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Akali Build Guide by Shiftshader

Assassin Never Fall Game

Assassin Never Fall Game

Updated on March 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shiftshader Build Guide By Shiftshader 1,968 Views 0 Comments
1,968 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shiftshader Akali Build Guide By Shiftshader Updated on March 8, 2014
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Hello to all akali players . i hope you find this guide quite useful , and have fun .

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item build depend of your oponent so it shoud be based on what you think its best
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(stay invisible in Shroud instedad become easy target)

Mark of the Assassin (Q) it can be triggered by attacking target with basic attack or Crescent Slash (E)

Use Crescent Slash Only When You Have To Becouse is Using 60 Energy In Start And You Will Run Out Of Energy (not so good)
Usualy Q R E W is quite good then STOP ATTACKING by PRESSING "S" ( or whatever is your keybind for stop attacking ) when you get invisible in shroud wait for cooldowns ON Q then go for combo Q R E

You can use Shroud (W) Then Shadow Dance (R) to Jump over Walls by placing shroud on Neutral Camps

Be Carefull !!! dont overuse Shadow Dance (R) becouse you wont deal much damage (most of Akali's damage Coming from her Mark of the Assassin (Q)
try not to engage if you have less than 2 stacks
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Top lane begining

try to play defensive in start and farm as much you can , you must have patience till level 6
then all fun begins .
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Mid game

If you cant win in your lane try to gank other lanes ADC shud be dead in mather of seconds
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Late Game

Dont Rush in Combat Because you will be main focus and that isint good
Let your team Start fight then you join them
Focus ADC and try not to be main focus
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shiftshader
Shiftshader Akali Guide
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Never Fall Game

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