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Tryndamere Build Guide by youshou

Middle V1.0.5 [WRITING] S14 | Smurfing Tryndamere Guide

Middle V1.0.5 [WRITING] S14 | Smurfing Tryndamere Guide

Updated on August 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author youshou Build Guide By youshou 5,165 Views 2 Comments
5,165 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author youshou Tryndamere Build Guide By youshou Updated on August 14, 2024
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Runes: Main

1 2
Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Last Stand

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
Ghost + Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

V1.0.5 [WRITING] S14 | Smurfing Tryndamere Guide

By youshou
About this guide
The guide is planned for 50-200k characters.
I plan to actively add 5k characters a day or three.
it will describe many styles of play.
how to smurf;
how to simply play;
how to boost;
There are currently 25k characters in the guide
Every 5 thousand characters I will add 1 unit to the guide version
V1.0.0 > V1.0.1;
Paradigm of smurfing (boosting)
1. Resources - Xp, Gold, Objects;
2. Tempo - Resources's relation to average on the map;
3. Snowball - A metaphor meaning that the more resources you have, the more of them there will be in the future (their farming will become faster)
4. Early game - everything up to 15 minutes;
5. Mid game - everything after 15 and between 25 minutes;
6. Late game - everything after 25 minutes;

1. Tryndamere can reach 100% wr only on midlane and jungle without duo;
Tryndamere can get 100% winrate with duo on any role.
2. Tryndamere is snowballing champion;
3. The more resources you have, the greater your chance of winning, and it depends not only on resources;
4. There are three types of snowball:
1 - Xp and Gold;
2 - Objects;
3 - Both previous ones;
5. If you'd losed Early Snowballing, you can't reach 100% wr;
6. Snowball event - event on the map that can give you resources;
7. Tryndamere is a champion of adaptation and punishment for mistakes;

Snowball Events:
Potenticial kill - someone started a fight near you;
Invade - the whole team goes into the enemy jungle;
Ally or Enemy Jungler gank;
Object contesting;
Enemy ADC, SUP or TOP has been died;
Description: you can go in bush between T4 AND T3 to make trap.
Enemy BUFF reset.;
Description: Jungler trap.
Wave under enemy tower;
Enemy dive.
See strategies

1. Prefer to permapush if you can't choose a strategy.
Win conditions | Completed
There may be more than one win condition in 1 game and at one stage of the game.
1. Lane stomping or helping.
it could be the other lane or your own.
2. Object taking.
The most powerful object for tryndamere are Grubs
3. Snowballing.
Check Snowball Strategies
4. Scaling in Late Game.
Check Snowball Strategies
5. Spacing.
For example Open Inhibitor, pressure with Rift Herald or splitpushing.
6. Teamfight helping.
Check Snowball Strategies
7. Jungle stomping.
It can be realized through covering enemy jungler's moves and camps stealing.
8. Reach pick of Yuumi in your lobby.
9. Speeding up the game through inting strategy.
Check Snowball Strategies.
10. Early snowballing through inting.
Check Snowball Strategies.
11. Exploiting the enemy team's weaknesses.
For example bad push, weak frontlane, full AD, full AP.
12. Exhausting your laner.
Check Snowball Strategies
13. Proxy farming.
Check Snowball Strategies
14. Last Fight setup.
Check Snowball Strategies
15. Passive or non-aggressive start of the game and vice versa.
Check Snowball Strategies and Situations
Early Snowballing

This part of Early Snowballing is about midlane.
Don't buy pinkwards (Check Strategies)

First Buy
Doran's shield
If enemy is hard-poke champion or you want to scale
Doran's blade
If enemy is melee champion or you want to make kills on enemy
3 Long Swords + 3 Red potions
If you want to buy tiamat as fast as possible.

First recall
You dont want to recall if your gold is below 700
You want to recall if you successfully invaded enemy or you below 50% hp and creeps not spawned yet
Buy Boots or parts of Boots if you want or can kill enemy early.
Buy Tiamit or parts of Tiamat if you want to scale or your push potential is lower than the enemy. And you want to win short trades.

First item
Ravenous hydra - If you want to scale, permapushing or sustain with taking junglers camps and demolish.
Profane hydra - If you want to make kills while splitpushing or farming enemy junglers camps. And if enemy team are squishy.
Kraken slayer - When you cant kill enemy without early scaling damage like sion and you want to kill him or you want to have a lot of damage
Berseker's graves - If you want to roam or often kill enemy on your line.

