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Akshan Build Guide by Counters LoL

Middle Akshan Guide

Middle Akshan Guide

Updated on December 16, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Counters LoL Build Guide By Counters LoL 1,911 Views 0 Comments
1,911 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Counters LoL Akshan Build Guide By Counters LoL Updated on December 16, 2021
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Press the Attack
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Shield Bash
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Akshan Guide

By Counters LoL
Guide to play Akshan
The key to play Akshan is to be aggressive (with great care of AD champions like Yasuo or Irelia because they can kill us very easily if we are careless).
The combo is simple, we do the two auto attacks with the Q or vice versa and if they have spent CDs we can try to kill them with our E positioning it to add hits to the enemy but without being too easy for them to hit us with a combo, as they will probably have to end up using flash.
Counters Akshan
Most akshan counters are killer ADs, so we will have to be very careful with them, all the information is taken from And honestly they do it perfectly.
Starter Items
We will always or almost always start with a long sword or Doran depending on how we want to play if we want to go directly to the object or try to be more comfortable in line thanks to the healing that the Doran gives us in addition to the extra life.
First back
It is very important to prioritize the boots, depending on the opponent we will do berserker, tabi or mercury.
If we have boots we can quickly go to other lines and thanks to the rotations that we can do with our W we can easily surprise opponents, especially the botlane as we will have a very high damage for usually the life of the AD Carrys.
Not only that it is very easy to gankear thanks to our E that we can use it very easily thanks to the support of the botlane and get pr'-acticamente to his tower if you throw it correctly.
Rotations with Akshan
As we have mentioned it is important to rotate, the bot is probably the most effective, or even if we can have help from our jungler, it will be a good option that is in our line and we with our W gankearnos.

If our jungler has CC it will probably be a very easy 2vs1 and we will have a pretty good line advantage.

In fact if it goes wrong and our jungler is killed and we kill the opponent, our partner will be reborn so even if he loses time, it will not be too much.
Master your E, master the enemy
It's probably the skill that can make the difference in a game, it's very fun to play as well as difficult, you'll have to do several tests to end up mastering the champion and especially this skill.
It will make you get in and out of fights very easily, especially if you get kills or assists because you will be able to have your skill on CD again.

You will have to investigate and know how is the curve range of your E to not fall short in the jumps or pass completely, it is complicated but not impossible.
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