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Janna Build Guide by GamingTy12

Support [11.1] Diamond Janna Guide | Most ideal Janna Build

Support [11.1] Diamond Janna Guide | Most ideal Janna Build

Updated on January 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GamingTy12 Build Guide By GamingTy12 4 2 6,524 Views 0 Comments
4 2 6,524 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GamingTy12 Janna Build Guide By GamingTy12 Updated on January 17, 2021
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1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.1] Diamond Janna Guide | Most ideal Janna Build

By GamingTy12
About Me
Hello I'm Ty, I started playing Janna in Season 8 on NA.
Whenever Janna is banned I usually play Lulu or Yuumi, I've started playing League in Season 7 but have not really played a lot until Season 9 in which I peaked D2.
I have been Top 250 Janna on NA a few weeks in Season 10.
I think Janna is not really a hard Champion to learn but does require a bit of good decision making on what to build and when to build in certain scenarios and the better you become, the more fun it is at playing her.
I sometimes stream on twitch, so you're free to drop by and ask me anything or simply just watch. I hope this guide will help you out a bit to learn Janna or becoming better at Her. I hope you can reach your dream Elo with ease, one E press at a time. I also recommend buying a second keyboard just for backup because it has been at least two years now and I have been feeling a decent bit of ware on my E key , sometimes it does not press.
About Janna
Janna is very basic to be honest and easy to pick up. It is perfect for players that want a new champ that can be learnt fast to climb with.


- Mobility and roam potential (With your passive or MS Boots)
- Alot of Poke damage in Lane
- Fits into almost any team composition(as long as you got a tank on jg or top)
- Strong Peeler
- Decent Scaling
- Snowball potential with buying a Darkseal making your W's do insane damage


- Weak early if you don't get a lead in lane fast
- Hard lane phase against all in supports or hook champs
- You need to know your damage when taking trades in the 2v2's
- Hard time once you fall behind especially coming out of lane
- You need to be able to use item actives at the right times for saving your team
- You need to watch your lanes around the map to see if you can get a roam off in time
Summoner Spells
Flash: must have, especially useful before level 6. Flash can be used to land that W or last hit a kill that could of gotten away.

Heal: usually the safest pick, you can use it to save allies and yourself from the enemies and it can be way more OP on you when your ADC takes another good defensive summoner spell like exhaust, cleanse, or Barrier.

Ignite: really good spell to take for the extra damage and kill pressure, but it's also really good against healing champs like yuumi, vlad, etc. in the later parts of the game.
Items explained
Items have a huge impact on your game, so it is important to make the right choice on which item you buy and when.

You have to decide how you want to start the Game for yourself.
I'd advice anyone to just start with Spell thief's Edge & Potions and learn to lane with it, if you think you will take a lot of damage during lane phase make sure to take Relic Shield instead of Spell thief's Edge.

ALWAYS rush Bandleglass Mirror unless you are facing a kill threat lane then you want to rush Kindlegem for survivability. Do not forget about boots, those are important aswell.
If you are playing against full AD and only then you should think about Plated Steelcaps, otherwise Lucidity's Boots are one of the best options to grab to lower your E CDR. Swifties can be the second best Boot option if you don't wanna roam but still want bonus MS. IMO only buy mobility Boots if you feel like you can get multiple roams off in the game but they are not worth if you don't leave the lane a lot.


-20 Ability Haste
-40 Ability Power
-200 Health
-100% Base Mana Regeneration

Not only does it have good attributes for Janna, it builds from Bandleglass mirror and the item is very helpful for giving CDR and some AP. when this item is fully built your poke damage with your w is very broken making it the perfect first core item to buy. Keep in mind, we do not want to die, dying is bad. You don't want to lose your stacks that you have on your Dark seal that you usually try to buy on first back if you have a decent lead. Dark seal is insane because with 10 stacks on it you gain 65 AP which is a ton for Janna and if your weaving auto attacks in while you W people you could easily have almost the most damage done in the game out of all 10 summoners which is wild.

The second core item is Staff of the flowing water or ardent depending on your ADC, as the previous item this gives us more AP and shield power, perfect for our champion. While shielding your teammates you give them extra AP and MS which is perfect for a ton of champs and just helps to get an enemy killed before a drake or baron.

We do not like dying because of buying Dark Seal early which not only gives movement speed once you have at least 10 Stacks, it also provides you with a lot of AP. After having at least 10 stacks it is well worth to buy a Mejai's Soulstealer for the bonus damage you will get. In Whatever case you somehow die with a ton of stacks and drop below 10 while owning Mejai's Soulstealer I would recommend selling it to just get closer to buying Staff of the flowing water or Ardent Censor.

For the situational items buying Miekal'S Blessing is good if the enemy team has a ton of cc to save your ADC from getting one shot. Redemption is worth grabbing if they have a ton of burst to hopefully save a team member while in a fight. Locket is a good mythic to get if their team is just super annoying and you don't think you will be able to survive without it. The same thing said goes for getting Zhonya's Hourglass.
Situational Items
For the situational items buying Miekal'S Blessing is good if the enemy team has a ton of cc to save your ADC from getting one shot. Redemption is worth grabbing if they have a ton of burst to hopefully save a team member while in a fight. Locket is a good mythic to get if their team is just super annoying and you don't think you will be able to survive without it. The same thing said goes for getting Zhonya's Hourglass.
I will update this guide whenever I have more time with any information I can come up with that might help, so stay tuned and maybe check back every once in a while.

Feel free to leave a comment on the Guide if it helped you or there is something you want to know.. a vote would be nice aswell if you think this guide really helped you learn how play Janna better.

You can check me out or contact me on my social accounts:

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League of Legends Build Guide Author GamingTy12
GamingTy12 Janna Guide
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[11.1] Diamond Janna Guide | Most ideal Janna Build

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