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Shyvana Build Guide by Ir.Defender

Jungle 🔸 Shyvana / Tremble before the power of a dragon [14.21] 🔸

Jungle 🔸 Shyvana / Tremble before the power of a dragon [14.21] 🔸

Updated on October 27, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ir.Defender Build Guide By Ir.Defender 7,248 Views 0 Comments
7,248 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ir.Defender Shyvana Build Guide By Ir.Defender Updated on October 27, 2024
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Runes: META - Recommended

1 2 3 4
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Cash Back
Jack of all Trades

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Champion Build Guide

🔸 Shyvana / Tremble before the power of a dragon [14.21] 🔸

By Ir.Defender
What you learn in this guide!

Welcome to the ultimate guide to playing Shyvana in the jungle! This guide covers everything from detailed builds and itemization to advanced macro play, jungling path strategies, and in-depth gameplay tips, so you'll have all the tools you need to excel with Shyvana in any game scenario. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand her core mechanics or an experienced player aiming to master her carry potential, this guide has something for everyone. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate your games and fully unleash Shyvana’s power on the Rift!

Current Status in Meta

Shyvana has always held a strong place in the jungle, but it truly feels like she’s in her golden era in this season. With objectives becoming even more crucial to securing victory, Shyvana's objective control and scaling power make her an excellent choice for junglers focused on late-game impact. Her strength in extended fights, excellent farming capabilities, and ability to adapt to different team compositions highlight her current viability. Additionally, her carry potential allows her to single-handedly turn games, especially as her scaling makes her a threat as matches progress. With Shyvana, players can comfortably impact the game by balancing farm, objective control, and scaling, making her a reliable pick to learn and master in Season 14!

Shyvana, the Half-Dragon, is a unique and powerful pick in the jungle, known for her incredible transformation and scaling potential. With her passive, Fury of the Dragonborn, she gains extra bonus stats when her team secures dragons, making her naturally geared toward objective control and late-game scaling. Shyvana’s kit features both burst and sustained damage, with a mix of physical and magic damage that’s difficult to itemize against. Her ultimate, Dragon’s Descent, allows her to transform into a powerful dragon, enhancing her abilities and giving her a mix of tankiness and damage that few champions can rival. Shyvana’s ability to excel in both aggressive plays and defensive peels makes her highly versatile, able to adapt to various team compositions and matchups.

Overall Playstyle

As a jungler, Shyvana thrives on farming efficiently and scaling up into a late-game monster. Her playstyle revolves around a steady early game, where she can clear jungle camps quickly with her AOE damage abilities, primarily her Burnout (W) and Twin Bite (Q). This gives her an edge in farming speed, allowing her to stay relevant in gold and experience even with minimal early-game presence. Shyvana's objective control is one of her defining strengths; her passive bonuses from dragon takedowns incentivize her to prioritize dragons, giving her a unique synergy with objectives.

In terms of playstyle, Shyvana works well with a patient, calculated approach. While she can apply some pressure in the early game, her true potential shines when she reaches mid-to-late game, at which point she has enough items to become a major threat. During ganks, Shyvana is particularly effective when she has her ultimate ready, as Dragon’s Descent not only offers a way to gap-close but also turns her into a durable, high-damage dragon form. Her ability to go from a farming-centric style to a high-impact teamfight monster makes her gameplay rewarding for players who like to grow into a strong carry role as the game progresses.


Shyvana’s strengths in Season 14 make her an exceptional pick for players aiming for consistent performance in the jungle. Her powerful scaling and objective control allow her to influence critical parts of the game, while her hybrid damage profile and transformative ultimate give her high versatility. Shyvana excels in both solo queue and team environments, as she’s able to fill multiple roles—either as a high-damage threat or as a tanky front-liner that can protect and engage for her team. For those who enjoy a balanced mix of farming, objective control, and carry potential, Shyvana is a fantastic champion to play and master, especially in a meta where objectives and late-game power have taken on even more significance.
Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells: Tools of the Trade

Flash is an essential summoner spell for Shyvana and almost every jungler in the game. It provides instant mobility, which is crucial for both engaging and disengaging in fights. While Shyvana has a strong presence in close combat, she lacks any reliable gap closers outside of her ultimate. Flash bridges this gap, allowing her to secure kills by closing distance or dodging key enemy abilities in tight situations. Whether you’re using it to escape a sticky situation or position perfectly for Dragon’s Descent, Flash is a must-have for maximizing Shyvana’s playmaking potential.

As with any jungler, Smite is a non-negotiable spell for Shyvana. Smite not only boosts your jungle clearing speed but is also critical for objective control, particularly in a season where objectives are pivotal to winning games. Smite helps Shyvana secure buffs, dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron, aligning with her objective-focused playstyle.


Ghost is an alternative option that some Shyvana players prefer, particularly in specific matchups or when aiming for a scaling-oriented, late-game powerhouse build. Ghost provides Shyvana with increased movement speed, which synergizes well with Burnout (W) and her ability to chase down enemies or kite back in fights. While Flash offers instantaneous mobility, Ghost’s extended speed boost can be more beneficial in drawn-out fights where Shyvana needs sustained mobility to chase or retreat. It’s also helpful for objective control or cross-map plays, as it allows her to quickly navigate the map and engage or disengage without the cooldown constraints of Flash.
Pros & Cons


Fast Jungle Clear
Shyvana's abilities, especially Burnout (W) and Twin Bite (Q), allow her to clear jungle camps quickly and efficiently. This helps her maintain high farm levels and stay ahead in gold and experience, making her one of the faster-scaling junglers.

Great Objective Control
With her Fury of the Dragonborn passive, Shyvana gains permanent bonus stats every time her team secures a dragon. This synergy with objectives gives her unique scaling benefits, making her a valuable asset for securing crucial objectives like dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron.

Strong Scaling and Hybrid Damage
Shyvana’s damage scales well into the late game, allowing her to be a significant threat as matches progress. With her mix of physical and magic damage, she’s challenging for enemies to itemize against, giving her an edge in both solo and team fights.

Transformative Ultimate (Dragon’s Descent)
Shyvana’s ultimate lets her become a tanky dragon with enhanced abilities, providing extra range, durability, and damage in fights. This transformation is excellent for engaging or disrupting fights, making her a formidable frontline threat that’s hard to ignore.

Versatile Build Paths
Shyvana can adapt her build depending on her team’s needs and the enemy composition. She can go for an AP burst build, a tanky bruiser build, or even a hybrid, allowing her to fit different roles within the team.


Lack of Hard Crowd Control
One of Shyvana’s main weaknesses is her lack of hard crowd control. This makes it challenging to secure kills in ganks or prevent enemies from escaping. As a result, Shyvana often relies on teammates for initiation or follow-up CC during skirmishes and teamfights.

Reliant on Ultimate for Engages
Shyvana’s primary engage tool is her ultimate, Dragon’s Descent, which has a long cooldown, especially in the early game. Without her ultimate, she lacks mobility and crowd control, which can make her engage potential limited in skirmishes or extended fights.

Weak Early Game Presence
Shyvana’s strength lies in her scaling, but this also means she’s not the most impactful champion early on. Her ganks can feel underwhelming without her ultimate, and she’s susceptible to being invaded by strong early-game junglers. This makes her early game more focused on farming than aggressive plays.

Susceptible to Kiting
Shyvana is a melee champion with limited gap-closing abilities, especially when her ultimate is on cooldown. Champions with high mobility or strong kiting potential can make it difficult for her to stick to targets, forcing her to rely on positioning and timing to stay effective in fights.

Shyvana’s strengths make her an incredibly rewarding champion to play, particularly for players who value objective control, scaling, and versatility. She shines in games that prioritize late-game fights and map objectives, and her transformation into a dragon gives her a unique, game-changing presence in teamfights. Her fast jungle clear lets her power-farm and stay ahead, giving her the advantage of hitting her power spikes sooner.

However, Shyvana’s weaknesses, especially her lack of crowd control and her reliance on her ultimate, mean that she’s best suited to players who can balance her farming with timely engages. If you’re looking for a consistent pick with high scaling potential and enjoy the challenge of out-farming your opponent, Shyvana is an excellent champion to learn and master. But she does require a bit of patience in the early game and smart use of her ultimate to bring out her true impact.r can capitalize on his strengths to become a true nightmare for the enemy team.
Fury of the Dragonborn
✦ Shyvana gains 5 bonus armor and 5 bonus magic resistance, which are each increased by 5 for every Elemental Drakes and Elder Dragon her team slays.

Additionally, Shyvana deals 20% increased damage to Dragons.
Shyvana's passive, Fury of the Dragonborn, is a unique trait that emphasizes her natural affinity for objectives, especially dragons. With each elemental drake her team secures, Shyvana becomes tankier, gaining bonus armor and magic resistance. This scaling defense provides her with significant durability over the course of the game, making her a much harder target to kill in mid- and late-game fights.

Additionally, her increased damage to dragons (20%) gives her one of the strongest objective controls among junglers. This bonus makes it easier to secure dragons early on, even if she doesn’t have major items or help from her team. For teams looking to prioritize dragons as win conditions, Shyvana is an ideal pick, as her passive directly rewards her team’s success in securing objectives.

Early Dragon Control: Utilize Shyvana's passive to secure early dragons whenever possible. Even if your team is hesitant to help, her boosted damage to dragons makes solo attempts more feasible than with most junglers. If you spot the enemy jungler on the other side of the map, consider sneaking an early dragon.

Scaling Durability: Each drake taken significantly improves Shyvana's tankiness, so play around dragon spawn times. Even if you’re building her more offensively, these bonus stats allow her to dive deeper in teamfights without being instantly blown up. This scaling also allows you to adapt to enemy damage types, as both armor and magic resistance are increased.

