If you just hit level 3, you get 400 RP. I assume that wasn't the case though. :P
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Seriously its free RP. Either its giveaway and be happy or Riot made mistake and be even happier.
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-
Things like that happened. It happened once with me. I had around 3k IP, I got a session closed after a game, when I logged back in, i had 6.5k. :DDDD
+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
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+Rep if I helped you! | Ahri guide out soon!
Thanks to LeCorpse for my Signature!