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Renekton Build Guide by Dom1nus

Top 2 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide

Top 2 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide

Updated on February 3, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dom1nus Build Guide By Dom1nus 10 2 34,405 Views 1 Comments
10 2 34,405 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dom1nus Renekton Build Guide By Dom1nus Updated on February 3, 2021
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Runes: Best Rune Page For Renekton

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Against Passive-UnKillable Match-up
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

2 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide

By Dom1nus
About Me
Hello Guys, my name is Dom1nus and i am a Renekton One Trick Pony. Peak Rank 3 Renekton and micro wise i have perfected this champion, hope this guide helps.
Why Renekton?

Renekton is a fun Lane Bully, he has hard snowball abilities and he is easy to learn while maintaining a high skill ceiling. He has mobility, single un-avoideable stun nuke, good sustain while providing Aoe damage. Unlike most of the champions renekton doesnt have mana, he has fury and prorer management of fury divides bad, good and God Renekton players.


    Lane Bully
    Strong early and Insane Mid game
    Hard Snowball champ, can 1v3 if ahead enough
    Great ouplay potential
    Can Splitpush AND Teamfight quite effectively
    Very good Mobility
    Provides tons of damage and can nuke squishy targets instantly when flash is up
    Can be kited very easily if e is on cooldown
    Flash reliant for succesful Teamfighting
    Supports who can shield/heal ur target are ur worst enemies and negate ur combo
    Need someone to engage before him unless he is fed
    Can be bullied by Ranged match ups
Level 1: Auto > Q

Level 2: E > Auto > Q > E

Level 3: E > Auto > W > Q > Auto > E

Wave Clear: Tiamat > Q

Kill the adc: Flash > R > W >Tiamat > Auto > Q > Auto > E

Instant catch the target with minions: E > E > Flash W

Instant catch the target without minions: E > Flash Or Flash > E depends on the situation
Early Game
Renekton has a weak Lvl 1 and Lvl 2, what i like is having lane priority so i want my jungler to start bot side, i push the first wave in trade with the opponent auto q so he can poked down and push the minions. At level 2 where u unlock e u can: e q auto e thats called the panther combo. After u see that the opponent has 50% hp or less get ur fury to 50% and e > Auto > W > Auto again as when u emp w he gets stunned for 1.5 secs and u get stunned for 0.75, so u have a small window for another auto, then finish with q and e to him again if needed. i like to take ignite so i can win my lane,and later win the game.
Mid game
Renekton shines in Mid Game, if u have ur core items look for drake plays, catch targets that are alone and force 5v4s. Push towers get a gold advantage so u can end the game as early as possible. If u have a tank or someone with a hook/stun that can engage let him do the first move and after him u should engage and prioritize the most fed squishy target. either it is their mid, their adc or their SQUISHY jungler ( for the love of god dont focus the full tank WarWick). U will never have a problem facing a fed top laner as u have dominated the lane and he still tries to finish up his first item.IF u lost lane hard, and u are quite behind dont look to go in unless u can pick off targets with low hp, Instead stay next to ur adc or mid lane carry and peel for them(protect them from dying).
Late Game
If the game goes this late, that means ur team is trash and the game is over anyways. Nah, just be careful and ward a LOT, they will try to play around baron when he is up and look for the bushes in case they try to trap(buy the blue ward so u can ward safely) dont be greedy and go for their squishy carry, do 5v5 fights or try to catch someone off and force 5v4 team fight or get baron. If u have a crazy fed adc and because rene falls of late game, it would be better to peel her and let her win you the game. If the opponent team have a soraka lulu or janna, go for them instead as they can cause a lot of trouble.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dom1nus
Dom1nus Renekton Guide
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2 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide

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