Twisted Fate
Build Guide by Guest
Twisted Fate Support - 14.8 and will be updated
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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
if adc takes barrier and is a little baby
Champion Build Guide
Why even TF support
Amazing roams. Nothing wins more games than ulting to top, and yellow carding the enemy toplaner, who assumed he was safe as everything was warded.
Always Useful. If you get ahead early you can go nuke route and blue card a full hp enemy to death. If you fall behind you can go yellow card spam bot and be the most annoying mf alive.
Good wave control.
Ult can be used to gain vision and win some plays without even being used to tp.
Honestly just a fun pick that makes peopel rage.
Amazing roams. Nothing wins more games than ulting to top, and yellow carding the enemy toplaner, who assumed he was safe as everything was warded.
Always Useful. If you get ahead early you can go nuke route and blue card a full hp enemy to death. If you fall behind you can go yellow card spam bot and be the most annoying mf alive.
Good wave control.
Ult can be used to gain vision and win some plays without even being used to tp.
Honestly just a fun pick that makes peopel rage.
Why even TF support (but negative)
Fast, but no mobility abilities and without flash you can get shafted if you arnt careful.
Some adcs would rather have any other sup and have no idea what your kit even does.
Feels akward to play at times as you arnt as straight forward as enchanters and hook champs.
Some adcs would rather have any other sup and have no idea what your kit even does.
Feels akward to play at times as you arnt as straight forward as enchanters and hook champs.
Why build what and runes
its really not that hard, in games where your team has alot of ap and enemies will stack mr anyways, just go supportive runes and spam gold card. rush cannon for extra range on W casts and play giga safe only setting up plays with stun for teammates.
the gold card spam build isnt that expensive so you can get away with buying red wards more. In these games build speed or cdr boots depending on your needs. pref speed.
In games where your team is ad heavy and you think youll be able to proc firststrike, you can go ahead and go full ap.
ludans as rush item works well as it gives mana (you have early mana issues) ap and the ability gives everything you want to do more damage.
dark seal is good in games where you dont think youre gonna get picked off, both as full ap and gold card spam bot. dont upgrade until high stack number.
horizon focus is an amazing ap item on you, BIG damage emp on Q's and the vision is very helpful.
cosmic drive is a weird one, feels bad to build but funny to play with. the extra move speed you get later on in games from spamming abilities makes you that much more annoying to deal with. hp and cdr ofc are welcome.
shadowflame is FINE. if you get a back where you can buy half of it at once than consider it. I dont like building it as its JUST damage. DO BUILD it on blue card builds where you need that execute magic damage.
deadman's is a nice pickup as non ap, move speed and slowing autos. nothing to say boring item.
deathcap is alot of the time a trap, only build if you dont need anything another item gets you instead later on in a game.
the gold card spam build isnt that expensive so you can get away with buying red wards more. In these games build speed or cdr boots depending on your needs. pref speed.
In games where your team is ad heavy and you think youll be able to proc firststrike, you can go ahead and go full ap.
ludans as rush item works well as it gives mana (you have early mana issues) ap and the ability gives everything you want to do more damage.
dark seal is good in games where you dont think youre gonna get picked off, both as full ap and gold card spam bot. dont upgrade until high stack number.
horizon focus is an amazing ap item on you, BIG damage emp on Q's and the vision is very helpful.
cosmic drive is a weird one, feels bad to build but funny to play with. the extra move speed you get later on in games from spamming abilities makes you that much more annoying to deal with. hp and cdr ofc are welcome.
shadowflame is FINE. if you get a back where you can buy half of it at once than consider it. I dont like building it as its JUST damage. DO BUILD it on blue card builds where you need that execute magic damage.
deadman's is a nice pickup as non ap, move speed and slowing autos. nothing to say boring item.
deathcap is alot of the time a trap, only build if you dont need anything another item gets you instead later on in a game.
laning and tips
Pre 6: against other poke supports try trading health with the enemy adc and just spam Q. If you need mana you can blue card a minion with your support item stack active and kill it.
against anything that can get on top of you play back and safe. ward gank paths and play around your adc with gold cards to help him get away when he gets in a problem.
honestly just getting to level 6 without having your lane inted or your adc being 25 minions behind is passable.
After 6:
winning a single fight for your toplaner is sometimes enough to win an entire game.
make sure you pre select gold card as youre about to tp in, and remember if the enemy top turns on you, you WILL get blown up if they dont die before you do.
be on the lookout to ult into any fight where you know youre going to be up in numbers over the enemy team. if you have no idea where enemy jungler is, it might be a better idea to NOT jump head first into a fight to save some 1hp midlaner.
because youre not botlane more than the enemy sup (or you would think so) you get to place wards in topside more. vision GOOD.!!
you can look to trade yourself for someone before an objective if youll have your ult up in time to go there after your respawn.
sometimes even as full ap TF you still want to be gold carding all game.
against anything that can get on top of you play back and safe. ward gank paths and play around your adc with gold cards to help him get away when he gets in a problem.
honestly just getting to level 6 without having your lane inted or your adc being 25 minions behind is passable.
After 6:
winning a single fight for your toplaner is sometimes enough to win an entire game.
make sure you pre select gold card as youre about to tp in, and remember if the enemy top turns on you, you WILL get blown up if they dont die before you do.
be on the lookout to ult into any fight where you know youre going to be up in numbers over the enemy team. if you have no idea where enemy jungler is, it might be a better idea to NOT jump head first into a fight to save some 1hp midlaner.
because youre not botlane more than the enemy sup (or you would think so) you get to place wards in topside more. vision GOOD.!!
you can look to trade yourself for someone before an objective if youll have your ult up in time to go there after your respawn.
sometimes even as full ap TF you still want to be gold carding all game.
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