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14.1 TFT Guide (in Depth)

14.1 TFT Guide (in Depth)

Updated on January 25, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood 2,035 Views 6 Comments
2,035 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author misterfirstblood Build Guide By misterfirstblood Updated on January 25, 2024
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Teamfight Tactics Guide

14.1 TFT Guide (in Depth)

By misterfirstblood
Hey Guys!
It's Misterfirstblood from Europe West here with my first TFT Guide. Im currently Diamond 2 in double up and on my way to emerald in TFT Ranked on EUW (I didn't play 50 games of soloQ yet, surely I will climb a lot higher).
I played about 170 Games this set, spent a ton of time reading reddit, watching streams, theorycrafting and in teambuilder to improve my TFT knowledge and finally I decided to write down a guide for you guys to share some of my knowledge and experience so far. I would love to hear your Feedback and I really hope to help some of you guys out with it a bit!
Previous Patch (13.24b/13.25)
Patch 13.24b/13.25 was heavily dominated by the same 5 things over and over again. The Patch was live for a way too long period of time and people really figured out in depth what was good and what not, so the only things you saw when watching streams and grinding the ladder were the following:
- Open Forting (Selling board for econ and lose streak, have carousel prio for spatula)
- True Damage Caitlyn whenever you grab a spatula
- Fast 8 AD Flex as the most successful way to play
- Ahri +6 Sentinels where a single Ahri 1* was able to stabilize and beat 90% of the boards
- 1 annoying Jax Reroll player that oneshots everything

Annie, Yasuo, Country, Disco, Punk, Yone/riven Reroll, Heartsteel, Jazz and Twin Terror were all Team Comps that were in a playable state, but not strong enough to consistently win you games. This might change in the upcoming Patch.
Changes in 14.1 in a nutshell
- Headliner rules removed (1-3 cost units dont have any restrictions anymore, 4 cost doesnt appear in shop if you already have 4+ copies, 5 costs dont show up if you have 3+ copies)
- You need larger streaks to receive gold for streaking + tie resets streaks, so open forting is adressed a bit here
- Country Spatula will now be craftable with Spatula + Cloak, so Jazz isnt craftable anymore
- Huge buffs to Executioner, Emo, 8 Bit, Jazz, Disco, Spellweaver, Pentakill, Crowddiver, Hyperpop, AP items
- Huge nerfs to KDA, Ekko, Ahri Sentinels, True Damage Emblem
- Heartsteel gets changed. You can now choose if you want to raise the stakes or cash out like normal. If you enter this risk mode you gain double the hearts but if you win once, you lose 50% of your hearts, so its pretty high risk, high reward.
- Ap items received massive buffs
- Small Buffs to Punk, Country
- Lots of small Adjustments to Augments and Units, added a lot of freshly new Portals
The most Important changes in Depth
Headliner restrictions removed:
The Game isnt that punishing when being contested, as long as you are okay with not 3 starring every unit. The rules are now way more understandable and transparent, which is a huge Win for this patch. Though knowing the pool size and scouting are gonna be mandatory skills and people should try not to get baited by a good headliner when the pool size is already exhausted and copies are bought by other people. All in all this is a good change, especially for more flexible players that want to grab a headliner that couldnt appear in previous patches anymore, to temporary stabilize the board.

Items Changes:
Patch 13.24b/13.25 was heavily dominated by AD Units. The only real playable AP Comp was ahri Sentinels and the only „good“ AP item you ever wanted to craft with a Rod was Crownguard or Gunblade on Ahri or TF. Even though its sad that Rageblade didnt receive a buff here, things should change now because Rabadon’s Deathcap, Hextech Gunblade, Jeweled Gauntlet, Morellonomicon and Archangel’s Staff received some huge buffs.
Some People might be upset that Items like Morello’s now grant Attack speed or Bloodthirster grants AP because these stats do not fit the role of the item but in my opinion its a good thing when all items you own are atleast in a useable state and you dont have to look up for an item tier list because some items are straight up stronger or weaker(statwise) than other ones.

Overused items like Blue buff or red buff received small adjustments aswell and some of the weaker tank items are now a bit stronger (evenshroud, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Dragon’s Claw and Ionic Spark) which should balance things out a bit more and you don’t auto lose because you slammed the wrong tank items.

TF, Nami, Gragas and Taric received buffs. While Disco always had a pretty solid early game and a fine level 8 with Blitz and TF, the mid game was its biggest weakness. The Damage Buffs for Gragas and Taric and the Mana reduction for Name should allow you a way more Powerful level 5/6/7 and with a temporarily Gragas Headliner with some items you should be able to stabilize at the Stages until you hit TF/Blitz. Gunblade was always a solid slam on TF and it received a buff, a combination of Deathcap, Shojin and Gunblade could work pretty well in this patch.

