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Join our LEC Winter Split Fantasy Tournament and compete against other MOBAFire members. The Tournament will be awarding $1,000 USD in prizes!
Event RulesFantasy Tournament Rules Join Today!Via EGO App
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What is a FantasyTournament?

Step into the shoes of a coach and create the best LoL esports team in the world! In a fantasy tournament you make your own team by selecting players from around the world. Each pro player is assigned a point value based on their past performance, and you are given a point budget with which to create your team. It's free to enter and fun to keep track of while you're enjoying LEC Winter Split, so why not try it?
Log in to your MOBAFire account to sign up for the LoL 1k Fantasy Tournament, it’s FREE to enter!
Create your fantasy team on E-GO by selecting which pro LoL players you want on your team. Players earn points based on their in-game performance.
As the LEC Winter Split Tournament progresses, monitor your team’s performance and make changes to your roster.
The 6 team owners with the most points at the end of the LEC Winter Split wins their share of $1,000!
Fantasy FAQ Fantasy Tournament FAQ Today!Via EGO App

To compete in the MOBAFire LEC Fantasy Tournament you must have a MOBA Network account and be logged in. Once you have logged in you will be redirected to the EGO App Tournament Sign Up page.

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To compete in the MOBAFire LEC Winter Split Fantasy Tournament you must have a MOBA Network account and be logged in. Once you have logged in you will be redirected to the EGO App Tournament Sign Up page.

Social Registration Already have an account? Log In here.

Fantasy Rules & Game Info

How Do I Participate?

Once you have joined the tournament you will have to create a lineup. When creating your lineup there are a few things to think about. Every participant has the same amount of currency ($1,000) to purchase players for, so use yours wisely. You will notice that players vary in price, which is due to their performance in recent history. To finalize your lineup, you will need exactly 5 players and no more than a maximum of 2 players from any organization. To maximize your chances of winning we highly suggest you read the rest of this article - Good luck & have fun!

How Do I Get Points?

You will get points as the players in your lineup play their games in the ongoing "LEC Winter Split 2024". Our point system is role based to give each player a fair number of points based on what is important to their specific role. The lowest score we attribute players for a game is 0 pts, so your players can never have a negative score. Below is a breakdown of the point system per role.

Top Lane & Jungle

  • Kills: 0.4 Points
  • Assists: 0.2 Points
  • Deaths: -0.15 Points
  • Creep Score: 0.02 Points

Mid & Bot Lane

  • Kills: 0.4 Points
  • Assists: 0.15 Points
  • Deaths: -0.2 Points
  • Creep Score: 0.015 Points


  • Kills: 0.4 Points
  • Assists: 0.35 Points
  • Deaths: -0.1 Points
  • Creep Score: 0.03 Points

Team Points

  • Turrets: 0.1 Points
  • Dragons: 0.2 Points
  • Barons: 0.5 Points
  • First Blood: 0.5 Points
  • Win: 2 Points

Will I Be Able To Edit My Lineup During The Touranemnt?

The tournament will continuously switch between 4 phases, these phases will allow you as a participant to perform different actions in the different phases. Se the breakdown of the phases below.

Building Phase

The building phase is the first stage you enter when joining the tournament. It's here where you create your first team for the regular season. The LEC Winter Split will consist of 1 building stage for each of the tournament stages. You can modify your team as much as you like during this period. Your team and your changes will not be shown to other players.

Edit Phase

You will often enter and exit the editing phase during the tournament. During this phase, you can make changes to your team to maximize your score. You can, for example, sell a player for another or give the captain role to another player in your team. The editing phase starts at 03:00 (tournament timezone) and ends 1 hour before the day's first Match.

Game Phase

During this phase, your lineup is locked, and you can't make any more changes. So sit back and cheer on your players. Hopefully, they will do well!

Tournament Over

When the esports tournament "LEC Winter Split 2024" is over, so is our Fantasy tournament. We will finalize the point distribution now, and the winners will be announced and contacted shortly. Thank you for participating and hope to see you back next time!

Dates: 2024-01-03 – 2024-02-18


We at E-GO APP believe in introducing shorter fantasy tournaments, especially now that we have seasons. We are giving players more options to compete and to win a prize. Shorter stages will be a trend in all our League of Legends tournaments: going away from wipe periods and starting a new tournament.

The Regular Season and Bracket stage will be two separate "tournaments" counting to the Season.

  • Regular Season 3rd of January to January 29th
  • Single Round Robin
  • Each team plays 9 matches
  • All matches are Bo1
  • The top 8 teams advance to the Bracket Stage
  • Bracket Stage January 29th to February 18th
  • Top 8 teams from the Regular Season
  • Double Elimination Bracket
  • Round 1 and Round 2 matches are Bo3
  • All other matches are Bo5

What Can I Do To Maximize My Points?

There are a couple of things you can do, the first being of course to build a great lineup. When you have done that, the other obvious thing is to take advantage of the "WIPE phases" and make sure that you have a lineup that is fit for the next stage of the tournament. You do however have access to a few more resources to maximize your points. Below is a breakdown of those resources.

Captain Feature

The captain feature gives a 50% point bonus to the player you have assigned as your Captain. If you want, you can set a Captain before the league starts, and the captain booster will stay on that player until you actively change it to another player. You have one Captain swap every day, but you will lose your Captain switch for the day if your Captain has started a match series. You can only change Captain during the Edit phase!

Captain = 1.5x bonus points

Selling a Player

The SELL token enables participants to sell a player in their lineup and buy a new one. This action can only be performed during EDIT, consuming your SELL token. When selling a player, you will be refunded the same amount as previously paid when you purchased the player. You will keep the points of your traded players for the remainder of the tournament, and they will be displayed in the section "Sold players". We encourage you to be strategic with your SELL tokens since you only have 2 for every tournament stage. Your sell token will "refresh" at every building phase.

What Is The Tournament Prize?

The total prize pool is $1,000 USD! It will be divided according to the chart below:

  • Regular Season:
  • 1st place – $150
  • 2nd place - $75
  • 3rd place - $50
  • 4th place - $25
  • Bracket Stage:
  • 1st place – $350
  • 2nd place - $200
  • 3rd place - $100
  • 4th place - $50

If you happen to be one of the lucky winners, we will contact you via the email you are registered with on - so be sure to whitelist ""!

End Notes

The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the above Point System and described features at its sole discretion and will inform users of any significant changes by announcing the changes publicly on the website.

Frequently asked questions

What is Fantasy Esports?

A virtual “Coach-competition” where participants globally compete in creating the best lineup based on IRL data during a big esports tournament.

How does it Work?

Historic player data is gathered for every player in an upcoming tournament. That data passes through stat-algorithms to generate a price for each player. The participants can start buying players to their virtual lineup as soon as the Fantasy tournament is published. When the tournament starts, participants will be awarded points based on their player choices according to a new set of stat-algorithms.

Are there Prizes?

When the tournament is over, there will be five winners who will split the $1,000 USD cash prize, as well as weekly winners each week of the tournament! Plus each winner will earn the rights to boast with all their esports “know how”!

How Do I Participate?

First you must be logged in to MOBAFire, then just press the “Join Today!” button to create your E-GO fantasy profile. Once that’s done you are good to go – it´s free to play! E-GO has an app as well, so be sure to download it if you want to check on your team while on the go.

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