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Udyr Build Guide by BMDKyoshi

Jungle Bludyr

Jungle Bludyr

Updated on August 20, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BMDKyoshi Build Guide By BMDKyoshi 3,275 Views 0 Comments
3,275 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BMDKyoshi Udyr Build Guide By BMDKyoshi Updated on August 20, 2023
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By BMDKyoshi
My qualifications
I don't have qualifications I just really enjoy playing Udyr and have had more success on Udyr than any other character.
The Jungle Clears
For Udyr I always go for one of two clear. The first clear is for if i firmly believe there will be fewer gank, countergank, or invade opportunities after my clear. For this, I will start either wolves or raptors worh a W start. this allows for me to have two more camps on the map after fully clearing for the first time. On top of this, if absolutely neccesary I can cut my sequence short if a golden opportunity presents itself on the map without making future sequences suboptimal. I prefer to full clear on Udyr 9 times out 10, but if a kill is absolutely free on the map it is necessary that it not be ignores.

The second clear I go for is just a standard full clear starting on either buff. I start Q as the single target damage is immense.

Note on clearing on Udyr: Regardless of clear, you always want to activate your stance no later than 1:22. This allows you to proc the atance attacks 2 additional times.
Boot Purchase
Whenever possible I try to buy swifties as they offer a lot of what Udyr wants, namely stick potential. However, I find myself building mercs relatively frequently as well. For me, it comes down to whether or not I can outplay their cc. If they have mostly point and click cc than I will go merc treads. If the cc is able to be outplayed or dodged I will go swifties just about every game. If they have 3+ auto attackers I go steelcaps.
Deciding on a Mythic
While I go Demonic first every game that I go ap, my mythic is much more fluid. I've been really enjoying playing with riftmaker as it makes the zone control that is already immensely powerful on Udyr even stronger while also offering more survivability than most other ap items. In games where I want to play a fully supportive role I will either go Radiant or Evenshroud. Radiant offers more team utility and Evenshroud enables your team to output more damage. If I want to be really tanky I go Jak'sho. Jak'sho is the most standard mythic for ap Udyr and provides him with the most raw tankiness of any mythic available to Udyr.
AP vs AD
I'm a huge fan of both Udyr playstyles, but they are very different. The most obvious reason to go AP over AD or vice versa is having all of 1 damage type on your team. What I look for when deciding on which to go is primarily what my nost effectice role on the team will. If I am the only tanky champ on the team, I will go for AP tank udyr every time. If I have a team that is far stronger is teamfights than in skirmishes than I will go AP. If we have a comp that wants the skirmishes or to look for picks and sidelane pressure, I go for AD. For me, the most important thing is feel over what is most optimal, though. I find my results to be best when I go with my gut and play it how I feel it should be played. I recognize fully that my way isn't the most effective/optimal way, but it feels the best and has provided me with great results.
I'm a huge fan of the entire precision tree barring fleet. For AP I go conqueror just about every game or PTA when I don't go conq. For ADyr you can't go wrong wirh Conq, PTA, or Lethal Tempo. Hail of Blades is also a potent option that offers more damage upfront.
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