Leverage Passive in 1v1s and Small Skirmishes: With extra defenses, Shyvana can handle skirmishes and one-on-one encounters better than many other champions as the game progresses. This extra tankiness helps her take fights in the jungle where she can duel or fend off invades more effectively.

Shyvana’s passive is fundamental to her playstyle and gives her an advantage that grows over time, rewarding players who can play around objectives. By mastering Fury of the Dragonborn, you’ll find yourself sturdier and more impactful in mid- and late-game skirmishes, making her a reliable force as long as objectives are secured.
Twin Bite
✦ Shyvana strikes twice on her next attack and grants herself Attack Speed for her next attacks. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by 0.5 seconds. Dragon Form: Twin Bite cleaves all units in front of Shyvana.
Maximize DPS with Attack Resets: Twin Bite resets Shyvana’s auto-attack timer, so always try to auto-attack right before activating it. This results in an immediate burst of damage by chaining two basic attacks quickly and boosting your damage output.

On-Hit Synergy: Since Twin Bite applies on-hit effects at full strength, it synergizes well with items that provide on-hit effects like Blade of the Ruined King or Titanic Hydra. These items can further amplify Shyvana’s damage output, especially when split-pushing or fighting tankier champions.

Reduce Cooldown with Basic Attacks: Every basic attack Shyvana lands reduces Twin Bite’s cooldown, so maximizing your uptime on this ability means staying in the fight. Try to engage with Burnout (W) active to maintain speed and keep landing basic attacks to quickly refresh Twin Bite and sustain DPS.

Utilize Dragon Form’s AoE: In Dragon Form, Twin Bite becomes an AoE cleave, perfect for hitting grouped enemies in teamfights or clearing multiple jungle camps at once. Position yourself to hit as many enemies as possible with each use in Dragon Form, as it can apply pressure to multiple targets and increase your impact.

Build Around Attack Speed for Consistent Up-Time: Items that provide attack speed will not only allow Shyvana to land more hits but also help keep Twin Bite on a low cooldown. This complements Shyvana’s playstyle, enabling her to be a high-damage threat over sustained fights rather than just single bursts.

Mastering Twin Bite is key to Shyvana’s success as it provides her with crucial burst damage and sustained DPS, especially when combined with her on-hit builds and Dragon Form. Learning to optimize each use will significantly increase her damage output, whether in the jungle or in fights.
✦ Shyvana surrounds herself in fire, dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies and moving faster for 3 seconds, part of this damage is applied again when Shyvana basic attacks an enemy with Burnout active. The Move Speed reduces over the duration of the spell. Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout. Dragon Form: Burnout grows in size.
Burnout is Shyvana’s primary mobility and area-of-effect damage ability, helping her clear jungle camps quickly, engage and disengage in fights, and stick to targets. When activated, Shyvana surrounds herself in flames, gaining a burst of movement speed and dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to all nearby enemies. This damage-over-time effect makes Burnout perfect for clearing jungle camps, particularly when combined with her high attack speed to extend its duration.

In Dragon Form, Burnout gains a larger radius, allowing Shyvana to cover more ground and damage multiple targets in teamfights. This increased range is valuable for applying sustained AoE damage, forcing enemies to either retreat or face her relentless onslaught.

Jungle Efficiency and Wave Clear: Burnout makes Shyvana one of the fastest jungle clearers in the game. Use it at the start of each camp, auto-attack to extend its duration, and watch camps melt under the combined effect of her AoE damage and on-hit bonuses. When clearing multiple camps or minion waves, position Shyvana to hit as many units as possible to maximize efficiency.

Extended Duration for Consistent Damage: Each basic attack extends Burnout’s duration by 1 second, up to 4 seconds, so stay close to enemies and keep attacking to prolong Burnout. This is especially effective when chasing down opponents, as the movement speed and extended duration keep you within reach for extended periods.

Engage and Disengage: Use Burnout’s movement speed to engage or escape. The initial speed boost allows Shyvana to close the distance quickly or back out of fights when she’s low on health. When chasing down fleeing enemies, activate Burnout as you approach to maintain your pursuit.

Dragon Form AoE in Teamfights: In Dragon Form, Burnout becomes a much larger AoE ability, significantly increasing her threat in teamfights. Position yourself centrally in fights to spread Burnout’s damage to as many enemies as possible, especially onto high-priority squishy targets that lack mobility.

Synergize with Movement Speed and On-Hit Builds: Building attack speed and movement speed items like Blade of the Ruined King or Trinity Force amplifies Burnout’s potential, allowing you to stick to enemies and deal prolonged damage. On-hit effects also benefit from Burnout’s duration extension, giving Shyvana more consistent DPS.

Burnout is essential for Shyvana’s jungle efficiency, engage potential, and teamfight presence. Mastering its use can make Shyvana feel unstoppable, as she swiftly clears camps, catches opponents, and controls fights with sustained AoE damage. Use it strategically to control the flow of battles and secure objectives with confidence.
Flame Breath
✦ Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to all enemies it encounters and leaves cinders on the target, marking them for 5 seconds. Shyvana's basic attacks on marked targets deal a percentage of their maximum Health as damage on-hit. Dragon Form: Flame Breath explodes on impact or at target location, dealing bonus damage and scorching the earth for a short duration.
Flame Breath is Shyvana’s primary ranged ability, giving her poke potential, single-target burst, and a powerful on-hit effect against marked enemies. When cast, Shyvana launches a fireball that stops upon hitting an enemy champion or travels its full range, dealing magic damage and marking targets hit for five seconds. Attacking marked targets empowers her basic attacks, dealing additional magic damage based on the target’s maximum health, making it particularly effective against tanks and objectives.

In Dragon Form, Flame Breath gains even more power by exploding on impact or at max range, dealing increased damage and creating a scorched zone. Enemies within the zone are marked and take magic damage over time, giving Shyvana a consistent AoE pressure tool in teamfights.

Maximize Burst on Key Targets: Try to open fights by hitting priority targets with Flame Breath for the initial burst and to apply the on-hit mark. Follow up with basic attacks to maximize your damage output, especially against tanky champions, as the max health on-hit damage can help shred through their defenses.

Use as a Poke Tool: Flame Breath’s long range allows Shyvana to poke before committing to a fight. Look for opportunities to hit squishy targets from a distance, dealing solid poke damage while marking them for follow-up attacks if you decide to engage.

Dragon Form Scorched Field: In Dragon Form, Flame Breath’s explosion creates a scorched field, adding consistent AoE damage to any enemies standing within it. Position yourself in teamfights to hit multiple enemies with Flame Breath, creating a persistent threat zone that forces opponents to reposition or take heavy damage over time.

Objective Control with Marked Damage: Use Flame Breath on jungle objectives like Dragon and Baron to apply the on-hit damage mark, amplifying your DPS on these crucial objectives. This is especially valuable in solo or contested takes, as the max health damage speeds up the process significantly.

Chain with Basic Attacks: After marking a target, prioritize basic attacks to trigger the bonus on-hit damage, making sure each auto-attack counts. Combine this with Twin Bite for a quick burst against marked targets, further amplifying your damage on the enemy champion or jungle monster.

Scorch Zones in Teamfights: In Dragon Form, look for opportunities to cast Flame Breath directly into the enemy team’s backline or key clusters. The scorched field can create zoning pressure, forcing enemies to avoid certain areas and disrupting their positioning. This is especially effective when combined with Shyvana’s other abilities, as it lets her control the flow of fights more effectively.

Flame Breath is a versatile and powerful tool in Shyvana’s kit, enabling her to poke, burst, and apply AoE damage. Mastering its range and on-hit mechanics can transform Shyvana from a frontliner into a dual-threat burst and sustain DPS, especially in her Dragon Form where Flame Breath controls the battlefield with its scorched field. Proper use of this ability adds flexibility to her playstyle and significantly boosts her impact in fights and objectives.
Dragon's Descent
✦ Shyvana transforms into a dragon and takes flight to a target location. Enemies along her path take damage and are knocked toward her target location. Shyvana passively gains Fury per second and gains 2 Fury on basic attack.
Dragon's Descent is Shyvana’s ultimate ability, transforming her into a powerful dragon, enhancing her abilities, and giving her a devastating engage tool. Activating Dragon's Descent consumes 100 Fury, causing Shyvana to dash forward with unstoppable status, damaging and knocking back enemies along her path. In Dragon Form, Shyvana gains bonus health, increased attack range, and enlarged size, adding resilience and reach. This form allows her to apply additional effects to all her abilities, significantly boosting her teamfight presence and sustain in fights.

Know When to Transform: Transforming into Dragon Form can be a game-changing moment. Use it strategically—whether for an impactful teamfight engage, a critical objective steal, or an escape. Be cautious about using Dragon's Descent for minor skirmishes, as it’s most effective in high-stakes situations where its full potential can shine.

Impactful Engage and Crowd Control: Dragon's Descent’s dash knocks back and displaces all enemies hit, allowing Shyvana to disrupt the enemy team and isolate priority targets. Use this to your advantage by splitting key enemies away from their team or pushing them into your allies for a quick takedown.

Enhanced Abilities in Dragon Form: Once transformed, each of Shyvana’s abilities is empowered, granting AoE damage to Twin Bite (Q), a larger radius for Burnout (W), and an explosive field on Flame Breath (E). This makes Shyvana a significant AoE threat in Dragon Form, especially in clustered fights where she can affect multiple targets with each ability.

Building Fury Efficiently: Shyvana generates Fury over time and gains more from each basic attack in Human Form, so consistently hitting jungle camps or enemies will help you reach 100 Fury quickly. Keeping up Fury generation is crucial for frequent transformations, allowing Shyvana to apply pressure and secure objectives.