First 5 minutes
Before or during the game you need to determine your win condition
Tell your jungler to play more aggressively, you can always help when he asks
If your team is stronger in draft and suitable for invade write invade before the game and ping on it during the game
1. You want to cover all 80-100 chances of success snowball events.
This grants you 100% resources
2. Tryndamere prefer to spam his own R to kill enemy for hard snowballing.
If you cant spam on your lane to kill enemy, go to roam and spam it. You can also to ward enemy jungle to kill enemy
3. You want to ignore enemy trades to permapush for perfect CS with Second Wind and Doran Shield and Absorb Life (optional)
This is giving you 100/10 CS and 300/20 CS
4. Ward on 3:00 the one of the Crabs for Snowball event on 3:30-3:50
You need to farm Crab if the junglers allow it and your line state
5. Always take your jungler's and enemy's camps when you can
this grants you resources
6. Always use demolish whenever you can while you're permapushing
this grants you resources
7. Prioritize 100% cs and snowball events
8. Always steal kills in teamfight and focus on it
9. You want to create yourself Snowball Event
How to do it? Check
10. You really want to take first 3 Grubs.
Recommendation: Ask the jungle to play for you.


5-10 Minutes
You now have 3 main things to choose from (to see other check Stategies and Situations)
Demolish rune spam
LVL 6 roam or object setup
Dive setup
1. If you already bought tiamat put a ward on the enemy Raptors and if they are alive push your line to take them also start taking Yours
2. You really want to set up a kill or spread the advantage
3. At this stage you just need to develop the chosen win condition and use Snowball Strategies as often as possible.
To choose the right win condition and snowball tactics see Situatins
4. You really want to take second 3 Grubs.
Recommendation: Ask the jungle to play for you.
10-15 Minutes
You now have 3 main things to choose from (to see other check Stategies and Situations)
Open inhibitor setup
Spread of prio
Snowball Strategies
This chapter reflects not only snowball strategies

AnyElo Stategies:

Solo Invade On LVL 3
You should all-in in enemy junger on his BUFF when he's taking it when you LVL 3 and enemy to kill him.
When to use it:
The enemy has a very weak jungler for a duel against tryndamere who can't escape even if he presses all the buttons.
You especially want to do this when both the mid and jungler are weak.
Timing of enemy farming:

Game with good teammate
You should cover all moves and to roam or to help to this player
When to use it:
Your teammate has 65-70% winrate

LVL 6 Dive
You should spam trades when keeping permapush to setup your dive on LVL 6
When to use it:
Enemy champion dont have CC or invisibility.

Freezed Wave Kill Setup
You should freeze the wave and expect an enemy
When to use it:
You have a prio that will allow you to kill the enemy with all-in

Slowpush dive setup
You should slowpush the wave and dive
When to use it:
You have a prio that will allow you to kill the enemy with all-in and enemy dont have fastpush tools like orianna's q + w or fastpush champion cant push the wave now

Roam setup
You should slowpush or fast push the wave and immediately go roam to another line
When to use it:
You have a space that will allow you or your teammate to kill the enemy with roam with 100-80% chance
1. When you have 400+ bounty and dont have GA or Zhonyas prefer to press summoners to escape or sacrifice yourself for 3-4 kills or for 725G bounty for tower
2. Against hard-poke matchups take Biscuit Delivery
3. press Q whenever your rage is full or you can't get close to creeps then spam q on cd even when there is no rage
4. Spam E + AA for permapushing and trading in one thing.
5. Don't press q until it saves you from death in 80% of cases you will survive because of this bait
6. You can almost always press W before an obvious trade against an enemy when you want to hit a creep this will reduce the enemy's AD and help you sustain it
7. To set up a perfect first wave I recommend: Hit one creep 2 times and the other creep 1 time
Combos | Completed
1. AA + E(Behind) = Short Trade
The most used combo on tryndamere
Use this while enemy's tower hitting your creeps for 0 damage when you dont feeded yet.
Use to sacrifice hp under enemy's tower aa+aa(2-5 times or less) + E for dive setup when you already feeded.
2. Tiamat + flash in enemy during tiamat's casting time + aa + e = Tiamat Burst
3. E + flash in enemy = E Damage Teleport
4. E + AA + MOVE(BEHIND) = Short Engage Trade
Situations | Not completed

Matchup Situations


Melee matchup
Start buy: Doran's blade or 3 Long Swords
Ghost + Ignite:
1. If you want to speed up the game;
2. If you want early Snowball;
3. If you're playing matchup you can'not win without these summoners;
It's best if you're a booster
Ghost + Flash:
1. If you expect to be ganked and you won't be able to kill them;
2. If you want to teamfight;
3. If you want perfect KDA;
4. if you feel that you can't kill the enemy or you'll lose the lane without them;
5. And other cases that do not fall under Another summoners;
Ghost + Exhaust:
Always if you playing against Pro players on Riven or the best Riven OTP's like AloisNL, Viper, WenShen.
You will be stomped without these summoners because they will take the same ones in 50% of cases (or they will take Flash + Exhaust)


