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Zac - World of Goo

Creator: lithargoel April 4, 2013 2:27pm
lithargoel's Forum Avatar
Oct 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2013 2:27pm | Report
Hi fellow mobafire patrons,

I recently made a guide on Zac. It's my second guide on mobafire, and I put quite a bit of effort into this one, so I would love some critique. Am I too long-winded? Is it too non-specific? Would you prefer a clean cut build rather than my core + options approach? Anything obvious I missed?

Any help or constructive critique is welcome, but particularly I am a little worried that because I provide so much text and try to explain the logic behind the guide instead of stating what the various items and skills do, people may just skip it and only use the cheat sheet?

This is not a plug to get votes, so please don't leave any on account of this thread. I honestly would like to know how you guys feel I could improve my guide.

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