Dragon Form Timer Management: Dragon Form drains Fury over time, so aim to make the most of it while active. Use your empowered abilities effectively and time your positioning to get the best out of each second, whether by zoning enemies, focusing on objectives, or forcing a teamfight.

Objective Steal and Escape Potential: Dragon's Descent’s unstoppable dash can be used for critical objective steals or to create an escape route in dire situations. If you’re running out of Fury, use the dash to reposition yourself toward an exit or set up a quick retreat path if needed.

Mastering Dragon's Descent is essential to playing Shyvana well, as it shifts her from a skirmisher into a teamfight powerhouse with AoE capabilities and crowd control. Properly timing and positioning this ability can determine the outcome of key fights and objectives, so learn to gauge the right moments to unleash her Dragon Form and become a dominating presence on the battlefield.
Fleet Footwork is an excellent keystone choice for Shyvana, especially when you’re focused on a more sustain-oriented, farming-heavy style. Shyvana’s primary strengths lie in her ability to farm quickly and scale into a powerful mid-to-late game threat, and Fleet Footwork complements this by providing her with healing and movement speed boosts that help her stay healthy in the jungle and reach her targets faster.

Sustain for Extended Jungle Clears: Fleet Footwork’s healing effect provides valuable sustain, especially early game when Shyvana may lack lifesteal or healing items. This lets her stay healthier between camps, reducing the need to recall and allowing her to farm efficiently and reach her power spikes faster.

Enhanced Mobility for Better Positioning: Shyvana benefits greatly from Fleet Footwork’s movement speed boost, which can help her close the gap on enemies or reposition in fights. This is particularly useful in skirmishes or when contesting objectives, as it makes it easier for her to stick to her target or disengage when necessary.

Safe Scaling Choice: Fleet Footwork fits well with Shyvana’s scaling playstyle, allowing her to focus on farming and growing into a powerful late-game force without worrying too much about her health in the jungle. By staying topped off with Fleet’s healing, she can avoid unnecessary recalls and stay on the map longer, especially in early stages where she wants to avoid risky fights.

Overall, Fleet Footwork offers Shyvana reliable sustain and mobility, enhancing her jungle clears and positioning in fights. It’s a keystone that plays into her strengths as a farming, scaling jungler who comes online powerfully in the mid-to-late game.


Conqueror is a solid keystone choice for Shyvana, especially in builds focused on tankiness, sustained AD damage, or bruiser utility. While Fleet Footwork is more popular for its sustain and mobility, Conqueror shines in extended fights where Shyvana can ramp up her damage output and gain healing benefits at full stacks. This keystone is particularly effective in a tankier or bruiser Shyvana build, letting her survive longer and deal consistent damage in prolonged fights.

Enhanced Damage for Extended Fights: Conqueror provides adaptive damage that scales with Shyvana’s build, whether she’s focusing more on AD or AP. In prolonged fights, Shyvana can quickly stack Conqueror using her abilities and basic attacks, unlocking additional damage and making her a more threatening presence over time.

Sustain Through Healing: At maximum stacks, Conqueror grants Shyvana healing based on the post-mitigation damage she deals. This synergizes well with her tankier builds, as it gives her extra sustain during fights, especially when she’s engaging the enemy frontline or absorbing damage. This sustain can be the difference between securing objectives or surviving skirmishes.

Synergy with Bruiser Playstyle: When running Conqueror, Shyvana benefits from a more bruiser-oriented approach, allowing her to build tank items while still dealing respectable damage. Conqueror’s bonus AD/AP is especially valuable when paired with Shyvana’s Dragon Form abilities, making her a strong contender in fights where she can stay in the middle of the fray.

Complement to On-Hit Abilities: With her Twin Bite (Q) and empowered attacks, Shyvana can maintain Conqueror stacks relatively easily, allowing her to consistently access the adaptive damage and healing it provides. This makes Conqueror an excellent choice for fights against tankier teams where Shyvana needs to break through the frontline.

In summary, Conqueror is an alternative keystone that empowers Shyvana in extended teamfights, providing her with adaptive damage and healing benefits as she ramps up in fights. This rune works best when building for a tanky AD or bruiser style, where Shyvana can absorb damage and output steady DPS over time, especially in prolonged engagements.

10% Bonus Attack Speed: Attack speed is critical for Shyvana’s jungle efficiency, especially early on. It improves her clear speed, allowing her to stack Twin Bite (Q) faster and generate Fury quicker. This shard supports Shyvana’s scaling by helping her reach key power spikes sooner.

5.4 Bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive): This adaptive shard provides a flexible boost in damage based on her build, offering AD for physical-focused builds and AP for magic-focused builds. The added adaptive damage enhances both her jungle clears and her single-target damage output, helping her become a more potent threat in fights.

10 – 180 Bonus Health (based on level): This health shard offers Shyvana some much-needed durability, particularly in later stages of the game. Since Shyvana often plays a frontline or bruiser role, the extra health is valuable for tanking more damage and staying in the fight longer, especially when building more hybrid or tanky items.

10% Tenacity and Slow Resistance: This shard is essential in games where the enemy team has heavy crowd control or slow effects. Tenacity and slow resistance help Shyvana stay mobile, which is crucial for maintaining her presence in fights and maximizing her damage potential. This shard is especially valuable for Shyvana since her effectiveness relies on consistent movement and sustained attacks.

Rune Discuss
Triumph is a highly effective rune for Shyvana as it provides her with valuable sustain and a small gold boost after securing kills or assists. The healing effect from takedowns is particularly useful in teamfights and skirmishes, allowing Shyvana to restore a portion of her missing health. This sustain is critical for Shyvana, who often dives into fights and takes substantial damage as a frontline bruiser or tank. Additionally, the bonus gold per takedown aids in accelerating her build, helping her reach power spikes faster.

Legend: Haste Legend: Haste is a strong rune for Shyvana, especially for builds that focus on ability usage in fights. The bonus ability haste reduces cooldowns on her core abilities, allowing her to cast Burnout (W) for mobility and Flame Breath (E) for consistent damage more frequently. Since Shyvana’s power relies on weaving abilities with auto-attacks, the reduced cooldowns improve her overall DPS and make her more effective in extended fights. Stacking Legend: Haste also comes naturally as Shyvana clears camps, kills monsters, and participates in takedowns, making it a smooth fit for her jungle-centric playstyle.

Legend: Alacrity Legend: Alacrity is an excellent choice for Shyvana as it grants her bonus attack speed, which is essential for her jungle clear and sustained DPS. With more attack speed, Shyvana can stack her Twin Bite (Q) cooldown reduction faster, improve Fury generation, and activate her Burnout (W) extension through more frequent auto-attacks. The stacking mechanic naturally fits her playstyle, as she accumulates stacks through takedowns and jungle clears, making this rune an ideal option for maintaining her momentum and pressure as a farming jungler.

Cut Down Cut Down is an effective rune for Shyvana in games where she faces tanky champions with high maximum health. This rune grants her increased damage against opponents with greater health, allowing her to shred through frontliners or other bulky targets more easily. Given Shyvana’s focus on sustained DPS, Cut Down enhances her effectiveness in fights against tanky champions, making it easier to secure kills and maintain her impact as a damage-dealing jungler.

Coup de Grace Coup de Grace is a powerful rune for Shyvana, especially when she’s focused on executing low-health targets. This rune enhances her burst potential against champions below 40% health, making it easier to secure kills on weakened enemies. As Shyvana often dives into the backline or initiates fights, Coup de Grace helps her finish off squishy targets swiftly, increasing her snowball potential and impact in skirmishes and teamfights.

Last Stand Last Stand is a valuable rune for Shyvana, especially in her role as a frontline bruiser who often takes damage in fights. This rune increases her damage output when she’s below 60% health, with even more damage as her health drops. Given Shyvana’s tendency to stay in fights and brawl with enemies up close, Last Stand complements her durability and enables her to deal higher damage while in critical situations. This added damage boost helps her secure takedowns even when she’s low, making it a great choice for clutch plays and extended teamfights.

Magical Footwear Magical Footwear is a great utility rune for Shyvana, especially since it provides free boots after 12 minutes (or sooner with takedowns), allowing her to focus on other core items. The additional movement speed from these boots synergizes well with her need for mobility when clearing camps and ganking lanes. The free boots also help Shyvana hit her item power spikes faster by saving gold on early boots, which is useful for her scaling playstyle. Overall, Magical Footwear is a cost-effective choice that enhances her map presence and helps her keep pace with faster champions.

Cash Back Cash Back is a useful rune for Shyvana, providing a 6% gold refund on each Legendary item purchase. This can be valuable for Shyvana’s scaling, as it enables her to reach her late-game build more quickly by gradually saving gold on major purchases. Given her need for multiple high-cost items to maximize her tankiness, damage, and utility, Cash Back provides subtle but impactful savings, allowing Shyvana to hit her power spikes faster and maintain her effectiveness in teamfights as the game progresses.

Jack of All Trades Jack of All Trades is an exceptional rune for Shyvana, particularly in her current build that often incorporates a mix of damage and utility items. This rune rewards Shyvana for diversifying her itemization, granting ability haste for each unique stat type gained, which enhances her overall effectiveness in fights. The additional bonus attack damage or ability power at higher stacks provides significant power spikes, allowing her to balance both damage and utility seamlessly. This versatility makes Jack of All Trades a fantastic choice, enabling Shyvana to adapt to various game scenarios while maximizing her performance throughout the match.

Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight is a solid rune choice for Shyvana, enhancing her gameplay by providing a significant boost to both summoner spell and item haste. The 18 summoner spell haste allows her to use Flash and Smite more frequently, which is crucial for engaging or escaping in tight situations. Additionally, the 10 item haste reduces the cooldown of her key items, enabling her to activate powerful effects like those from Riftmaker or Divine Sunderer more often. This increased availability of summoner spells and items amplifies Shyvana's impact in both skirmishes and teamfights, making Cosmic Insight a valuable asset in her build.

