Try not to interact with Akali, this matchup is definitely winnable, but this champ's damage can come out of nowhere. Try to outfarm her and you will outscale her by your first item. Be mindful of her E2 dmg and make sure to pool BEFORE she hits you.
This matchup gets easier as the game goes on so just keep that in mind. Trading with him lvl 1 is hard, but if he trades in your minion wave and you dodge his Q then you can win it. You outscale by lvl 9 and you can one shot him as long as he doesn't stack MR like a soyboy
A lot of people don't like this matchup, but if you space his q and use pool correctly, I think it's a decent matchup for Vlad. Building Oblivion Orb first helps a lot, but if you're ahead of him then ignite should be enough. Respect his early damage and try to space his Q's. Knowing when he's gonna Q then E onto you helps a lot. Once you play enough games against him you get an idea of when he'll Q then E.
DODGE THIS CHAMP. You will never win against her unless your team perma camps you. I have yet to win lane against a good Anivia player.
Be mindful of her all in damage with R. You can one shot her past lvl 6, and before then you can win trades and just out-sustain. The only problem is that she has good gank setup so be mindful of that.
Aurelion Sol
This matchup is piss-easy early game, you hard out damage him as long as you trade behind your minions and around your empowered Q. Once he gets Rylai's you just have to run at him and pray he doesn't W away. Try not to let him stack stardust for free.
This matchup is turbo aids, but 100% winnable as long as you understand the trade patterns. Play around your empowered Q and try to space his Q. The matchup gets hard once he starts to hit lvl 8, but if you spam ping for a gank then you can kill easily with your jungler.
Not a lot Camille can do into you as long as you space correctly and use your W well. Just perma poke her and look for dives. Stay away from walls so she can't stun you and try to not let her auto you for her passive shield.
This matchup is rough if Cass knows what she's doing. Try to side step her Q's and look for all ins with your jungler. Solo killing her is pretty hard but if you manage to dodge every single Q its manageable. Then again, get hit by 1 Q and you're cooked.
Dodge his Q and pool if its gonna hit. Build liandries and try to kite him so he cant get on you.
Very easy matchup, you can mostly face tank his dmg post 6 and then all in him. Be mindful of his lvl 1 trading power with E start, but if he trades in YOUR wave then you can trade even hp.
Pooling his R is pretty easy, the animation is very telegraphed. Spacing is key in this matchup, try to space his E and his Q and sometimes pool Q if the healing would save him. Post 1 item you hard outscale him side lane as long as you have ignite up.
Pool when she E's onto you. Keep in mind her 3rd autos and try to tether in and out of her Q range. Her W has a somewhat high cooldown, so try to trade when she doesn't have that up. You outscale past 1 item.
Dr. Mundo
Most mundo players have under 2 braincells so if you dodge all his Q's then its winnable, but if you don't manage to get lead on him early game then he outscales you by lvl 11.
Be careful of his lvl 3 damage, but as long as you have minion advantage you hard win trades. Make sure to ping his roams and take platings when he does. You don't outroam him so don't try to. Sit mid and play consistent. Pool when he gets on top of you
You outdamage him and have lower cooldowns. As soon as he uses his E you can walk up and out trade him hard. Pool his R or his E.
Galio shouldn't ever solo kill you, but his gank setup and roaming abilities are dangerous. Just be mindful of where enemy jungle is and try to get prio on the wave. Perma shove so he can't roam or R for free.
Play mind games with your empowered Q and don't waste it while she parries. Post lane phase the matchup gets hard because she can just sit side lane and neutralize you. Pool whenever she gets on top of you.
Literally just free trade with this guy and then tower dive him. This matchup is so easy that Steven Hawking could win it.
This matchup is winnable in lane in my opinion, but once he goes side lane it gets hard. Try to build a lead in lane and look for plays with your jungler since garen is weak in skirmishes. Pool his R and walk away.
Gnar pretty much can never out trade you, as long as you pool any of his stuns you can just face tank most of his dmg and 100-0 him.
Pool or sidestep his ult and space his E and the matchup is pretty light. Only problem is when he gets a lot of haste late game and wins side lane.
Pool her ult or her fully stacked Q to mitigate her healing. You out sustain her, just space her E and Q and you win hard.
Try your best not to interact with him until jungle ganks. You can pool his stun or his ulted W, but this matchup is pretty aids until you can just flash on him and one shot him.
In my opinion Hwei isn't that bad of a matchup, his QQ is pretty easy to dodge if u sidestep it. You can hard trade with him a few times then all in him. He doesn't have any mobility so once he uses his cooldowns you can all in him easily.
Dodge her Q and E and pool if she ults you. You can outspace her easily, but her healing can be a problem. If she is healing too much just go wounds and you hard win.
Dodge her E or pool it and she has a hard time killing you. If she gets onto you save pool for ult or use it when low to mitigate the health cost. Be mindful of her stacks and try not to trade when ur minions get low. Once she gets bork you just have to R her off cooldown and make sure she cant all in you.
Pool when he jumps onto you or tries to E you. Out space him and you can win hard.
