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Tahm Kench Build Guide by ToplaneProfessor

Top RANK 1 Tahm Kench eune guide 14.14

Top RANK 1 Tahm Kench eune guide 14.14

Updated on August 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ToplaneProfessor Build Guide By ToplaneProfessor 338 11 441,021 Views 50 Comments
338 11 441,021 Views 50 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ToplaneProfessor Tahm Kench Build Guide By ToplaneProfessor Updated on August 4, 2024
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Shunaj44 | June 13, 2024 12:08pm
Opinion on warmog? Pretty strong after the buff in 14.10. Some champs started rushing it.
Sugato | June 20, 2024 11:09am
Hello! I donĀ“t speak english so, sorry xd. BUT I recently play TK Heartsteel->Warmorg and bro, itĀ“s a tottaly madness for the enemy. Think on this: TK passive E give health in function on the "non-armor" that you can activate; Warmorg starts to healing you only if your healt itĀ“s over 1300 and you will always hit this minimun Ā“cause you EĀ“s passive. So you play fool in a escape, wait until you have 100% healt and take you revange! ItĀ“s kinda fun, and kinda disgusting, but I guess thatĀ“s the TKĀ“s Spirit.
Granite Shield | May 21, 2024 4:45am
opinion on tahm kench support? would the build or build order change?
also a skin tier list would be nice addition to the guide
ToplaneProfessor (7) | May 24, 2024 1:40am
Added the tierlist.
ToplaneProfessor (7) | May 21, 2024 7:27am
My opinion on tahm support doesn't matter , he behaves like a different champion there and i only play him in carry roles top/mid/adc

also good idea about the skin tier list I'll add it.
Radarubal | April 30, 2024 7:36am
Thank you for this guide, really helpful !
Will you ever consider making a live guide on Zar app ? It would be very interesting for macro, wards, and much more.
ToplaneProfessor (7) | April 30, 2024 11:58pm
I will look into it.
Ovyda | February 14, 2024 7:58am
Hey could you create a matchup against zac top.
ToplaneProfessor (7) | February 15, 2024 12:06am
Done , quick sum up is to prioritise riftmaker earlier than usual and avoid greeding low hp since zac has very high burst combo , or maybe avoid traiding too much before we are strong if we cannot buy a bramblevest.
ShrimpyShrimpShrimpy | February 7, 2024 6:27pm
Hi, just wanted to ask, do you ever build Bamis Cinder first before Heartsteel? Or do you just always rush Heartsteel if there is no other priority item for the matchup?
ToplaneProfessor (7) | February 8, 2024 3:56am
No i prefer rushing heartsteel , but it is not a mistake if you like the wave clear of bami.
Problem with bami is that it grief's me in 2 ways, i don't control a freeze near my tower that easy with bami and second i don't have a chance to get a sneaky plate with demolish.
Dibonk101 | February 4, 2024 11:53am
Great guide, but I noticed that you have horizon focus as a potential last item. It was indeed a great ap item for Tahm last season, however I'm not sure if it's as good anymore because of the passive change. Wouldn't Liandry's be better overall? It has the same ap, grants hp which gives more ap from riftmaker and has a good passive overall. What do you think?
ToplaneProfessor (7) | February 4, 2024 11:11pm
You are correct , while both are great items i forgot to change horizon focus as i thought it stayed the same.
tigga | January 26, 2024 2:27am
How would you take the new runes?
The "Stat Shards"
I am unsure if the movement speed or the scaling health is better and if flat vs scaling is better
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 26, 2024 8:51am
I am very greedy and will look for double scaling health any chance i get.

IF you are not confortable with the weak early game of tahm kench yet , or we are playing vs something like darius illaoi etc , it is probably best to not greed and go speed and flat hp.
Torler | January 24, 2024 2:11pm
isnt spirit visage better since it gives you 25% healing on shielding power which is great for q?
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 24, 2024 10:15pm
Visage is very mid item for 2 reasons :
lets say you have 4000 hp mid-late game , if you are missing 3000 hp (i would recall if i was lower) our q heal is about 250hp so we get 25% of that aka 62,5hp

the second reason is we usually dont need more shield from e since often we have about 2k shield for a few seconds and it is much more likely for the shield to run out than break.

Now lets see the stats of rookern:
In the same 4k hp situation we would get 800 magic shield every potentially 12 secs.
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 23, 2024 4:58pm
Henlo TOPLANEPROFESSOR! Been super busy, so I have not been able to get around to doing much but I am here.

These are going to be the things that we are going to be looking through ideally with this review.

STRUCTURE: From an organized perspective, this is essentially how you develop and utilize code.

CONSISTENCY: Frequency with which you change things around.

INCLUDINGS: Things like Runes, Items, Matchups, and even whole sections that should be added.

MY CONCERNS: Anything that doesn't pique my interest enough to serve as a guide or as filler.

Items and Runes
Your attention should be drawn to the fact that this section of the guide should be detailed without being excessively complicated. Although your runes and are documented well, your notes contain a number of typos, including grammar and capitalization problems, in addition to having an excessive amount of information with the wall of items.
Wall of items
When you reach this section, where there are numerous recommendations for him, you won't see Tahm Kench constructing the majority, if not all, of these items. While I only ever play as our lord and savior, Teemo and not him. In my own view, it is an eyesore and should be removed or condensed a bit more, try to be more like the below example.
Condense Example
Because the majority of people will simply copy and paste the elements in the order that they appear on your guide without giving any thought to the reasons why (this) and (that) are preferred in different scenarios, you should make sure that it is easy to understand and straightforward by utilizing the grouping feature of your guide.
You might already know that the "cheat sheet" for match-up information is the portion right after the items and runes section. This is a really lengthy piece of writing. In contrast to your Synergies, which are legible and do not contain a plethora of symbols and all capital letters, the excess of that is not ideal because it gives the impression that you are attempting to highlight the runes you wish for people to choose or do a lot of code, but the result is incredibly messy and unappealing because code does not work in notes.