Transcendence is a unique rune that can be particularly beneficial for Shyvana, despite not being a common choice at the moment. The early ability haste bonuses at levels 5 and 8 enhance her overall ability rotation, allowing for more frequent use of her abilities, which is crucial for maximizing her damage and utility in fights. The real game-changer, however, is the effect at level 11, where scoring a takedown reduces the cooldowns of her basic abilities by 20%. This can significantly amplify Shyvana's effectiveness in teamfights, as it allows her to reapply damage and crowd control more quickly, making her a relentless threat. Although it's not a mainstream pick, Transcendence can be a powerful option for players looking to optimize their ability usage and increase their carry potential with Shyvana.

Gathering Storm Gathering Storm is an excellent choice for Shyvana, especially in longer games where she can benefit from scaling power. This rune provides increasing Adaptive Force every 10 minutes, allowing her to gain significant amounts of bonus Attack Damage or Ability Power as the game progresses. This scaling is particularly useful for Shyvana, as it aligns with her playstyle of becoming a late-game powerhouse.

Shyvana stands out as a flexible and hybrid champion, adept at adapting to various playstyles and team compositions. Her unique kit allows her to excel in both tanky and damage-dealing roles, making her a versatile choice for players. The variety of rune trees and keystones available for Shyvana highlights her adaptability; whether you prefer the sustain and mobility of Fleet Footwork, the tankiness from Conqueror, or the raw power from Gathering Storm, there’s a viable option to suit your approach.

This guide has covered the most common picks for runes currently favored in the meta, but don’t hesitate to experiment with the other builds provided. Each setup can unlock different strengths and strategies, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your gameplay style. Embrace the versatility of Shyvana and explore the potential of her diverse rune options to master her in the jungle!

Spear of Shojin is an excellent core item for Shyvana in her current playstyle, bringing out the best of her hybrid nature. The high attack damage and health enhance her durability and offensive power, making her a bigger threat in both her melee and dragon forms. The primary appeal of this item is its Dragonforce passive, which provides significant ability haste, allowing Shyvana to cycle through her spells more quickly—particularly valuable for her Burnout and Flame Breath, which are critical for sustained damage in fights and wave clears.

The Focused Will passive is also a strong synergy point. Each stack of increased ability damage boosts Shyvana’s burst potential, making her abilities even more threatening as she fights, especially when she can reliably apply continuous damage through her Burnout and her empowered Flame Breath. Spear of Shojin effectively complements Shyvana’s need for both survivability and higher uptime on her powerful abilities, enabling her to stay relevant in long fights.
Liandry’s Torment is ideal for Shyvana when facing tankier opponents. The ability power and health boost her damage and durability, while the Torment passive synergizes with her abilities, applying a burn effect based on the enemy's max health—perfect for wearing down tanks. The Suffering passive, which ramps up her damage in extended fights, complements Shyvana’s playstyle, making her a persistent threat in longer engagements. This item is perfect when Shyvana needs to shred through durable enemies.
Riftmaker is a versatile option for Shyvana, especially in sustained fights. The Void Corruption passive gradually increases her damage, ideal for long engagements, while the Omnivamp provides sustain, enhancing her resilience in battles. Void Infusion further boosts her ability power based on bonus health, making it synergize well with health-focused builds. Riftmaker is excellent when Shyvana wants both durability and consistent damage output.
Rabadon's Deathcap is a powerful late-game item for Shyvana, amplifying her burst and sustained damage potential by significantly boosting her ability power with Magical Opus. This 30% AP increase scales well with her other AP items, turning her abilities into devastating tools against both squishy and tanky targets. Ideal for games where maximizing damage is essential, Rabadon’s enhances her scaling, making her a high-threat carry.
Zhonya's Hourglass provides Shyvana with a vital layer of protection through its Time Stop active, allowing her to avoid crucial damage or crowd control for 2.5 seconds while in stasis. The armor and AP boost also add to her resilience and damage output, making this item valuable in risky or dive-heavy scenarios. Zhonya’s is ideal when facing high-burst threats, allowing her to survive teamfights and re-engage effectively after absorbing focus from enemies.
Mejai's Soulstealer is a high-risk, high-reward item that can snowball Shyvana’s damage rapidly if she's already ahead. Each takedown grants her Glory stacks, which increase her Ability Power and, at higher stacks, provide bonus movement speed—boosting her burst potential and map mobility. However, the item’s effectiveness relies heavily on maintaining stacks, so it’s best suited for games where Shyvana is dominating without frequent deaths, allowing her to maximize its benefits and become a potent threat.
Nashor's Tooth is an excellent item for Shyvana as it complements her hybrid damage output and enhances her overall combat effectiveness. The increased attack speed allows her to apply more on-hit effects, while the ability power boosts her spell damage. The cooldown reduction provided by Ability Haste helps her cast abilities more frequently, enabling her to maintain pressure in fights. Additionally, the Icathian Bite passive allows her basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage, synergizing well with her kit and making her a more formidable threat in both team fights and skirmishes.
Horizon Focus is a great choice for Shyvana, especially when focusing on her ability power build. Its passive, Hypershot, rewards her for using her abilities from a distance, granting increased damage against immobilized champions. This synergizes well with her kit, particularly when using Flame Breath to mark enemies, allowing her to deal more damage while remaining at a safe distance. Additionally, the ability to reveal enemies can provide valuable information in skirmishes or team fights, making it easier to target and eliminate key threats.
Shadowflame is another strong item for Shyvana, especially when she is able to burst down low-health enemies. Its ability power boost significantly enhances her damage output, while the Magic Penetration ensures that her abilities hit harder against opponents. The passive Cinderbloom is particularly effective when catching enemies off-guard, as it allows Shyvana to deal critical damage to those below 40% health, making her a terrifying threat when engaging in fights or chasing down low-health targets.
Stormsurge is a solid item for Shyvana, particularly when focusing on her burst potential. The Move Speed bonus allows her to engage or disengage effectively, enhancing her mobility during fights. The passive, Stormraider, rewards her for dealing substantial damage quickly, which synergizes well with her abilities. When Shyvana triggers Squall, she can deal additional damage to enemies, and if they fall in battle, the chain reaction can disrupt the enemy team while providing extra gold, making her even more impactful in team fights.
Cryptbloom complements Shyvana’s hybrid playstyle well. The Magic Penetration increases her damage output against champions, while the Ability Haste helps her cast abilities more frequently. The passive, Life from Death, adds utility by providing healing to allies after taking down enemies, enhancing Shyvana’s role as both a damage dealer and a team support, especially in prolonged skirmishes where she can secure takedowns.
Void Staff is an essential item for any ability power-focused Shyvana build. The significant boost to magic damage combined with high Magic Penetration ensures that her abilities penetrate through enemy defenses, allowing her to deal substantial damage even against tankier opponents. This item is crucial for maximizing her damage potential, particularly in late-game team fights.
Morellonomicon provides both ability power and health, making it a versatile choice for Shyvana. The Grievous Wounds effect is particularly valuable against healing champions, allowing her to mitigate enemy sustain while dealing significant damage. This item enhances her durability in fights while ensuring that she remains a significant threat to both squishy and tanky targets alike..
Trinity Force is a powerful item for Shyvana, providing a well-rounded boost to her damage output, attack speed, and survivability. The Spellblade passive enhances her basic attacks following an ability cast, allowing her to deal significant burst damage, especially in combination with her Q and E. The added Move Speed from Quicken helps her chase down enemies or reposition in fights, making her more versatile in skirmishes.
Blade of the Ruined King synergizes exceptionally well with Shyvana’s kit, as it allows her to deal damage based on a target's health, which is beneficial against tanky opponents. The Life Steal helps sustain her in extended fights, while the Slow from Clawing Shadows can help control enemy movement, making it easier for Shyvana to stick to her targets and maximize damage output.
Iceborn Gauntlet offers Shyvana additional durability with health and armor, making her more resilient in fights. The Spellblade passive provides a burst of physical damage after using an ability, complementing her kit nicely. The frost field created by this item also helps to slow enemies, increasing her crowd control potential and making it easier for her to engage or escape..
Sterak's Gage provides Shyvana with a significant shield that activates during bursts of damage, enhancing her survivability in team fights. The bonus Attack Damage contributes to her overall damage output, while the Tenacity helps reduce the impact of crowd control, allowing her to remain effective in engagements. This item is particularly valuable for Shyvana when diving into the enemy team, as it ensures she can endure significant damage while dealing hers.
Jak'Sho, The Protean boosts Shyvana's tankiness by increasing her resistances after engaging in combat. This item provides both health and additional resistances, allowing her to survive longer in fights while maximizing damage mitigation. The passive effect makes her increasingly difficult to take down as she remains in combat, enhancing her role as a frontline bruiser.
Thornmail is an excellent choice against auto-attack champions or high healing opponents, providing both health and armor. The Thorns passive reflects magic damage back to attackers and applies Grievous Wounds, helping to reduce enemy healing. This item is particularly effective for Shyvana when building towards a more tank-oriented playstyle.
Abyssal Mask enhances Shyvana's durability against magic damage while providing ability haste, which supports her overall damage output. The Unmake passive reduces the magic resist of nearby enemies, increasing her ability power damage potential in team fights. This item allows Shyvana to play more aggressively against AP-heavy compositions, making her a strong frontline presence while bolstering her damage output.
Wit's End is a great item for Shyvana, especially against AP-heavy compositions. It offers a solid boost to Attack Speed and Magic Resist, enhancing her overall damage and survivability. The Tenacity helps reduce the duration of crowd control effects, allowing Shyvana to stay in fights longer. Additionally, the Fray passive deals bonus magic damage on-hit, which synergizes well with her auto-attacks, increasing her damage output during skirmishes.
Randuin's Omen provides Shyvana with substantial defensive stats, including health and armor, making her tankier against physical damage threats. The passive reduces damage from critical strikes, which is particularly effective against ADCs and crit-based champions. Its active ability allows her to slow nearby enemies, providing valuable crowd control during team fights, enabling her to initiate or peel for allies effectively. This item helps Shyvana maintain her role as a frontline bruiser while enhancing her utility in engagements.
In conclusion, the itemization section for Shyvana could extend indefinitely, reflecting her versatility as a hybrid champion with numerous build paths and item choices. Players are encouraged to experiment with various items to find what works best for their playstyle. However, if you're aiming for peak performance in competitive gameplay, it's advisable to adhere to the current meta builds. This way, you can maximize Shyvana's potential and effectiveness in every match!
As Shyvana, you excel as a farming jungler thanks to her fast clear speed and strong scaling. To make the most of her strengths, focus on a few key principles that will help you maintain efficiency and pressure throughout the game.