First Buy

Tiamat - Always if you don't want to buy Boots or Phantom Dancer;
Berserker's graves - If you need early MS for kills;

First Item

You want to buy Berserker's Graves if you need MS for early kills

Kraken Slayer:

Must be bought only at the first slot or you will stop your tempo.
If you can't kill the enemy without early Ramping Damage;
Examples: Gp with trinity + grasp; Shen; Ornn; Warwick;
If you want big damage on the map or long-term;

Ravenous Hydra:

If you want to sustain burst hard-poke or melee champions like Sylas; Zed; Talon
If you want to scale;
If you want to splitpush;
If you want to teamfight;
If you want to take jungler's camps;
If you want to kill your laner;
If you want to try 1v9;

Profane Hydra:

If you want extra push potencial for roams;
If you need early lethality for kills;

Phantom dancer:

If enemy team has 3-4 squishy champions including your laner and you can use it;

Second Item

Phantom dancer:

If you want to speed up your tempo;
If you want extra MS;
If you want scale or realize your damage

Navori Flickerblade:

If you need extra dashes;

Profane or Ravenous Hydra:

Described above;

All slots after the first two are optional;

Check Items
Matchups | Not Completed
Items | Currently writing
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to make snowball from teamfights;
2. You cant or dont want to make solo kills;
3. You need extra slowness;
4. You want to play like a support;
5. You want to win early teamfights;
6. You want to stomp fast champion like fiora or kennen or jayce;
7. You want extra chance for kills on your roams;
8. You want to play with perfect KDA;
Profane hydra
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. There is in the enemy team 3-4+ champions are squishies;
2. Your or enemy's team has no damage at the start of the game;
because of this you don't need to sustain and you can afford to buy this item
3. Enemy jungler and your enemy on the lane are squishy;
4. You don't need to sustain but you want to have AOE damage;
5. You want to enhance the fastpush but not sustain;
6. You want to stomp an enemy who has no damage and is squishy;
Ravenous hydra
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. To sustain the enemy;
2. To scale in the late game;
3. The matchup allows you to not recall for a long time and gain huge tempo;
4. Enemy is hard-poke champion;
5. You want to increase the pressure on the sideline.
This enhances splitpush.
Kraken slayer
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to kill the enemy but you can't do it without early Scaling Damage;
2. You want to have continual damage;
3. You want to make solo kills;
4. You want to realize yourself like a duelist;
Randuin's Omen
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. Enemy team is full AD;
2. You need extra slowness and armor;
3. Enemy ADC is overfeeded;
Zhonya's Hourglass
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. Your team dont have frontlane;
2. You need to bait the enemy team for skills in the last fight;
3. Enemy ADC is overfeeded;
4. You need extra armor and resets through AP (Q is scaling from AP);
5. You need a second chance in the fight;
6. Enemy's assasin is overfeeded;
7. You need to save your bounty;
Wit's End
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. Enemy team has too much CC;
2. You need hybrid damage;
3. Enemy team is full AP;
4. You need extra AS, MR;
Death's Dance
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. Enemy team has too much burst damage;
2. You need resets;
3. You need armor;
Guardian Angel
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You need Second Chance;
2. You need Armor;
3. You need to save your bounty;
Infinity Edge
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You're scaling;
2. You need extra damage;
Black Cleaver
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You need extra stats from this and armor penetration;
Blade of The Ruined King
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to make solo kills;
2. You want to realize yourself like a duelist;
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to splitpush;
2. You want to realize yourself like a bruiser-duelist;
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to have Super Tempo (best for smurfing or boosting);
Mercurial Scimitar
You want to buy it in these situations:
1. You want to ignore enemy CC or Slowness;
2. Enemy's team has full AP;
First branch is always Resolve.
Second branch is always Precision or Sorcery or Inspiration (check Situations).
1: It is Always Grasp of the Undying.
2: It is Always Demolish.
You can rarely take Font of Life see Situations.
3: It is Always Second Wind.
4: It is Always Revitalize
1: There are two runes to choose from.
Absorb Life - against hard-poke matchups.
Triumph - in any other cases.
2: It is Always Last Stand.
1: It is Always Nimbus cloak - against matchups like Jayce, Kennen, Vayne (in most cases it is not worth taking).
2: It is Always Scorch or Transcendence.

1: It is Always Biscuit Delivery.
2: It is Always Cash Back or Approach Velocity.
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