In lower elos this matchup is very easy. very few Jayce players know how to space properly and you can just run at them and 100-0 them. Pool his hammer Q or his hammer E and try to dodge his ranged EQ.
U can hard win before his first back, but once he starts getting MR the matchup gets hard. Pool his W and try to space his Q's. I like to rush Liandries in this matchup because you can perma proc the burn on him.
You should never solo die to Kass. Just get prio on wave and try to zone him off cs. Try to pool his R when you get low and out sustain him.
Piss easy matchup. The only time she can ever kill you is lvl 3 off a rebounding wave. Pool her ult when she uses it and you'll be fine.
Out kite her and run her down pre-6. You should have a big enough lead by lvl 6 to just dive her on repeat. Her scaling is placebo, just perma one shot her and pool while she R's.
Be mindful of his 5th auto because it will apply a passive stack. If you dodge Q and don't get hit by his empowered auto its impossible for him to stun you. Pool his R or one of his abilities to stop his passive.
Dodge his E Q and play around his W cooldown. Once he is dismounted, just pool so he cant hit you to remount.
Pool her Q W or her E. This matchup is weird because in my opinion you win lvls 1-3, lose lvls 3-8, and win post 9. You can trade with her and out sustain, just try not to get killed while you're sustaining back up.
Dodge her Q and play around her cooldowns. If she ever uses W or E then walk up and trade with her. Her R is annoying and makes ganks super threatful, so try to not fight when you don't know where enemy jungle is.
Pool her R and E if she roots you. Just dodge her abilites and run her down when they're on cooldown. Lux players have a combined total of 3 brain cells, in my opinion this matchup is easy if you dodge her root.
DODGE THIS CHAMP, DONT EGO IT. if u end up playing against this abomination, you have to hard shove in waves pre 6 and look for solo kills/dives. After 6... goodluck bro.
Dodge/tether his Q and E and hard trade with him when they're on cooldown. He shouldn't ever get on you unless he hits his E. If you can't dodge his E then pool it.
Pool his W when she gets onto you. Dodge her Q's and you're fine. Her dogs can block your E so just be aware of that when you trade with her. Using Q on her dogs also reduces her damage.
Words cant express how much I hate this matchup. If you dont end up creating a huge CS lead or killing him before lvl 6, he will just W you and run at you. honestly should just dodge this.
You can tether her Q and W and pool her ult, but this matchup is pretty cooked. Try to outsustain her and wait for jungle ganks.
Pool any of his knockups and this matchup is easy. Rush liandries and build pen if he goes MR.
Pool his W and out sustain him, get wave prio and play mind games with your empowered Q and his E. Most Pantheons immediately E when you have empowered Q up, so wait for his E to end before you Q.
Pool her ult or her Q combos. You hard win trades and out sustain her. Ping her roams but don't follow her, you will never outroam her.
dodge her Q and pool her E. you can one shot her pretty much any point past 6
Out space him and pool his stun, use ignite before he Q's or R's and you can win 1v1. You out sustain him so just play slow until you can forsure all in him.
Be careful lvl 1 dont let her get on top of you. You can pool her Q3 or her W if you predict it. You outscale her, but be careful when you push up in lane. Keeping the wave on your side is key to winning this lane.
This matchup is turbo aids in lane, but you outscale by 1 item. Dodge his E and pool if he gets on top of you.
Borderline unplayable matchup for Vlad, he will just EW you and walk away. If he used W on the wave or gets low on mana then you can look for trades, but otherwise just farm and wait for jungle ganks.
Sett can just run at you and stat check, but if u pool his E then trades can be favorable. Sidestep the middle of his W and trade when his abilites are on cooldown.
Piss easy matchup, pool his E and build magic pen when he goes MR. Space him correctly and you wont even have to pool his E.
Pool his E if he ever gets on you, but you should be able to outspace him. Dont let him touch wave with his poison for free, you should always have push.
For the most part he can just face tank your dmg and then build MR so build Liandries and Cryptbloom/Void staff.
Dodge his E and take trades when its on cooldown. You outsustain him and once hes low enough you can just all in,
Dont get hit by his E thats where all his trading power comes from. Pool his E if its gonna hit, if not then pool his W to stop its healing.
This is my permaban i hate this matchup. Tether in and out of her Q range and try to side step her Q E. Pool her ult. This matchup is aids you might just wanna dodge.
Tahm Kench
This guy can for the most part just tank your damage and then R you when his jungle comes. Try to dodge his Q so he cant heal too much. Rush liandries
Against a good taliyah player you'll never have prio and you'll be perma pushed in, but most taliyahs suck. Dodge her W and 100-0 her if she ever steps in your range. She has no mobility so if she ever doesn't have flash you can either flash on her or run her down with your jungler.
Always go W second in this matchup and pool when he Q's onto you. Ping his roams and perma shove waves. You hard win 1v1, the only way he wins is if he roams and gets kills.
Trade within your wave and you hard win. Out sustain him and then all in when he gets low enough.