The Ward Trick: At around the 40-second mark, place a ward in the enemy jungle to track their starting path and then recall to switch to an Oracle Lens. This tactic provides valuable vision on the enemy jungler’s early movements, allowing you to better plan your routes and ganks.

Full Clear Start: Shyvana’s fast clear allows her to gain a level and gold advantage by doing a full clear. Clearing all camps ensures you hit level 4 with optimal experience and gold, which is crucial for outpacing opponents in the early game. This is your default approach for a strong start.

First Decisions: Scuttle, Gank, or Dragon: After your first clear, you’ll have options:

Securing Scuttle Crab: Use the intel from your early ward to determine the enemy jungler’s path and secure the Scuttle safely.
Early Dragon: If the enemy jungler is top side and you have lane priority, take the opportunity to secure an early Dragon, giving your team a strong objective advantage.
First Gank: When the enemy jungler’s position is known, consider a gank if you spot an advantageous lane.
Maintaining Farm and Ganking: Throughout the game, balance farming and ganking by using your fast clear to keep camps on cooldown. Return to farming between ganks, but always be ready to take advantage of overextended enemies or good gank setups.

Managing Cooldowns for Efficiency: Shyvana's power spikes around her ultimate, so look to prioritize farming and minimizing fights while her ultimate is on cooldown. When it’s up, join team fights and go for plays; once used, return to jungle camps to maintain gold and experience income.

Objective Control and Voidgrubs: Take every opportunity to secure objectives, especially Dragons, and manage Voidgrubs early for the strategic buffs they provide. This helps cement your scaling advantage and keeps pressure on the map.

In the early game, Shyvana's primary focus is to build a solid foundation through farming and strategic objectives. She doesn’t have the strongest ganks early on, so emphasize clearing camps efficiently to reach level 4 quickly, which is when she starts to unlock her potential.

Full Jungle Clear: Start with a full clear, which allows Shyvana to capitalize on her fast jungle clearing ability. Start at Red Buff if you’re on the blue side or Blue Buff if you’re on the red side. After the buff, proceed through all your camps. This will get you closer to level 4, with both buffs ready for potential ganks or an early Dragon.

Scuttle Priority and Map Awareness: Keep an eye on the enemy jungler’s likely path based on your ward placement. Securing a Scuttle Crab can be advantageous if the enemy jungler is on the opposite side, as it provides vision and experience. If the Scuttle is contested, prioritize safety and farming instead.

Ganking Opportunities: Shyvana's early ganks are situational. Look for lanes that are overextended or where your allies have reliable crowd control to set up kills. If no lanes are ideal for ganks, continue farming and prioritize level 6, where Shyvana’s dragon form makes her a greater threat in skirmishes.

Objective Control with Early Dragon: Shyvana is highly efficient at soloing Dragons early due to her innate Dragon form bonuses. If you confirm the enemy jungler’s position or spot them on the opposite side, take the chance to solo the Dragon and secure an advantage for your team.

Mid Game: Power Spikes and Map Control
The mid game is where Shyvana shines due to her strong scaling and ability to contest objectives with her team. Use your power spikes wisely and look to secure objectives and apply map pressure.

Power Spike with Dragon Form: Shyvana's ultimate, Dragon’s Descent, allows her to engage and disengage effectively. Make sure to communicate with your team when you’re ready to take fights, as her power with the Dragon form provides a significant advantage in skirmishes and fights.

Objective Priority – Voidgrubs and Dragons: Voidgrubs are a valuable resource for Shyvana’s team due to the stacking benefits they provide. Clearing these will bolster your team’s ability to push and damage enemy structures. Additionally, continue to prioritize Dragons to capitalize on Shyvana's unique bonus resistances from her passive when she secures them. Look to contest or secure every Dragon spawn if possible, coordinating with your team to ensure lane priority and map control.

Split Pushing and Farming: Shyvana’s high sustain and AoE damage make her an ideal split pusher. Use this to your advantage, especially if your team composition benefits from drawing enemy resources away from objectives. Farm side lanes and jungle camps in between objectives to maintain gold and experience leads over the enemy jungler.

Engaging in Team Fights: When team fights break out, position yourself to dive onto high-priority targets, using your Dragon form’s damage and crowd control to disrupt the enemy backline. Remember that Shyvana excels at sustaining damage over time, so be mindful of your positioning and avoid overcommitting without your team’s follow-up.

Late Game: Dominating Team Fights and Objectives
In the late game, Shyvana transitions into a powerful frontline presence with substantial damage output. At this stage, focus on key objectives and making decisive plays to secure victory.

Objective Control – Baron and Elder Dragon: The late game revolves around controlling major objectives, so set up vision and coordinate with your team to secure Baron or Elder Dragon. These buffs provide significant advantages in team fights, allowing your team to secure a game-winning push.

Split Pushing to Create Pressure: Shyvana’s ability to sustain through camps and her high damage allow her to pressure side lanes effectively. Split pushing can create pressure, forcing the enemy team to react, opening opportunities for your team to secure objectives or catch out isolated enemies.

Team Fight Positioning: In team fights, your role is to dive into the enemy backline or peel for your carries, depending on the enemy composition. Use Dragon’s Descent to engage on squishy targets and disrupt the enemy team’s positioning. Target high-priority carries if possible, as eliminating them can quickly turn the tide of a fight.

Adapt to the Enemy’s Playstyle: By late game, Shyvana’s tanky yet damage-heavy build enables her to take on multiple roles in fights. If your team is ahead, play aggressively, using your Dragon form to push the enemy team back and secure objectives. If your team is behind, focus on positioning safely, picking off squishy targets, and securing objectives to turn the game around.

Following this early to late-game strategy will make the most of Shyvana’s strengths as a high-scaling jungle champion, allowing you to dominate objectives and lead your team to victory.
When facing Amumu in a 1v1, Shyvana can leverage her sustained damage to gradually win trades, especially if the fight drags on long enough for her to capitalize on her Fury-fueled abilities. Amumu’s primary threat in a duel is his reliable crowd control with Bandage Toss (Q) and Curse of the Sad Mummy (R), which, when paired together, can turn an engagement against her if not anticipated. However, if Shyvana is able to avoid or absorb his initial crowd control, her sustained DPS often gives her the upper hand in extended fights, particularly outside of his ultimate.

Applied Strategies:

Early Control and Jungle Invades: Amumu has a slower early jungle clear compared to Shyvana, especially before he builds up his AoE damage items. Look to exploit this by potentially invading and pressuring his jungle at key timings, like right after his initial buff clears. Tracking Amumu’s first camp can help anticipate his position and plan a counter-jungle route if he’s left vulnerable.

Control Objectives: Amumu players usually aim to reach level 6 quickly and then impact fights with his powerful AoE crowd control ultimate. Before level 6, try to force fights around key objectives, such as the first Rift Scuttler or an early Dragon, where Amumu’s lack of power might make him a lesser threat.

Minimize Team Fight Impact: Amumu thrives in team fights, where his ultimate can disrupt entire formations. Communicate with your team to maintain spacing and avoid clustering. As Shyvana, target flanking opportunities to disrupt Amumu’s positioning and make it harder for him to land a multi-target ultimate.

Counter Engage After Amumu’s Ultimate: In skirmishes and team fights, Amumu’s ultimate is his main crowd control tool. If he commits it to catch a high-priority teammate, consider re-engaging immediately after. Without his ultimate, Amumu’s effectiveness in a team fight drops significantly, allowing Shyvana to apply more pressure and secure key picks or objectives.

Capitalize on Map Pressure: With Shyvana’s speed in clearing camps and securing Dragons, apply pressure on objectives early to force Amumu to choose between farming or reacting. Using this macro advantage, set up vision and apply pressure on other lanes, punishing Amumu for any missed rotations or attempts to match your plays.
Bel'Veth can be a challenging matchup for Shyvana due to her high damage output and ability to outmaneuver opponents. While Shyvana has tankiness and AoE damage, Bel'Veth's mobility and burst can make direct trades risky.

Applied Strategies:

Focus on kiting Bel'Veth and avoiding her abilities, especially her ultimate (Apotheosis) which can quickly turn the tide of a fight. Utilize your mobility to stay out of her range during trades.
In team fights, prioritize zoning Bel'Veth and preventing her from diving onto your backline. Use your AoE damage to punish her if she overextends.
Coordinate with your team to lock down Bel'Veth before she can engage. Crowd control can effectively mitigate her impact and set up opportunities for your team.
Maintain awareness of Bel'Veth's passive, which can significantly enhance her damage output in fights. Aim to burst her down quickly to minimize her impact on the game.
Briar's combination of damage and sustain can make her a formidable opponent for Shyvana. Although Shyvana can match her damage output, Briar's crowd control and healing can shift the matchup in her favor if she lands her abilities.

