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Hello everyone! A complete noob here.

Creator: jackmake October 16, 2018 7:03am
jackmake's Forum Avatar
Oct 15th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2018 7:03am | Report
Hi guys! After a lot of pressure from my friends, I finally chose to download LoL. Now, they disapprove of reading/learning about the game before you play it (I don't like their approach too, yeah) but I would really appreciate it if you share some guides/tips and tricks for a newbie. I have played similar games and I hate oneclick heroes (I hope you use the same term in LoL). I am in love with healers/tanks and helping my team, I don't want to be the one carrying the team.

Thanks so much, feels good to be here! Gonna browse through the threads and wait for some replies.

good luck
<Versatility Master>
Silverman43's Forum Avatar
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Nov 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 16, 2018 7:56am | Report
I see you love tanks, I do as well! If you want to play some fun tanks, you could try Maokai (my main champ), Ornn or Nautilus. They all have a lot of Crowd Control (slows, stuns, roots... all disruptive effects), so they bring a lot of utility to a team.
Some other tips I can give you:
-Look for guides here for champions you like.
-Try some of the free champions each week to see what they can do.
-Just have fun while playing and you will improve over the course.
I hope this helps a little.
Thanks to @ Jovy for the signature!
jackmake's Forum Avatar
Oct 15th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2018 8:31am | Report
Ok - slows stuns and roots sound so awesome, I love that! I checked out that Maokai dude he looks super cool. I am also currently browsing your build guide right now. I just hope that I don't run into some toxic kids that will rage and swear and stuff like that (everyday online thing :D)

Thank you so much for your reply, I appreciate it a lot!
Chromuro's Forum Avatar
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Mar 6th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 17, 2018 10:56am | Report
Since Silverman43 covered a bit top/tanks, I'll cover a bit the supports, aka healers :D
So, if you want to heal A LOT the first name that comes in mind is Soraka: pretty fast to learn, but she has a good skill curve. Then there is Sona, still pretty easy to learn, but I guess she falls under the category of oneclick champs as you called it (I mean, you literally have to just press buttons and not aim anywhere, only the ultimate is a skillshot). And since three is the magic number, Nami should be pretty strong right now: she has utilities (stun and knockup) and heals (...heals).
Then there are more utility-oriented supports that are not that much healers, but if I start talking about them this post would get easily to 1k words D: (and you didn't ask for them, so it would be boring lol)

A tip I can give you is this: if you don't feel ready to go vs. humans, there is nothing wrong to continue doing games vs. bots. When I started playing my friends were literally doing the impossible to minimize the time doing bots, this way I could start playing with them in normals. Trust me when I say that I felt that rush and when I started doing normals I was still diving under enemy towers :D
So take your time learning the game, there are a lot of things to understand.

Credits to Jovy!
jackmake's Forum Avatar
Oct 15th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 18, 2018 5:20am | Report
Chromuro wrote:
Since Silverman43 covered a bit top/tanks, I'll cover a bit the supports, aka healers :D
So, if you want to heal A LOT the first name that comes in mind is Soraka: pretty fast to learn, but she has a good skill curve. Then there is Sona, still pretty easy to learn, but I guess she falls under the category of oneclick champs as you called it (I mean, you literally have to just press buttons and not aim anywhere, only the ultimate is a skillshot). And since three is the magic number, Nami should be pretty strong right now: she has utilities (stun and knockup) and heals (...heals).
Then there are more utility-oriented supports that are not that much healers, but if I start talking about them this post would get easily to 1k words D: (and you didn't ask for them, so it would be boring lol)

A tip I can give you is this: if you don't feel ready to go vs. humans, there is nothing wrong to continue doing games vs. bots. When I started playing my friends were literally doing the impossible to minimize the time doing bots, this way I could start playing with them in normals. Trust me when I say that I felt that rush and when I started doing normals I was still diving under enemy towers :D
So take your time learning the game, there are a lot of things to understand.

Yooo, some of my friends also suggested Sona! I just checked out Nami and looks cool too! I can't believe this synergy I am getting from your post man; even before scrolling down and reading the last part I was going to reply that I am just gonna play some co-op games vs bots and see how that goes. I will dive as hell! And yes, about the time it takes - you're completely right! I will be patient and hopefully I will one day become a toxic mf that spams everybody on how noob they are :D
Cazziel's Forum Avatar
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Oct 2nd, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2018 1:29am | Report
Hey! If you love tanks, utility and helping your team I can totally recommend Leona ! She's a big, beefy tank with 3 CC (crowd control - stuns and roots) spells, and she's super fun to play and pretty easy to learn, in my opinion. She's a top tier support, and she's not just a point-and-click champion, as she has 3 skillshots.
If you wanna know a bit more about her, here's a video of the pro-player Aphromoo playing her:

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