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Skarner Build Guide by OG Shadowknight

Tank Season 3 Skarner - The Frozen Claw - YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE!

Tank Season 3 Skarner - The Frozen Claw - YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE!

Updated on December 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OG Shadowknight Build Guide By OG Shadowknight 6,194 Views 0 Comments
6,194 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OG Shadowknight Skarner Build Guide By OG Shadowknight Updated on December 6, 2012
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I'm OG Shadowknight from EU West and this is my first guide. I don't proclaim to be a pro but I have enjoyed maining as Skarner Jungle, and along the way I have learnt a few things about what gets you the most out of this superbly useful Jungler. Nobody quite serves your carries free kills on a plate, chases runners and slows them right down, and tanks so well all at the same time as Skarner does.

I'm going to keep this guide brief for the moment by explaining my reasoning behind the items. I'll add more in-depth sections later if this guide gets any comments.

I start Rejuv Bead, Crystalline Flask and 2 health pots. I tried the new Machete but didn't like it or its evolutions. The advantage of this setup is it allows you more presence. Wether you want to attempt a gank, a counter-jungle, or just not have to go base as often you'll be able to do more of what you need to to win the early game. It also has the benefit of not totally screwing yourself over for mana if you lose the blue buff in an early jungle invade or failed gank.

Next up I recommend buying old faithful, philo stone. More health and mana sustain, and free gold!

This next item is where the guide begins to split depending on if you think your team will be more aggressive or defensive. You'll see that I have 7 "end-game" items, and you'll wonder "why am I getting Kage's Lucky Pick?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OG Shadowknight
OG Shadowknight Skarner Guide
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