Olaf, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Viego and Karthus received small buffs in 14.1
While i would not specifically recommend you to go for Olaf or Morde Reroll, in cases like where you have a prismatic ticket and tons of pentakill units this might up the powerlevel of this comp.
Kayle on the other hand was already in a playable state on chinese servers and got buffed even more. If you wanna try out Kayle reroll please do not build Rageblade, ist a pretty bad item on her due to her cast animation time. Try to focus on Gunblade, Statikk Shiv, Giant Slayer or Hand of Justice instead.
Karthus will use his ultimate later but has more one Bang potential which should be a buff overall and Viego was already pretty solid and also received a buff.
Even though Pentakill 10 should be not a common prismatic to hit, a highly starred 7 Pentakill board with correct items can work wonders in the upcoming patch.

Bard, MF, Lucian (fixed that he didnt scale with AS, + buffs) received buffs, and the jazz trait itself too (though you cant build an emblem anymore).
The comps biggest strength in Patch 13.24b/13.25 was that it was mostly uncontested. The weakness of this comp was that its power level was not high enough to compete True Damage Caitlyn, Sentinel Ahri or even EDM/Mosher Jax. With a much higher variety of playable comps and buffs to the mentioned units i can imagine that a uncontested Jazz Comp with correct items can do pretty well too in 14.1. Also you can now throw in Hyperpop units (that got buffed across the line) to activate more traits and buff your units, ziggs (triple buffed) with some AP items is a pretty good exaple for a great addition in this comp.

Heartsteel is now even riskier than before. The Hearts rate when playing it normally has been reduced, K’Sante has been nerfed, Open-Forting has been adressed and other Compositions have been buffed which will all result in a weak Heartsteel player losing a ton of HP. If you choose to raise the stakes and accidentally win a round, you get punished for it now, so the only way to play heartsteel is losing super hard all the time until you are rich enough (probably lost a ton of HP until you reach this point) to stabilize and being flexible to strengthen your board at some point to compete with the others. It might sound like a bad game design when you are rewarded for losing all over again but I think this might be the Comp that requires the most skill if you want to pilot it well.
Especially if we shift to a meta where a fast 8 into 2 starred 4 cost unit isnt mandatory better than a level 6/7 reroll comp that 3 stars some units anymore and True Damage Spat in the first carousel isnt an auto Top 4 anymore.

Punk shouldnt change a lot, but I still want to mention the small buffs they made to Vi, Twitch, Pantheon and the extended Play Augment Punk was always fine if the requirements are given (trade sector/twin terror and so on) but not something you can consistantly win with (even when uncontested) and i don’t think this is gonna change in 14.1.

Also there are some slight changes for some augments, headliners, traits and champs and added some freshly new Portals, but these shouldnt affect the gameplay in your everydays life too hard. For a full patchnotes rundown check out the official link: Patchnotes <-
The best Team Comps in 14.1
PSA: These Builds are not sorted by strength or anything like that, also I want to mention that I dont think unlisted Comps are not playable or bad in this Patch.
This is not the ultimate and only way to play, I just want to share you some of the more common sample boards you can go for to get in Idea.

Disco is a pretty straightforward teamcomp that reaches its powerspike at level 8 and plays around twisted fate and blitzcrank as your main damage dealer and tank. The disco trait itself and all the units except Twisted fate focuses around survivability, paired with some augments and hextech gunblade on your main damage dealer this Comp can tank, heal and shield a lot of damage while your backline can kill the enemies one by one.

When to Play:
- If you have lots of Tank Items and Rods for Gunblade/Deathcap
- If you already played Disco in Early/Mid and mostly uncontested
- If you find a headliner Blitz/TF at 8 and meet the previous requirements

The Pentakill Trait offers a lot of variety in Terms of Units, while most of them are theoretically able to carry the game when 3 starred and well itemized. While Kayle focuses around on hit effects and auto attacking, morde is an ideal unit to carry your tank items, karthus can hold your AP items and viego your bruiser items. Its a well rounded trait with a ton of options.

When to Play:
- If you see an Angle for Kayle 3/Morde 3
- If you see Karthus/Viego as Headliner and Pentakill is mostly uncontested

No matter if you go for the regular Superfan KDA Akali/Ahri Board, Ahri Sentinels, or just Pentakill Akali with just Neeko and Lilia, this comp offers a ton of good units and synergies, while you should still focus on Ahri>Blitz(when sentinels)>Akali>Neeko3>Seraphine3>Kaisa3

When to Play:
- If you already have a good superfan Setup and find a K/DA headliner as mentioned above
- If its pretty much uncontested. Tons of people buy most of these units because they are super popular, keep in mind to go for the niche if you want to be successful
- You have solid items for your carries

Country was one of the best openers so far if you were lucky enough to find a samira or urgot in Stage 1 or find Tahm Headliner + Kata in your shop. It reached its ultimate powerspike at level 7 where you tried to 3 star everything (Samira, Urgot, Sett, amumu, vex) while a 2 starred thresh was always a nice addition. Country 7 was pretty rare since you couldnt craft an emblem until now, but since this changes this comp might see more play now.

