Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
.....Maokai has a mini flash that roots and a miniature stun...Versus a fling+slow pool....Late game Singed runs around...Late Game Maokai places a damage reducing ring on the ground....IDK if "Singed is better than Maokai" is even a relevant argument. Their skill sets are so different, it'd be easier to compare Maokai to Ammumu and Singed to.....Mundo? LoL I like both champs. Mao IMO has a better early game weather it be solo top or jungle. Singed has a SOMEWHAT better late game because he is extremely hard to kill however Maokai benefits the team more with his AoE damage/soft CC wheras Singed really can't protect his carry persay....
Maokai can be abused and killed in his jungle >9000 times, singed can't really..
Have u ever experienced a singed ghost level 3 gank? it's almost a 100% kill.
I think u can compare their skillset, cuz they do the same thing. Maokai does not protect his carries.. he's more of a initiater(like singed) Singed arguably does more damage. 20% damage reduction is kinda good. Quess it's just that i'm currently at a 75% 6-2 score as singed, which has flawed my judgement(that being without ever trying jungle singed in a normal game prior to taking him to ranked).
Have u ever experienced a singed ghost level 3 gank? it's almost a 100% kill.
I think u can compare their skillset, cuz they do the same thing. Maokai does not protect his carries.. he's more of a initiater(like singed) Singed arguably does more damage. 20% damage reduction is kinda good. Quess it's just that i'm currently at a 75% 6-2 score as singed, which has flawed my judgement(that being without ever trying jungle singed in a normal game prior to taking him to ranked).
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Maokai has a snare and a slight knock back...He can 1 stop an enemy from attacking/chasing his carry. 2 knock them away. That's not the same as flinging though it's close. Their skill sets aren't even marginally similar. Maokai can reduce damage TO HIS TEAM. That's valuable. Singed poops poision everywhere while kiting people dumb enough to focus him, they're very different at least in my opinion.
maokai slows ppl by 75!!!% and flings ppl back(he doesn't only stop them from attacking his carry, he creates distance physical distance between them. Singed can becom LITERALLY IMMORTAL! and do around 200 dmg/sec to 2-3 enemies on the team, he also has a 100% ap scaling nuke(that's upwards of 700 damage Endgame.) he also slows the whole enemy team with his poison after rylais and can make great use of a will of the ancients opposed to maokai.(double will so stronk.)
Imo. he does errything maokai does, but better!
Imo. he does errything maokai does, but better!
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Literally Immortal would mean he can't die. But he can, he just gets tanky to the point where it's EXTREMELY difficult to finish him. Add his ulti in and it extends the duration he can fight, but he's not unkillable.
Yes Maokai can slow but it's also a knock back. Arcane Smash or whatever. What I'm saying is Maokai brings more to a team on his skill set alone.
Yes Maokai can slow but it's also a knock back. Arcane Smash or whatever. What I'm saying is Maokai brings more to a team on his skill set alone.
Did u try jungle singed? i really don't think u've tried him... Cuz i started it out because i thought i might as well try him since all my regular junglers were banned and i remember seeing dyrus play him.
Yeah.. i meant practically/almost.... Dat english brah, dat english.
(before u ask if i've asked maokai.. i have tried him, he is strong. He just doesn't have the carry potential nor the jungle potential singed has. Also i think double will brings sooooo much survivability and ap that it's not even funny.
Yeah.. i meant practically/almost.... Dat english brah, dat english.
(before u ask if i've asked maokai.. i have tried him, he is strong. He just doesn't have the carry potential nor the jungle potential singed has. Also i think double will brings sooooo much survivability and ap that it's not even funny.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Eeveryone has their own preferance. I'm not saying either one is better overall. Both however have high points. I think Maokai is the stronger jungler, and a superb tank late game. Singed isn't a bad jungler by any means, but I think Mao has him beat there. Their late game power is on the same level IMO or rather Singed has a slightly more durable duration in teamfights but Maokai can protect his team better.
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Singed is 2 damn stronk! and haz much more natural builk than maokai, with a pool and fling i'd actually say his level 3 ganks are on par with maokai. His lategame is like a lot better. He practically does everything better than Maokai. Only thing might be minor creep camps clearing.
Also what builds do u guys use for jungle singed?
I use almost full ap: ROA, WOTA, Rylais, Shurelyas, ROA - not necessarily in that order. Armour boots or MS boots.
With Randuins, and Banshees being counter items.