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Kayle Build Guide by styllEE

Top đź”±styllEE's Challenger Kayle, TOP+JNGđź”±

Top đź”±styllEE's Challenger Kayle, TOP+JNGđź”±

Updated on August 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author styllEE Build Guide By styllEE 887 71 2,425,041 Views 29 Comments
887 71 2,425,041 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author styllEE Kayle Build Guide By styllEE Updated on August 27, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kayle
    Top Kayle
  • LoL Champion: Kayle
    Jungle Kayle

Runes: Aggresive Lane / better lategame

Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

đź”±styllEE's Challenger Kayle, TOP+JNGđź”±

By styllEE
Hello and welcome to this guide!

I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.

I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!

I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!

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+ Insane Scaling
+ Burst Damage
+ High outplay potential
+ Really good if snowballing
+ Good teamfighting
+ Poke in lane

The new Kayle is pretty much the same as Kassadin Not really a champion untill you hit your lvl 11, and you win the game when you hit 16. What your main job is, that you want to scale and then get to the lategame where you will be a monster who can 1v9


- Needs scaling
- Can get punished early
- Needs to count on teammates not to int early
- Squishy

Kayle needs really good scaling before she will become really usefull for your team. That means you need to count on your team not to int too much, so you can last to the 30+ min mark and you can start smacking down the enemy team. You have a weak laning phase / jungle early on, as there is strong champions that can take advantage over you and gain prio, which would **** your team over.

Laning Phase

Kayle is just like Kassadin, you want to play safe and just wait for your spikes and eventually your lvl 16. That means you shouldn't really try to make plays in the lanig phase, but just focus on farming up, getting power spikes and then eventually teamfight/splitpush

Mid game

Getting to the midgame you should be lvl 11+ which means you got ranged attacks and you are actually a champion who can do something in the game now. You can start grouping with your team and look for fights, or just chill in the sidelane getting more cs and xp, waiting for hitting your lvl 16 powerspike.

Late game

When you are lvl 16 you should start looking for fights, you are at your biggest spike, and you can carry fights really hard. You can also play as a splitpusher, as you would win most matchups since you are broken in the late game. By now you should most likely win the game if your team or you dont **** up, as you are really strong.
Berserker's Greaves
Berserker's Greaves really good as you gain movement speed + attack speed, which will make your laning phase way better
Mercury's Treads
Mercury's Treads can save you in some situations, build this if enemy team is CC heavy, and you wouldnt be able to do a thing, cus you would be sitting still all game in a CC lock
Ninja Tabi
If enemy team is AD heavy get this! ( also works good if enemy toplaner is ranged and auto attacking you alot )
Nashor's Tooth
Get this item as fast as possible, great first item spike for Kayle
Lich Bane
Lich Bane is really great for Kayle as she gains a huge burst damage, good for poking
Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass is really good as you put more pressure up as you engange into the fights, cus' you are holding out for a couple more secs, can also save your life and make great outplay potential
Morellonomicon is a really good item right now, gives dmg, ap pen, health and Grievous Wounds, pretty much the perfect item for any AP caster.
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Great for Kayles Scaling, gives you a lot more damage!
Rabadon's Deathcap
Really good for lategame scaling as you gain way more Ability power!
Void Staff
If they are stacking Magic Resist this would be a good item to pick up!.

Good item to get, gives dmg + magic pen, great mythic for kayle!
Playing as Kayle jungle is just like playing Karthus or Shyvana. You want to focus on farming a lot in the early game, and you should always do your camps before you go for a gank, as you want to get as much XP as possible. Best way to play her, is to setup vision for your laners and power farm, and try to counter gank instead of going for ganks yourself, as your ganks arent the best, but counter ganking could surprise enemies and give yourself a good lead!

When you get towards the mid/late game you just want to group with your team and keep farming untill you get towards your lvl 16 power spike. You don't need to force fights, you can just take it slow, but you would have your 2 item power spike + ranged, which means you would be decent in teamfights, if you don't get focused right away!
Get this after Nashor's Tooth
Berserker's Greaves
Berserker's Greaves really good as you gain movement speed and attack speed!

Nashor's Tooth
Get this item as fast as possible, great item spike for Kayle - Can build this after Rageblade or before, depends on how fast you get your Rageblade i would say.
Zhonya's Hourglass
Zhonya's Hourglass is really good as you put more pressure up as you engange into the fights, cus' you are holding out for a couple more secs, can also save your life and make great outplay potential
Morellonomicon is a really good item right now, gives dmg, ap pen, health and Grievous Wounds, pretty much the perfect item for any AP caster. Either build straight into this after your JNG item, or only get the first part of it (Oblivion Orb)
Lich Bane
Lich Bane is really great for Kayle as she gains a huge burst damage, good for poking
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Great for Kayles Scaling, gives you a lot more damage!
Void Staff
If they are stacking Magic Resist this would be a good item to pick up!.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Really good for lategame scaling as you gain way more Ability power!
DIVINE ASCENT (Passive): Kayle ascends through four forms before reaching her divine state.

Zealous (level 1): Kayle’s attacks grant stacking attack speed. At max stacks, Kayle becomes Exalted and gains movement speed towards enemies.

Arisen (level 6): Kayle evolves into a fully ranged champion. When Kayle is Exalted, her attacks launch flaming waves dealing bonus magic damage.

Aflame (level 11): When Kayle is Exalted, her attacks launch flaming waves dealing bonus magic damage.

Transcendent (level 16): Kayle takes on her final form becoming permanently Exalted. She permanently gains max stacks of Zeal and a bonus of 50 attack range.

Kayle conjures a portal which shoots a flaming blade at an enemy, shredding armor and magic resist and slowing her target. This attack explodes to damage enemies next to the target as well.

CELESTIAL BLESSING (W): Kayle heals herself and a target ally, giving both a significant burst of movement speed.

STARFIRE SPELLBLADE (E):Passive: Kayle’s basic attacks deal bonus damage which scales with both her ability power and attack damage.

Active: Kayle’s next basic attack is ranged and deals a portion of the target’s missing health as bonus magic damage. After ascending to Aflame, this attack damages enemies next to the target as well.

DIVINE JUDGEMENT (R): Kayle bestows invulnerability on herself or a target ally for a few seconds. While invulnerable, purifying swords fall in a circle around her target, damaging enemies in the area.
Thx alot for reading through my guide and getting down here!

Kayle with her new rework is really interesting, and i can't wait untill she finds her place in the meta!

I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )

I think Kayle is gonna be a champion just like Kassadin that needs a good amount of scaling to become usefull, but when she hits that spike, she will just auto win the game. It's always fun to have champions like these in the game, as it sets a timer on the game, and you can make a comp playing towards the lategame!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author styllEE
styllEE Kayle Guide
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đź”±styllEE's Challenger Kayle, TOP+JNGđź”±

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