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Lazukin's Sig Shop. (Again)

Creator: Lazukin October 10, 2011 6:55pm
Lazukin's Forum Avatar
Jan 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2011 6:55pm | Report
Dunno how many times I've made this topic lol

Anyway, I just got my computer back from the worst virus in history a few days ago, and just reinstalled Gimp today. Undortunately, I lost all my old art etc, but I am back and better than ever! (Not really, I'm probably worse)

Anyway, I just made a quick sample sig to show you guys my new style of making sigs, as it's changed a lot from the past. This is probably since I lost all my old brushes, downloaded 30 or so new ones, and do a lot more free-drawing/pathing than in the past. Whether that's a positive or a negative is up to you. Anyway, sample sig:

I'll put more up in the future when I finish more. Also, I'm downloading C4Ds at the moment that allow for more cool stuff in the images.

Now, the most important part, all the way at the bottom, is this.
I will only make a sig for you if you meet these criteria

- 100+ Posts, I really want to make sure people actually use the sig. It's quite annoying when someone asks for one, then makes 2 posts with it before leaving the forum, as some of these sigs take a long time to make. The Derpy one above took around 10 minutes, but when I make some of the more complicated signatures it can take up to an hour.

- Don't claim that the sig is made by you. Other than that I really don't care what you do with it. You can use it without giving credit on some other site if you want to I suppose.

- Explain as well as you can what you would like, and what dimensions you would like it in (256x180 pixels etc). Colors are another thing I'd like to know. This isn't a must, but it really makes making the sig easier.

- The font you would like your name in is optional as well. I'm generally okay at figuring one out, just something a lot of people forget to mention.

Thanks for reading :D

I make sigs, PM me if you want one :D (Thanks for the Nidalee sig, The_Nameless_Bard!)

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