Tryn is AD carry. Builds, 9 times out of 10, full damage/crit chance so he does damage fast.
GP is, despite what RIOT labeled him as, a tanky DPS. Sure you can run full damage but you will blow up in teamfights.
Tryn is full on aggressive. GP, not so much.
I don't know much more than this so I'll leave it to others to explain more.
GP is, despite what RIOT labeled him as, a tanky DPS. Sure you can run full damage but you will blow up in teamfights.
Tryn is full on aggressive. GP, not so much.
I don't know much more than this so I'll leave it to others to explain more.
Tryndamere is AD carry. His role is to shutdown enemy champions fast and if they don't know how to counter him, hes godlike. Gangplank on other side is more like your initiator in team fights. Even thou he can be built as tank, he will still do good damage with his Q(if you're going for Atma's or any item with crit chance), has free cleanse, team wide buff and initiate kind of ultimate. Both can be played top or jungle.
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-Lugignaf wrote:
Tryn is AD carry. Builds, 9 times out of 10, full damage/crit chance so he does damage fast.
GP is, despite what RIOT labeled him as, a tanky DPS. Sure you can run full damage but you will blow up in teamfights.
Tryn is full on aggressive. GP, not so much.
I don't know much more than this so I'll leave it to others to explain more.
pølse does not approve of ur notes about gp... We wants the damages!!!!!!
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
I play Tryndamere as total AD Crit. i stack phantoms and take a couple AD iteams. Gangplank is more like that guy who you can really change depending on the game. If you need Gangplank can be a really good tankish person. he can also on the other hand be a really good AD carry.
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I play Tryndamere as total AD Crit. i stack phantoms and take a couple AD items. Gangplank is more like that guy who you can really change depending on the game. If you need Gangplank can be a really good tankish person. he can also on the other hand be a really good AD carry.
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They both work well. And I totally go crit-plank not tanky dps. Tryndamere is more forgiving imo for new peeps cuz he has a built-in flash and obviously his ult is nice and he can heal. GP heals blow unless u go ap. But they are both great. I think they both work best as crit damage champs. Both will one shot minions late game.
P.S. GP is FAR more flexible. He can be played many ways...I just think crit is the best personally. Now if you had trynd and gp in same team comp I might not go crit plank...
P.S. GP is FAR more flexible. He can be played many ways...I just think crit is the best personally. Now if you had trynd and gp in same team comp I might not go crit plank...
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