LoL Best Twisted Fate Jungle Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Twisted Fate Jungle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Twisted Fate Jungle builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 6 Builds
2.50 attackspeed and 80 crit
How Does Jungling with Twisted Fate sound! :D (ik just hear
[Theorycraft] Jungle AD Bruiser TF
TF Jungle S6 from "BestTFJungleEUW"
Twisted Fate Jungle ~ The Awareness Bully [5.24]
PRESEASON 6: Twisted Fate Attackspeed Jungle Guide
TF Jungle guide S6
Twisted Fate Season 6 Jungle - Patch 5.22
Season 5 Guides
Mixed damage TF jungle (70 wins and 23 losses in Platinum)
[S5] A Hybrid Twisted Fate jungle (IMPROVING!!)
Jungle TF
PRESEASON 5 | AP Offtank Twisted Fate Jungle
Jungle Twisted Fate - Fun and Powerful
On-Hit Jungle Twisted Fate S5 (Preseason)
Jungle Twisted Fate
Season 5 Builds