Applied Strategies:

Maintain distance when engaging Briar, especially when she has her abilities ready. Look for opportunities to engage when her cooldowns are down to maximize your advantage.
In team fights, be mindful of Briar's crowd control and look for openings to engage without getting caught in her combo. Your AoE damage can help zone her during fights.
Focus on coordinating with your team to apply pressure on Briar when she overcommits or is isolated from her team. Quick bursts can catch her off-guard and secure kills.
Use your mobility to dodge her abilities and avoid being locked down. Keeping track of her cooldowns will allow you to play more aggressively when they are unavailable.
In a 1v1 against Ekko, Shyvana can initially struggle due to Ekko's mobility and burst damage. Ekko’s ability to dash away with his Phase Dive (E) and manipulate time with his ultimate, Chronobreak (R), makes him a tricky opponent to pin down. However, once Shyvana gets her ultimate, she can sustain through Ekko’s damage and potentially turn fights in her favor if she can force him to use his cooldowns first.

Applied Strategies:

Avoiding Ekko’s Burst: Engage Ekko only when you can bait out his abilities. If he uses his E or Q, it creates an opening for Shyvana to deal damage. Try to engage right after he uses his abilities, as this will lower his damage potential in the ensuing fight.

Objective Control: Before level 6, focus on securing objectives like Dragons or Scuttle Crabs. Use your stronger jungle clear to outpace Ekko in farming and apply pressure early. Look for opportunities to force skirmishes around objectives, leveraging your team’s help to secure them.

Punishing Ekko’s Cooldowns: Ekko's abilities are his primary source of damage. Once he uses his combo, Shyvana can engage aggressively, using her own burst damage to out-trade him. Aim for extended fights where your sustain gives you an edge.

Coordinate with Team: Ekko is strong in skirmishes and team fights. Inform your team to keep distance from Ekko's ultimate, as it can quickly turn fights. Communicate your own cooldowns to engage when you have a clear advantage.
Facing Elise as Shyvana in a 1v1 can be challenging due to her ability to burst and her crowd control from Cocoon (E). Elise excels in quick trades, especially in her spider form, where she can deal significant damage while being elusive. However, Shyvana can mitigate some of this burst with her Dragon's Blood passive, allowing her to sustain longer in fights.

Applied Strategies:
Engage on Your Terms: Try to avoid engaging when Elise is at full health and has access to her full combo. Wait for her abilities to be on cooldown or for her to be in an unfavorable position before committing.
Utilize Crowd Control: Shyvana lacks hard crowd control, but you can use your positioning and ultimate to zone Elise. If you can force her to use her Cocoon on a minion or when she is out of position, it opens up opportunities for Shyvana to engage effectively.
Be Aware of Spiders: In team fights, Elise’s spiderlings can become a problem. Use your abilities to clear them out quickly, and focus on isolating Elise to prevent her from escaping or re-engaging.
Map Awareness: Elise can roam effectively, especially post-level 6. Keep an eye on the minimap and communicate with your team to avoid her ganks in other lanes. Warding key areas can help mitigate her roaming potential.
Facing Evelynn in a 1v1 is quite difficult, especially after she reaches level 6 and gains access to her ultimate. Evelynn can stealthily engage and burst Shyvana down before she can react. However, Shyvana can rely on her Dragon's Blood passive to sustain through some damage if she engages quickly.

Applied Strategies:
Avoid Extended Fights: Try to avoid extended trades with Evelynn, especially after she has unlocked her ultimate. If she engages from stealth, use your abilities quickly to burst her down before she can deal significant damage.
Coordinate with Your Team: Since Evelynn relies on stealth for her engagements, coordinate with your team to maintain vision around objectives and prevent her from sneaking in for a pick.
Timing is Key: Engage Evelynn when her ultimate is on cooldown, making her more vulnerable. If you can bait out her ultimate, it can turn the tide of a fight in your favor.
Prioritize Vision Control: Vision is critical against Evelynn. Use Control Wards and sweepers to deny her stealth advantage, especially around objectives.
Facing Fiddlesticks can be quite daunting due to his ability to zone and burst with his ultimate, Crowstorm (R). His fear from his Terrify (Q) can easily catch Shyvana off-guard, leading to significant damage. However, if Shyvana can anticipate his movements and engage when his key abilities are on cooldown, she can effectively counter him.

Applied Strategies:

Vision and Awareness: Fiddlesticks excels in setting up ambushes and catching champions unaware. Placing wards in critical areas, especially around objectives, is vital to track his movements. Utilize control wards to deny his entry into key zones.

Engagement Timing: Shyvana should be mindful of Fiddlesticks’ cooldowns, particularly his fear and ultimate. Wait for him to use his abilities before engaging. If Fiddlesticks commits to his ultimate, try to reposition and avoid clustering with teammates to minimize the impact of his Crowstorm.

Objective Control: Fiddlesticks can be incredibly effective in team fights around objectives. Use your team’s collective strength to secure vision and control areas around dragons and barons, ensuring Fiddlesticks cannot sneak in and disrupt your plans.

Team Coordination: Since Fiddlesticks thrives on chaos, coordinating engages with your team can disrupt his setup. Focus on peeling for your carries and zoning Fiddlesticks away from your backline. Use crowd control and zoning abilities to limit his effectiveness in team fights.
While Gragas can present a challenge with his sustain and crowd control, he is not the hardest matchup for Shyvana. His potential to engage and disengage can be tricky, but Shyvana's mobility and burst can overcome Gragas if played correctly. Avoiding his barrels and understanding when to engage is key to winning this matchup.

Applied Strategies:

Skillful Positioning: Gragas relies on landing his barrels (Q) to poke and disengage. Use Shyvana's mobility to dodge these abilities and close the gap quickly. Engaging when Gragas has missed his key abilities gives Shyvana the advantage.

Team Dynamics: In team fights, Gragas can disrupt your carries with his ultimate (Explosive Cask). Ensure your team is aware of his potential to knock champions away and position accordingly. Grouping up and utilizing communication can help mitigate his effectiveness.

Objective Control: Gragas has good zoning potential around objectives with his crowd control. Secure vision around dragons and barons to prevent him from easily contesting or disrupting your plans. Coordinate with your team to control these areas effectively.

Denying Engage: When approaching objectives, be cautious of Gragas's engage potential. If he uses his ultimate or body slam to initiate, your team should focus on peeling and counter-engaging effectively to ensure that Shyvana can dive into the fray without significant threat.
Facing Graves in a 1v1 can be challenging due to his high burst damage and mobility. Graves excels at dueling, particularly when he lands his skill shots and can reset his abilities effectively. His Quickdraw (E) allows him to reposition quickly, making it difficult for Shyvana to stick to him in extended trades.

Applied Strategies:

In a 5v5 scenario, focus on positioning and map awareness when facing Graves. His ability to burst down squishies means you should avoid entering fights without adequate vision or team support.
Coordinate with your teammates to engage fights when Graves has used his cooldowns, as this will make him less threatening. Look to flank or catch him off-guard when he's out of position.
Utilize your mobility and ultimate to join fights quickly and create opportunities for your team. Shyvana can initiate fights effectively if she’s able to approach without being seen, especially when Graves is focused on dealing damage elsewhere.
Hecarim can pose a significant threat due to his high mobility and sustain. His ramping damage from Spirit of Dread (W) can outlast Shyvana if he engages correctly. However, he can be kited if Shyvana manages to avoid his initial engage.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, keep an eye on Hecarim's positioning. If he dives into your backline, it may leave him vulnerable to counter-attacks from your team. Coordinate to punish over-extensions.
Hecarim's strength often comes from his speed and engage, so maintain vision around objectives to avoid being caught out. If you can track his movements, you can better position yourself to counter him or join your teammates in skirmishes.
Focus on maximizing your damage output in trades, especially when Hecarim’s cooldowns are down. Using your ultimate strategically can also help in peeling for carries or securing kills on Hecarim when he's vulnerable.
Facing Ivern in a 1v1 scenario can be tricky but manageable. Ivern's ability to shield himself with his spells and control zones with his Bush strategy can make him annoying to deal with. However, Shyvana's ability to burst him down before he can utilize his shields effectively gives her an edge in skirmishes.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be aware of Ivern's potential to zone with his ultimate, Daisy! Engage with your team when you can isolate Ivern, as he is relatively squishy.
Pay attention to vision control. Ivern can help provide wards for his team with his passive, so coordinating with your team to deny his vision and forcing fights in areas where he has limited access can be crucial.
Ivern thrives on strategic macro play, so ensure you're always aware of his jungle paths and objectives. Avoid predictable routes and try to contest objectives when you have the numbers to overwhelm him.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV can be a formidable opponent due to his engage potential and burst damage. His ability to trap Shyvana in his Cataclysm (R) can turn a duel quickly if he times it right. However, Shyvana can effectively avoid his engage with her mobility if she positions well.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, look to avoid being caught by Jarvan's engage. Pay attention to his positioning and avoid over-committing when he’s near. If he engages on your team, try to follow up quickly or peel for your carries.
Utilize your ultimate to counter Jarvan's Cataclysm. If you can time your entrance properly, you can dive into the enemy backline while he’s engaged, creating a chaotic scenario for his team.
Map awareness is essential. Jarvan can dictate the pace of a fight with his engage. Make sure to communicate with your teammates to peel for each other and watch for opportunities to turn fights in your favor.
Jax becomes a significant threat to Shyvana in the later stages of the game. His ability to counterattack with Counter Strike (E) can negate Shyvana's basic attacks, allowing him to outscale her in extended trades. However, if Shyvana can avoid his engage and utilize her mobility to kite him early on, she can create advantageous situations.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, focus on creating space to avoid Jax's engages and be cautious of his Riftwalk (R). Positioning is crucial; if he jumps on you, coordinate with your team to quickly eliminate him or force him to retreat.
Leverage your speed and the ability to engage or disengage quickly. Use your ultimate wisely to avoid being trapped in extended skirmishes, as Jax thrives in prolonged fights.
Be mindful of his timings for Counter Strike. Avoiding basic attacks when he is about to use it can give you a window to engage without risk.
Karthus is not known for his strong dueling potential, especially in the early stages of the game. While he can deal significant damage with his Lay Waste (Q) ability, his lack of mobility and reliance on skillshots make him vulnerable to champions with gap closers or crowd control. However, Karthus becomes increasingly dangerous as he scales into the late game, where his sustained damage output and global presence with his Requiem (R) ability can turn the tide of teamfights.

