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