When laning against Shaco, the first thing you need to determine is if the Shaco is AD or AP. Shaco's got two extremely different playstyles depending on that.
When a Shaco is AP, Jack In The Box is the biggest thing you'll need to keep in mind when playing against him. His Two-Shiv Poison will also execute you at higher numbers, but the only way he's got of getting your health lower is JITB damage, jungler assistance, and when his ultimate blows up.
An AP Shaco is dangerous at low health - when he uses his ultimate at low health, his clone is primed to explode, even just through minion damage. They'll often let their opponent get good trades in (away from their box nests) to lower their health, then look for a kill near their box nests.
When playing against an AP Shaco, it's important to remember that you are in charge of where your champion goes. The only time Shaco can influence your movement is by placing a box on top of you, but even then, there is a short delay before it starts damaging and ccing you. You don't need to worry about the bad Shacos; the good ones will try to fear you (or lure you) into their box nest, and chain-cc you. Walk where your minions have walked, and don't leave the beaten trail for trades. Don't expect Jungler assistance - nobody wants to gank toplane Shaco. Keep an eye on his Mana - if he dips in and out of your minion sight (or the bushes) and his mana has changed, he may have placed a box, or he may still be outside of vision, and you're now seeing his clone.
AD Shaco in the top lane will be much more consistent opponent - their cc won't be as long, and they won't have as potent box nests. If you haven't crushed them pre-six, their potential to take the tower solo skyrockets - a clone with tiamat will make short work of the wave, and they can usually guarantee a tower after any gank (even one that doesn't net them a kill).
When going against Shaco (either AD or AP), Sustain is important, and try not to let your opponent them get into your head.
Watch Pink Ward's streams or Youtube channel for what AP Shaco top lane looks like at its best.
When a Shaco is AP, Jack In The Box is the biggest thing you'll need to keep in mind when playing against him. His Two-Shiv Poison will also execute you at higher numbers, but the only way he's got of getting your health lower is JITB damage, jungler assistance, and when his ultimate blows up.
An AP Shaco is dangerous at low health - when he uses his ultimate at low health, his clone is primed to explode, even just through minion damage. They'll often let their opponent get good trades in (away from their box nests) to lower their health, then look for a kill near their box nests.
When playing against an AP Shaco, it's important to remember that you are in charge of where your champion goes. The only time Shaco can influence your movement is by placing a box on top of you, but even then, there is a short delay before it starts damaging and ccing you. You don't need to worry about the bad Shacos; the good ones will try to fear you (or lure you) into their box nest, and chain-cc you. Walk where your minions have walked, and don't leave the beaten trail for trades. Don't expect Jungler assistance - nobody wants to gank toplane Shaco. Keep an eye on his Mana - if he dips in and out of your minion sight (or the bushes) and his mana has changed, he may have placed a box, or he may still be outside of vision, and you're now seeing his clone.
AD Shaco in the top lane will be much more consistent opponent - their cc won't be as long, and they won't have as potent box nests. If you haven't crushed them pre-six, their potential to take the tower solo skyrockets - a clone with tiamat will make short work of the wave, and they can usually guarantee a tower after any gank (even one that doesn't net them a kill).
When going against Shaco (either AD or AP), Sustain is important, and try not to let your opponent them get into your head.
Watch Pink Ward's streams or Youtube channel for what AP Shaco top lane looks like at its best.
My 3 rules of gaming:
1. If your game starts to feel too much like work, play a different game.
2. Have fun
3. If your idea of having fun is ruining somebody else's fun, find a different way to have fun.
1. If your game starts to feel too much like work, play a different game.
2. Have fun
3. If your idea of having fun is ruining somebody else's fun, find a different way to have fun.
It was an AP Shaco, and yes he did exactly what you described as a "good Shaco". A bit weird since I'm unranked and I've only been playing League for a month, while I've been watching steams of high skill brackets where the shacos were IMO worse if not straight up feeding...
Okay, so you're literally saying I can't move past my creeps because of boxes. So just sit back, bully him if he comes near my creeps to last hit, and afk farm/counterpush for 20 minutes?
That's kind of what I did afterwards. But seriously wtf is that game where you can't go on people? Kappa.
Okay, so you're literally saying I can't move past my creeps because of boxes. So just sit back, bully him if he comes near my creeps to last hit, and afk farm/counterpush for 20 minutes?
That's kind of what I did afterwards. But seriously wtf is that game where you can't go on people? Kappa.
It's a rough lane for sure.
Fiora does well against him (she can get free stuns whenever he goes in), as do champions who naturally build MR as a part of their kit.
Any kind of ranged champion up top can get him low, and if you predict/sweeper his box nests properly, you can finish him off.
And no, there is more you can do than what I described, but it's much riskier. What it comes down to is figuring out where his box nests are, and bumping your minions in that direction or playing on the other side of the lane.
I always try to advocate for playing the game in a way that's fun for them. Fighting him on his own terms is going to be a losing battle, but if it's more fun than afkfarmsplitpushing, then play however the game is most fun to you <3
Fiora does well against him (she can get free stuns whenever he goes in), as do champions who naturally build MR as a part of their kit.
Any kind of ranged champion up top can get him low, and if you predict/sweeper his box nests properly, you can finish him off.
And no, there is more you can do than what I described, but it's much riskier. What it comes down to is figuring out where his box nests are, and bumping your minions in that direction or playing on the other side of the lane.
I always try to advocate for playing the game in a way that's fun for them. Fighting him on his own terms is going to be a losing battle, but if it's more fun than afkfarmsplitpushing, then play however the game is most fun to you <3
My 3 rules of gaming:
1. If your game starts to feel too much like work, play a different game.
2. Have fun
3. If your idea of having fun is ruining somebody else's fun, find a different way to have fun.
1. If your game starts to feel too much like work, play a different game.
2. Have fun
3. If your idea of having fun is ruining somebody else's fun, find a different way to have fun.
AP Shaco has absolutely no way to answer to pushing, and he struggles hard with farming under tower, so your goal in that lane should be to shove him in as hard as you can. AD Shaco, however, builds Tiamat and aims to splitpush later on, so he doesn't have that issue.
There is currently very little reason to play AD lane Shaco, as there are many other, much better picks that split better, so you'll typically see him played AP, which is also not hard to deal with as it's all about cheesing. None of the current meta top laners (Camille, Sion) should struggle in that matchup.
There is currently very little reason to play AD lane Shaco, as there are many other, much better picks that split better, so you'll typically see him played AP, which is also not hard to deal with as it's all about cheesing. None of the current meta top laners (Camille, Sion) should struggle in that matchup.
Credits go to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
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Basically I thought Nasus could trade with Shaco by simply walking up to him but I always got rekt by Jack In The Box. I feel shaco W counters any melee champion which is most of toplaners. Unless they're ultra mobile, which Nasus definitely is not. And once you get hit by his W you take a TON of damage.
So I fed 2 kills to the Shaco until I called my jungler to gank him every time he tried to split push. I still ended up owning the late game because I had a ton of Q stacks from sitting in lane for 20 minutes defending against his push, and ended up 8/3/12 pushing towers into victory.
But seriously, how do you lane top against Shaco, especially as a juggernaut?