Pool whenever she jumps on you or ults you. Trade in your wave and you will win trades then out sustain her. Dont walk up without W and this matchup is piss easy.
You can win 1v1 against him, but mid/late game he just sits side lane and eats your turrets. Pool when he gets on top of you and play around his mana, he runs out quickly if he uses spells poorly.
This matchup is pretty bad but winnable if you space correctly. Tether in and out of his E range and when he E's in you can kite him. You want the wave on your side in this matchup because if you push up then you will get run down.
Twisted Fate
Pool his gold card and just run him down. This champ cant do anything against you 1v1 so be mindful of his ults. Hard shove waves so he cant roam for free.
Out space him and pool his E. If he flash E's then its very hard to react to so just keep that in mind if he has flash and you're low on HP. Predict his E flash and pool if you think he will.
She out trades you lvls 1 and 2 unless you play in your wave. You can out sustain her and dive her lvl 3 if you get wave prio. You hard win past lvl 6, so if you have troblem against her early game then keep that in mind.
Veigar will never be able to kill you, but if he spaces correctly its hard to kill him. He has a big range advantage but once hes below 70% HP you can just all in and kill him.
A good velkoz will never let you get in range, but if you ever get close to him just 100-0 him.
Dodge her fear and pool when she ults into you. You out trade her and out sustain so just take trades then all in when shes low.
There are small windows when you can trade with viktor. You can trade Q's with him, and as soon as he uses E you can trade with your empowered Q. This matchup takes a while to learn the patterns for so if you struggle with it then just wait for jungle ganks.
Pool his Q and try to out kite him. You win all stages of game as long as you dont let him get on top of you.
He can kind of just eat your damage and sustain back up, but once you get wounds its harder for him to trade like that. Pool his fear or his R
Out kite him and pool his R or E.
This matchup is completely dependent on how well you can dodge his abilities. dodge everthing and win
Pool his Q3 or when he gets on top of you. Trade within your side of the wave and he cant do anything.
Pool his Q3 or R, tether in and out of his W range and try to dodge it.
Builds wounds and pool his E or his Q.
dodge his Q's and pool when he ults on you. You cancel his mark from ult so he can't really dmg you.
Dodge his Q's and just farm. You can one shot him when you get items.
Pool her bubble if you can't dodge it and try to dodge her Q. You outscale her so no need to die early.
Understanding what resource management is and how you can use it to your advantage on Vlad is very important. Vladimir’s resource is HP . Your abilities cost HP to use and you have built in sustain with Q - Transfusion and R - Hemoplague. Most other champions, especially in mid lane, use mana. When you are facing a mana user as Vladimir it’s important to remember that while yes, you may be down on HP , you can sustain more than the enemy. Let’s say you lose 200 HP in a trade and your lane opponent loses 100 HP + 150 Mana . Even though you are down on HP , you will sustain that back up. Meanwhile, the opponent’s HP lead will be gone by the time you use Transfusion twice, AND his mana will not be fully recovered. If you use this concept every game, you will create priority for your lane which will lead to objectives, CS leads, turret platings, Kills, etc.
Being a consistent player on Vladimir is important as Vladimir doesn’t benefit from roams or coinflip skirmishes. Your champion is extremely resource reliant and you need to play selfishly. You’ll see this tip in almost any Vladimir guide, and if you want to be good at Vladimir you need to reinforce it in your head. YOU are the team. Don’t roam for your jungler or anyone on your team unless it directly benefits you. Sit mid, try to farm 10cs/min, and eat platings. Look for dives on your enemy laner and make your team play around you. Vladimir is a champ where 9/10 games can be won as long as YOU perform. It doesn’t matter if your botlane goes 0/20, as long as you have 10cs/min every game is winnable.
This might sound funny coming from me, but keeping a strong mental is EXTREMELY important for Vladimir. As I said above, 9/10 games are winnable, but this only applies as long as you don’t tilt and you focus on your wincons. I know for some people it’s hard to always keep a straight face (If you’ve ever watched my stream you know), but, from my personal experience, a lot of the games I lose could have been winnable had I not tilted when things went wrong. Your teammates will flame you and that’s normal, I would flame my mid laner too if he never roamed and told me to kill myself then deafened. BUT, remain stoic and play for YOUR wincons.
I play vlad and stream daily on my Twitch Join my Discord to chat with me or my community Check me out on X where I post pretty often I have a YouTube for edited game highlights I have a TikTok for short form content and funny moments
+Why Choose Me?
I’m a grandmaster Vlad OTP peaking 528LP and around rank 450 NA. I won’t lie to you and say I’m the best Vlad player to ever grace this Earth, but I do know what it takes to improve and get better at the game. I went from plat 2 to masters 500lp in a span of 4-5 months and I hope to help others do the same. +How I can Help You?
Obviously I have a good understanding of Vladimir gameplay and I’m guessing that’s what most of you are looking for, but I also have a strong understanding of mid lane fundamentals and can help you on any mid lane champion. I can help with Vlad top, but any other role or champion I won’t be as versed on and I suggest you find someone else.
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