Applied Strategies:

Capitalize on Karthus's weak early game by applying pressure and contesting objectives aggressively. Champions with strong early ganking potential can exploit Karthus's immobility and lack of defensive tools to secure kills or force him out of lane, delaying his power spike and scaling into the late game.
Coordinate with your team to deny Karthus vision and control over key areas of the map, especially around neutral objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor. By limiting Karthus's ability to farm safely and scale, you can delay his impact on teamfights and reduce the effectiveness of his global ultimate.
Prioritize building magic resistance items and health regeneration to mitigate Karthus's poke damage and sustain through his harassment in lane. Items like Mercury's Treads and Spirit Visage can help you survive Karthus's burst combo and sustain through extended trades, allowing you to outlast him in duels and skirmishes.
Be mindful of Karthus's Requiem ability and its global impact on teamfights. Coordinate with your team to spread out and avoid clumping together when engaging in fights, minimizing the effectiveness of Karthus's ultimate and reducing its potential to secure kills or swing fights in his team's favor.
Exploit Karthus's lack of mobility and vulnerability to crowd control effects in teamfights by focusing him down quickly or zoning him out of fights with hard engage or displacement abilities. Champions with gap closers or crowd control can isolate Karthus from his team and prevent him from dealing damage safely, giving your team a significant advantage in teamfights.
Kayn can be a difficult matchup depending on his form (Rhaast or Shadow Assassin). Rhaast can out-sustain Shyvana in prolonged fights, while Shadow Assassin can burst her down quickly. It’s essential to gauge which form he is taking to adjust your strategy.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, pay attention to Kayn's form. If he’s Rhaast, consider peeling for your carries and letting them focus on him while you create space. If he's Shadow Assassin, you may need to be more proactive and engage before he can get to your squishies.
Use your speed to engage quickly before Kayn can capitalize on his abilities. If you can catch him off-guard, it may create an opportunity to remove him from the fight early.
Be mindful of Kayn’s mobility and try to limit his access to your carries. Coordinate with your team to keep track of his movements and cut him off when he tries to flank.
Kha'Zix can pose a considerable threat to Shyvana, especially in the jungle. His ability to isolate and burst down champions makes him dangerous in skirmishes. Kha'Zix excels at picking off isolated targets with his Taste Their Fear (Q) and has the mobility to dodge Shyvana's engage with Leap (R). However, in extended fights, Shyvana’s sustained damage and durability can outlast Kha'Zix if she can avoid his initial burst.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, position yourself carefully to avoid being isolated. Stay near your teammates to minimize Kha'Zix's damage output. Communicate with your team to stick together, making it harder for him to pick off a squishy target.
Leverage your crowd control and mobility to engage Kha'Zix before he can jump in on your carries. Use your ultimate effectively to zone him or force him to retreat.
Keep track of Kha'Zix’s cooldowns, especially after he uses his abilities. If he overcommits, it can create an opportunity for you and your team to punish him. Aim to engage when he is vulnerable or low on resources.
Kindred is a unique matchup due to her ability to scale and her reliance on positioning. She can deal significant damage with her Dance of Death (Q) and mark targets with Mark of the Kindred (Passive). Shyvana can struggle against Kindred's mobility if she allows her to kite effectively. However, Shyvana can out-sustain Kindred in extended fights if she closes the gap.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, focus on protecting your carries from Kindred's engages. Use your mobility to peel for them and prevent Kindred from executing targets with her Lamb's Respite (R).
When approaching Kindred, try to bait out her Jump (E) before committing to engage. If she uses it defensively, it creates an opening for Shyvana to follow up and apply pressure.
Be mindful of Kindred’s mark placement on the map. If she marks a target, it’s crucial to communicate with your team to contest the objective and deny her that potential damage boost. Positioning yourself to control vision around key objectives will limit Kindred's opportunities to secure marks.
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Lee Sin
Lee Sin can be a challenging opponent for Shyvana in 1v1 situations due to his high mobility and ability to execute burst damage. He can disrupt Shyvana's engage with Sonic Wave (Q) and follow up with Resonating Strike (E) for quick damage. However, Shyvana's tankiness and area-of-effect damage can turn the tide if she manages to catch Lee Sin off-guard.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, focus on positioning to avoid getting caught by Lee Sin's Dragon's Rage (R) kick. Be aware of his potential to displace you and prioritize engaging when he has used his key abilities.
Use your own crowd control to mitigate Lee Sin's mobility. If you can land your Flame Breath (W) or Dragon's Descent (R) effectively, it can disrupt his rhythm and create opportunities for your team.
Maintain vision control to spot Lee Sin's movements, as he thrives on surprise engages. Communicate with your team to ensure you have vision on critical objectives and avoid being caught out by his mobility.
Master Yi
Master Yi presents a unique challenge for Shyvana due to his ability to deal burst damage with Alpha Strike (Q) and his healing from Meditate (W). In 1v1 encounters, he can quickly eliminate Shyvana if he manages to stack damage effectively. However, Shyvana can outlast Yi in extended trades due to her high base health and defensive capabilities.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, prioritize your crowd control to lock down Master Yi before he can execute your carries. His Highlander (R) allows him to reset and chase down targets, making it crucial to catch him during his engage.
Focus on applying pressure and zoning Master Yi during key objectives. Use your mobility and tankiness to contest dragons or barons, and keep him occupied while your team secures objectives.
Communicate with your team to coordinate engages and avoid letting Master Yi freely farm. If he is allowed to snowball, he can quickly become a threat that is hard to deal with.
Nidalee can be a tricky opponent for Shyvana due to her poke and mobility. Her Javelin Toss (Q) can chip away at Shyvana's health from a distance, and if she lands it, she can follow up with her burst combo. However, in extended skirmishes, Shyvana's durability and area damage can outlast Nidalee.

Applied Strategies:

Use your tankiness to absorb damage while engaging Nidalee. She excels at kiting and poke damage, so focus on closing the gap quickly and engaging when she is overextended.
In team fights, be cautious of Nidalee's poke. Use your team to zone her and prevent her from freely casting abilities. Coordinate with your team to catch her out if she strays too far from her support.
Control vision around objectives to mitigate Nidalee’s ability to scout or secure picks. Her mobility makes her a threat in skirmishes, so deny her vision and engage when she is not prepared.
Nocturne poses a moderate threat to Shyvana in 1v1 encounters due to his burst damage and ability to silence her with Duskbringer (Q). If he engages first, he can deal significant damage before Shyvana can respond. However, Shyvana can outlast Nocturne if she avoids his initial burst and utilizes her sustained damage effectively.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be mindful of Nocturne's Paranoia (R) as it can disrupt your team's coordination and focus. Position yourself to avoid being isolated and engage with your team.
Use your mobility to create pressure around objectives. Nocturne can be a threat when diving in, but if you control vision, you can avoid getting caught by his engages.
Focus on peeling for your carries during team fights, especially if Nocturne attempts to dive in. Your durability and crowd control can help protect your teammates and keep Nocturne from executing your high-value targets.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump can be a nuisance for Shyvana in 1v1 encounters due to their strong crowd control and ability to tank damage. Their Snowball Barrage (W) can disrupt Shyvana's engage and slow her down significantly. However, Shyvana's damage output can overwhelm Nunu if she catches him out of position.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, focus on avoiding Nunu’s Absolute Zero (R) and use your mobility to reposition quickly. If you can dodge his ultimate, you can capitalize on his vulnerability.
Prioritize objectives like dragons and barons, as Nunu excels at securing objectives with his consume ability. Coordinate with your team to ensure vision control to counter Nunu's presence.
Work to zone Nunu away from your carries, as his crowd control can disrupt your team’s ability to fight effectively. Use your area damage to deter him and provide a frontline presence for your team.
Rammus can be a challenging opponent for Shyvana in 1v1 scenarios due to his high armor and ability to negate a lot of Shyvana's damage with Defensive Ball Curl (W). However, if Shyvana can avoid Rammus's engages, she can outscale him in terms of damage over time.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be aware of Rammus's Powerball (Q) engage potential. Avoid clustering together to minimize his impact and ensure your carries have space to deal damage.
Utilize your crowd control to catch Rammus out of position, especially if he overextends. If you can isolate him, you can turn the fight in your favor.
Focus on objectives while ensuring Rammus is under control. His ability to zone during fights can be powerful, so make sure to prioritize engages when he is not nearby or when he has used his cooldowns.
Rek'Sai can be a tough matchup for Shyvana due to her mobility and ability to burst down squishy champions. Her Burrow (Z) provides great escape potential and allows her to engage effectively. However, if Shyvana can manage to avoid Rek'Sai's initial engage, she can outlast her in fights.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, keep track of Rek'Sai’s Tunnel (E) placements to anticipate her engages. Avoid getting caught in choke points where she can maximize her damage potential.
Coordinate with your team to deny Rek'Sai information by controlling vision. If she can't see you, she cannot effectively engage.
Leverage your tankiness in skirmishes around objectives to outlast Rek'Sai. As the fight develops, you can focus on applying pressure to her while ensuring your carries remain safe.
Rengar can be a formidable opponent for Shyvana due to his burst damage potential and ability to initiate fights. If he catches Shyvana in her jungle, he can quickly eliminate her before she has a chance to respond. However, in extended skirmishes, Shyvana's damage output can be superior.

