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MOBAFire Season 14 Mini Guide Contest #1 Winners!

Creator: Hades4u May 8, 2024 3:02am
<Lead Community Manager>
Hades4u's Forum Avatar
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2024 3:02am | Report

Hey everyone, it's finally time to reveal the winners of our first Mini Guide Contest of the season! 🥁

There were a lot of fantastic guides that qualified for this contest, but we could only pick five winners and three honorable mentions. We would like to thank everyone for taking part in this community event, and for sharing valuable educational resources for everyone to enjoy. You're the best!

Finally - let's move on to the best guides of this Mini Guide Contest!

Author: @ Shark of Void
Shark of Void is always ready with a stellar guide whenever a guide contest is around! This time they've managed to impress us with their Kennen guide, a complete resource for all players that are looking to improve their Kennen knowledge and skill. We know the guide's length may be intimidating, but it's so informative and easy to browse that you really don't want to miss out!

Author: @ PykEugeo
PykEugeo blesses us with a fresh guide for Alistar, and it's a phenomenal one! Alistar might not be the meta pick you're looking for, but this guide might just be what you need to give him a fair shot as a Support. You can find a multitude of builds to pick from, tips on abilities and how to master them, techniques to manage your wave and how to improve your decision-making, and many more you'll have to find out yourself!

Author: @ Aerenax
We hope we've tempted you to try out Alistar because we've got another amazing resource for him right here! It's been a little over a year since Aerenax published this guide and it's finally its time to shine as its been well maintained throughout the year! After reading this guide, you should have a perfect understanding of Alistar's role in the team, his most effective builds, and also the best approach to handle each stage of the game!

Author: @ Ir.Defender
It's a great feeling to see Nocturne finally getting a fresh quality guide, he really needed one! Ir.Defender is a very experienced author that already won multiple times in our guide contests, and our community is lucky to receive another new guide from them! If you've been considering picking up Nocturne and trying him out in the jungle, now's the perfect time as he's one of the most popular junglers right now, and Ir.Defender's new guide will get you a head start against your enemies!

Author: @ Amberdragon
Amberdragon's guides have always felt like comfort picks and we're happy to see them among the winners! If you enjoy Sivir or maybe you're looking for a new ADC to try out, then checking out Amberdragon's unbeatable crit build is a must! Nothing feels better than critting your enemies to death, but in order to do so, you'll have to follow Amberdragon's builds and guidelines to a T!

In addition to the guides above, we would like to congratulate our honorable mentions, who are authors of amazing guides but didn't quite make it to the top this time. Make sure to check out their guides and let them know what you think of their content!

Thank you once again to everyone who participated in our first Mini Guide Contest of Season 14, and please let us know what you think about this community event and what you would like to see in the future! Special thanks to @ Silverman43 and @ Fruxo for judging this one, and we'll see you all in the next Mini Guide Contest in September! 😊
Laimaudeja's Forum Avatar
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Apr 11th, 2024
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2024 4:02am | Report
Congratulations to the winners!
PykEugeo's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2022
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 8, 2024 10:26am | Report
Enormously happy that my guide on alistar with this new type of graphics was liked compared to the one I created on pyke.. amberdragon inspired me a lot and from his code I tried to take inspiration to create the code from 0.. I congratulate all the others deserved to have won and this amberdragon himself

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