The tools here aren't great for those who want to be detailed, so it's usually best to discuss matchups in detail in a spreadsheet or Powerpoint instead or in a dedicated section in the body text. For the purpose of readability, I would keep these uncluttered and plain, without any capitalization or symbols.
Given that you expressed interest in participating in the next Guide Contest, I feel obligated to let you know that, personally, I prioritize well-written, well-structured, and aesthetically pleasing content that is both informative and engaging. I don't see anything aside from "I was Rank #1" (not that I think that's a terrible thing). Other than attempting to increase views and utilize it more as a publicity stunt, I fail to see how that translates to being the a good guide. There are some very good guides out here that are made by unranked players all the time.

Videos and information are available here but reading or watching it does not feel great unless you improve the appearance. There is a lot of vibrant colors orange, blue, and white with lots of underlining. Putting up a guide like this is to me feels lazy, though I am overly critical. In short, there is no code outside of the base ones which are very easy to apply by tapping a button in the editing console. You can learn the fundamentals of guide design and structure from any number of guides published by Mobafire staff members and community members. These guides will teach you how to create basic tables, columns, and more. Again, it feels really basic, so I'd like to see some effort put into it as a whole if at all possible.

If you want to achieve a Semi-good looking guide carefully edit the cheatsheet and considering the body text (BBCODE). But for the time being, it's just a jumbled mess with too many colors, too much text, and no discernible structure or form.

Don't punch me! ~Cat
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 23, 2024 9:05pm
Thanks for the review , i have improved some things according to the points you made . That being said i dont intent on expanding my introduction as i am here to show you what to do to play this champion optimally , also the #1 is absolutely a publicity stunt( gotta convince the viewer that im not just saying random reccomended items that i came up with in my iron 4 games ) and having cool colors and fancy graphics should be used only when there is a point to make ,im not trying to build a garden here , just the raw information ppl need compressed into one guide instead of wasting 50 games to learn them. But maybe our points of view just dont match for example you say "There are some very good guides out here that are made by unranked players all the time." I am 100% not in sync with that. Either you know something and can prove it or you don't have anything of value to offer.
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 24, 2024 2:42am
Items look a bit tidier, could definitely be polished a bit more, but that's more of a me thing for perfectionism. I can't say we agree with each other, overall then.

I've previously been Rank #1 on a few servers as Teemo (EUNE and LAN) as a Platinum-Diamond player with an 82% WR (I hate ranked), but I don't really care to disclose this because, in my opinion, it's not something that really matters outside of sounding like "I'm the best, shut up your opinion is invalid, lol" which always comes off as super condescending as it is easy to manipulate that outcome by playing a fresh account.

Many guides today are simply that. "I am the best player in the entire world, click this link!" Which irritates me because, no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better than you, it's just unlikely that they care to disclose any information pertaining to the champion because they don't have the time to explain or more importantly code. In my case, I have always hated my guide and I always want to make it better, visually and informatively, which shows motivation to teach, create and grow, rather than again boost publicity.

So what I'm trying to convey is, at least for me. I search for quality and accuracy not just rank. Take a guide made by @ Shark of Void for example. A constant format throughout. They put effort into their images, comprehension of the champion, clear speeds, and all that good stuff making it a nice read. The more creative you get, the better.
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Iceburns | January 17, 2024 9:32pm
hi, can u update item sectionm and give senarios when to buy eash one. for example abyssal is mentioned in matchups but not when to purhcase, thanks!
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 18, 2024 2:22am
And to answer to when to buy question the logic is you start building from core items in order as listed and if you see that you dont rly need magic resist for example this game you go down to "best to worst armor items" and pick the next available.
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 18, 2024 2:11am
That should be a bug , the intent is to update abyssal everywhere with kaenic.
Nicinic | January 12, 2024 11:18pm
Are you considering adding the new Titanic Hydra now that it has an Auto Attack reset and a strong active cone ? It has made it considerably easier to kill people with AA Hydra Q R after engaging with W from fog of war.
ToplaneProfessor (7) | January 13, 2024 6:58am
No i strongly believe this item is not for tahm kench , we have exactly 0 ad scaling.
Nicinic | January 15, 2024 12:14am
One of the strongest user of Titanic Hydra is Shen who also has no AD scaling in his kit. The main point of Hydra is additional max Hp damage, + auto attack reset. It also gives waveclear and good damage on towers when needed.
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Atayeu (2) | December 8, 2023 7:56am
Your notes say to always take demolish due to the additional gold via plates. What if you're into a matchup where you aren't confident you'll be able to shove lane and utilize the rune to grab a plate?

I've been taking shield bash in place of demolish if I don't think ill be shoved under their tower / get a kill on them then shove to utilize the proc. Just double checking with your thoughts.

ToplaneProfessor (7) | December 8, 2023 8:00am
Always demolish , takeing plates is just a happy bonus. The reason you take it is to have sidelane pressure.
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