Applied Strategies:

Be cautious of Rengar's Empowered abilities and the pressure he can apply during his Bola Strike (W). Avoid being isolated, as this is when he can deal the most damage.
Focus on positioning during team fights. If Rengar tries to jump on your carries, use your crowd control to peel him off and disrupt his engage.
Use your mobility and team coordination to catch Rengar when he is out of position. If you can take him down early, it will greatly diminish his threat level in the fight.
Shaco can pose a unique challenge for Shyvana in 1v1 situations due to his high burst damage and ability to confuse opponents with his clone. If Shyvana is caught by his Deceive (Q) and subsequent damage, she can struggle to respond effectively. However, in extended trades, Shyvana's tankiness can provide her an edge.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be aware of Shaco's potential to create chaos with his clones and Jack in the Box (W). Avoid grouping up too tightly to minimize the effectiveness of his fear.
Prioritize vision control, especially around key objectives. Shaco thrives in ambushes, so make sure to ward effectively and communicate with your team to avoid being caught out.
Use your area damage to zone Shaco during fights and help your team track him down when he tries to engage. If you can eliminate him early, it will greatly reduce the pressure on your team.
Facing another Shyvana in a 1v1 can lead to a stalemate, as both champions possess similar abilities and damage output. The matchup often hinges on who can effectively utilize their abilities and resources better. If one Shyvana manages to outplay the other with better positioning or ability timing, she can secure the advantage.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, prioritize securing objectives like dragons and Rift Heralds where Shyvana excels. Utilize your area damage to help secure these objectives and contest against the enemy Shyvana.
Pay attention to positioning and ability usage. Avoid engaging too early without your ultimate available, as it can be a game-changer in terms of damage and survivability.
Coordinate with your team to target the enemy Shyvana first if she engages. Since both champions are likely to build similarly, catching her before she can unleash her full combo can give your team a crucial advantage.
Utilize vision control to track the enemy Shyvana’s movements and avoid being ambushed. Since both champions have similar playstyles, knowing when she is about to engage can allow your team to reposition or prepare for a counter-engage.
Skarner can be a challenging opponent for Shyvana in 1v1 encounters due to his crowd control and tankiness. His Impale (R) can lock down Shyvana, making it difficult for her to escape once caught. However, Shyvana’s damage output can quickly overwhelm Skarner if she can avoid his initial engage.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be aware of Skarner’s ability to isolate your carries with Impale. Positioning is crucial; ensure your team is not clumped together to minimize his impact.
Use your mobility and area damage to zone Skarner away from key objectives, especially during dragon fights. Controlling vision around these objectives can help deny Skarner opportunities to engage effectively.
Coordinate with your team to focus down Skarner when his ultimate is on cooldown. Without his crowd control, he becomes much less of a threat in extended skirmishes.
Taliyah can be a tricky matchup for Shyvana due to her ability to poke from range and her crowd control. Her Seismic Shove (E) can disrupt Shyvana’s engage and keep her at bay, but if Shyvana can close the gap, she can deal significant damage.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, prioritize dodging Taliyah's Seismic Shove and Threaded Volley (Q) to avoid being caught out. Use your mobility to reposition effectively.
Look for opportunities to engage Taliyah when her abilities are on cooldown. If she cannot land her skill shots, she is much more vulnerable.
Utilize your tankiness to absorb damage and create space for your carries, allowing them to deal damage without fear of being targeted by Taliyah.
Trundle can be a tough opponent for Shyvana due to his ability to steal stats with Subjugate (R) and outlast her in extended trades. However, if Shyvana can burst him down before he can react, she can win the fight.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be mindful of Trundle’s Subjugate and how it can swing fights in his favor. Focus on engaging him before he can get his ultimate off, as this will minimize his threat level.
Coordinate with your team to control objectives and zone Trundle away from your carries. His ability to tank can make it difficult to secure fights if he is allowed to frontline effectively.
Use your area damage to deter Trundle from engaging and create opportunities for your team to capitalize on his mispositioning.
Udyr can be a challenging matchup for Shyvana due to his mobility and sustain in fights. His ability to switch forms allows him to be both tanky and deal consistent damage. However, Shyvana can outscale him in damage if she manages to avoid his engages.

Applied Strategies:

In team fights, be cautious of Udyr’s potential to dive onto your carries. Positioning is key to ensure your carries can deal damage without being focused.
Focus on objectives while keeping Udyr's movements in check. His ability to engage can be threatening, so communicate with your team to track his positioning.
Use your crowd control to peel for your carries if Udyr dives in. This will help your team maintain damage output and survive the fight.
Vi can be a challenging opponent for Shyvana due to her ability to lock down targets with her Vault Breaker (Q) and provide substantial burst damage with her Assault and Battery (R). While Shyvana has the potential to outscale in terms of damage in the late game, Vi's early game pressure and lockdown can make it difficult to trade effectively.

Applied Strategies:

Focus on vision control to avoid Vi's ganks and maintain map awareness. Her early game ganks can catch you off-guard, so using wards in key areas can help prevent surprise engagements.
In team fights, aim to disrupt Vi’s engages by using Shyvana’s ultimate (Dragon’s Descent) effectively. Try to anticipate her target to counter her burst potential and create opportunities for your team.
Utilize Shyvana’s tankiness and AoE damage to zone Vi during skirmishes, forcing her to make tough decisions about whether to engage or disengage.
Prioritize securing objectives like dragons, as Shyvana excels in these scenarios, where her damage and tankiness can shine against Vi’s lack of AoE.
Facing Volibear presents a balanced challenge. He has strong dueling potential and can tank damage effectively. While Shyvana can deal significant damage, Volibear's ability to negate burst damage with his shield and control the battlefield makes the matchup dynamic.

Applied Strategies:

When engaging Volibear, avoid taking extended trades as he can out-sustain Shyvana with his healing and passive damage reduction. Instead, look for opportunities to poke and disengage.
In team fights, focus on keeping Volibear at bay using your AoE damage to zone him from your carries. Positioning is crucial to ensure he cannot easily engage on your backline.
Coordinate with your team to apply crowd control on Volibear, especially during his ultimate when he’s in a more powerful state.
Maintain good vision control to track Volibear’s movements, especially if he roams to other lanes, and try to capitalize on his cooldowns when he’s out of position.
Warwick poses a moderate threat to Shyvana, especially in extended trades due to his healing from passive and Q. While Shyvana can out-damage Warwick with her abilities, his sustain can make the matchup challenging, particularly if he has a significant level advantage.

Applied Strategies:

Focus on engaging Warwick when his abilities are on cooldown, especially his Q (Jaws of the Beast). This will allow you to deal damage without giving him the opportunity to heal.
In team fights, prioritize using your mobility to avoid getting caught by Warwick’s R (Infinite Duress). Timing your ultimate effectively can help counter his engage.
Coordinate with your team to focus Warwick down quickly. His healing can make him a nuisance in prolonged fights, so bursting him down can be crucial to victory.
Utilize your superior mobility to pressure objectives while keeping an eye on Warwick's ultimate cooldown, allowing your team to outmaneuver him in key moments.
Wukong can be a tricky matchup for Shyvana due to his mobility and crowd control. While Shyvana can deal a lot of damage, Wukong’s ability to dodge skill shots and engage with his Cyclone (R) can make direct confrontations difficult.

Applied Strategies:

Try to engage Wukong when he has already used his abilities or is low on resources. Shyvana’s burst can be lethal if Wukong is caught without his defensive cooldowns.
In team fights, prioritize avoiding Wukong’s engage, as he can disrupt your team’s formation. Positioning well can mitigate his impact significantly.
Work with your team to apply crowd control on Wukong before he can enter the fray. Disabling him can prevent him from executing his combos effectively.
Focus on zoning Wukong during fights to force him to choose between engaging on your carries or getting taken down by your team.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao presents a significant threat to Shyvana in a 1v1, especially if he can engage successfully. His burst potential and crowd control can quickly turn the tide against Shyvana if she mispositions.

Applied Strategies:

Pay attention to Xin Zhao’s ultimate (Duelist’s Dance), which can severely hinder your survivability. Look for opportunities to engage when he has used his key abilities.
In team fights, focus on kiting Xin Zhao while using your AoE damage to zone him from your backline. Positioning is crucial to avoid being caught in his engage.
Work with your team to apply crowd control on Xin Zhao, especially when he dives in. Coordinated attacks can burst him down quickly before he becomes a significant threat.
Maintain awareness of Xin Zhao’s jungle pathing to avoid unexpected encounters. Using wards can help mitigate his ability to catch you off-guard.
Zac is a strong tank who can be a challenge for Shyvana due to his crowd control and ability to soak damage. While Shyvana can deal substantial damage, Zac's passive allows him to heal effectively in extended trades, making him a tough opponent in a 1v1 situation.

Applied Strategies:

Focus on avoiding Zac's Elastic Slingshot (E) engage. Use your mobility to stay out of his range and punish him when he misses this ability.
In team fights, prioritize using Shyvana's AoE damage to chunk Zac down before he can use his ultimate (Let's Bounce!) effectively. Positioning is key to avoid being caught in his CC.
Coordinate with your team to peel for your carries, ensuring Zac doesn't disrupt your backline with his engages. Control wards and vision can help track his movements and prevent him from initiating.
Try to burst Zac down quickly in skirmishes to prevent him from using his passive effectively. Targeting him when he's out of position can lead to favorable trades for your team.
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Ir.Defender Shyvana Guide
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