When to play:
- If you find Country Spat and a good country opener early on
- If you find Samira/Urgot Country Headliner
- if you are uncontested

Jazz was pretty much all about hitting Bard and Miss Fortune at 3 Stars. You try to activate as many traits as possible to get the highest value out oft he Jazz trait. The Combination of Neeko, Lilia, Kennen, Ekko, Kai’sa, Miss Fortune and Bard was able to activate 7 Traits. With ziggs, that also activates dazzler and Hyperpop you are now at 9 active traits. While Ziggs is now a great option for a second AP Carry, Lucian was also massively buffed and you now also have a second AD Carry in this comp. If you experiment well with emblems and pilot it well, you can create really crazy boards with Jazz.

When to play:
- if you find MF/Bard Jazz Headliner in your shop
- If you accidentally hit 9/10 and find lucian headliner in your shop
- If you played best board anyway and had a ton of traits + superfan active and slowly transition your board into a jazz board at 7

Jax got nerfed a bit, but AP Items got buffed, EDM got nerfed buf Zac and Lux buffed, so what?
Jax is still in a super fine state and you can easily win games with him if 3 starred.

When to play:
- If you can manage to 3 star Jax and ideally find many copies of Lux/Moshers
- If you have matching items
- If nobody else plays Jax as a headliner and goes for a 3*

Ezreal is pretty much untouched this Patch. Surely, Heartsteel and True Damage Caitlyn received some nerfs, so the pure Heartsteel comp that plays around Ezreal and the duo carry comp containing ezreal and caitlyn is slightly weaker, anyway, Ezreal with a random frontline of your Choice and the best available Big Shot Unit is still strong.

When to play:
- If you have a solid Frontline and lack Damage, but get offered an Ezreal Headliner in your shop
- If you have multiple Ezreal's or duplicators, AD Items and no Holder for those Items

Honorable Mentions:
Honorable Mentions are Spellweaever, Annie Reroll, Yasou Reroll, Riven/Yone Reroll, Punk and the legendary 5 cost Board. It would be too much information to show every playable build here, these should be the most common ones.

I also dont want to go too deep into Heartsteel, because there are tons of playable variants and you most likely play whatever you get sometimes to strengthen or weaken your board depending on your needs. If you wish so, i will add a section on how to play Heartsteel later in the patch.
Some words adressing Double Up
I personally love double up. I have a friend in real life who played literally every of my double up games together with me and we really enjoyed our climb in the top 1000 of the EUW Ladder and maybe we hit masters or a even higher rank soon.

But no matter how much i like the patch or the game mode, some words about the upcoming double up meta must be said:
It was already easier to cap your boards in double up since you are able to send units and things like spatula to your teammate, which makes it very much more likely to hit a prismatic vertical like K/DA10 or Pentakill 10.

Now with the Changes they made by removing the headliner rules, this will be even more busted. For example if your friend collects 3 copies of a 4 star unit (lets say akali) and you do aswell, he still can find an akali headliner, which wasnt possible in the patch before. So you can send him your 2* akali and his headliner akali immediately upgrades to 3*.

Its much more likely to see fully starred 4 cost units, 7 Country or 9 Spellweaver in this game mode. Some People might like it, others probably don't.

My advise for you when playing double up and you really want to climb in this game mode is forcing verticals and crazy win Conditions like mentioned ones, you will much more likely hit them than you do in solo (actually it feels like a whole nother gamemode)
Though i felt very comfortable in the latest Patch, I am still hyped to see more variety. It was exhausting to see Ahri Sentinels and True Damage Caitlyn in like every Game, it was sometimes a bit demotivating to play a comp well and still losing because the powerlevel was just too low and i can’t wait to finally play AP Comps and see units onebang others with a Deathcap, only because it wasnt possible until now. Also seeing Country 7 and Spellweaver 9 will add a new Touch to this game.

I hope this guide was helpful for you guys, i might edit some text and correct some spelling or content mistakes. English is just my second language and i really hope my points were understandable and still in a good readable format for you.

If you have any Questions or feedback feel free to leave a comment. If you liked the guide i'd highly appreciate if you hit the +rep button and leave a fav.

Thank you guys for Reading!
Maybe see you next time :)

If you are for some reason reading this article in the future dont forget to check out the newer guide for TFT in patch 14.2:
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Teamfight Tactics Guide