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Udyr Build Guide by Guest

Support Udyr support OP Build

Support Udyr support OP Build

Updated on January 15, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Build Guide By Guest 2,372 Views 1 Comments
2,372 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Udyr Build Guide By Guest Updated on January 15, 2025
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Runes: Strongest Rune Page

1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Teamfight Goat
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Udyr support OP Build

By Guest
Early Game/ Laning Phase
In Laning Phase you play carefully and go in if you think it is possible you won't die in most cases because of W and E. Don't go all in you won't deal any damage. If your ADC is behind DONT GO IN. Early game you loose hard your ADC has to be there and has to do Damage unlike Veigar or something like that. Just play safe until you have two Items or one and Support item but then you have to be ahead. If you die once or twice just start fighting again in Teamfights and never go in again in Lane.Watch your Awaken Form. If the enemy has CC double E if you are good you can time it right and hold double E to get the most value out of it. If you dont have to double E double R and slow and damage the enmy hard. It almost guarantees the Kill if you hit it good but only use it if you can' stun anyone anymore. Use W to heal and USE THE AUTOATTACK HEALS it increases your Sustain infinetly. Double W is very strong for heals and in fight you can use it if you would die but only then. Trust me you will have Impact if you play right. Just follow the guide and start collecting experience on this type of Build. Its hard to know what you can do and what isnt possible in Lanung Phase. Thats the hardest Part of the Build. The other Things are easy and after Laning Phase you win against Faker. But make sure to leave Lane with 2 Items and support Item. You can Roam but do it smart.
Mid Game
Know you are the funniest strongest most Off-Meta and most annoying thing in the Game. You just go in and stun everybody. If you have cosmic wait for an engage or an option to go on an enemy without e. Then hit R and just start stunning everyone with E. Thats the only bad Thing with Cosmic Drive. Without that problem Cosmic would be very strong and make you an S+ Champion. E has a second cooldown which makes it that you only can stun every 4 seconds so play around that. Only go in if you have more then half hp and if you dont use w and go in again if only one or two enemys are remaining and your team is in the advantage. You wont win if anybody is fed and can oneshot you. Tahm kench or poking isnt a Problem for you. End the game in this stage. You can trust me.
Late game
Don't. Just Don't. You will get oneshot if the enemies have the right Champions for that. If you go Fullbuild it will be fun but still hard to win, less hard but still not easy. Just end The Game before this Stage.
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Guest Udyr Guide
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Udyr support OP Build

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