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Twitch Build Guide by OMNI Achilles



Updated on February 11, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OMNI Achilles Build Guide By OMNI Achilles 3 3 20,538 Views 0 Comments
3 3 20,538 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OMNI Achilles Twitch Build Guide By OMNI Achilles Updated on February 11, 2022
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Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ultimate Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide


By OMNI Achilles
About Me
Hello I'm OMNI Achilles, I'm a Diamond Twitch Main. There are many builds like this but this one is MINE!! I been Playing league since season 3 and ive Played all the champs a good amount and the one that i always come back to is good ol Twitch. I love everything about this little guy and I learned alot about him and how hes the sole reason of my climb to the where I am now. After a countless amount of games with him and figuring out what works best for me this is the build i came up with and I explain in detail why I build set runes and items. Disclaimer this is the build that works the best for me doesn't mean this is better than others or worse Telling me this build didnt work for you sounds like a you problem not mine. I just feel this has been helping me climb and it was time I gave others this to hopefully help!!
Rune Explanation
I think the runes above are the best for early and definitely late game.

I take Lethal tempo over hail of blades because I want to extend my range early and poke at a larger distance as well as getting attack speed.

Triumph is good for most champs for simply every takedown I get some health back and gold. late game while you're 1v5 ing, this is good to have triumph to keep gaining health and getting rich as your melting players.

Legend: alacrity I take because I'm not building many attack speed items so id gather gain attack speed with every takedown and just build the damage I need. Taking bloodline is fine but you aren't gonna need the life steal with triumph and the items im recommending you build in the order i explain, plus you shouldn't be relying on so much life steal and id never take tenacity because it just doesn't work for me I'm normally far enough from the team fights to where I need to worry about roots and of course kiting should make it harder for players to hit you with anything.

Coup de Grace I take for simply both late and early game because while I'm hitting people and then pop my E while they are low I would rather have that extra damage. Last stand doesn't make sense to me to use unless you are a tank champion and Cut Down I would only take if I'm going against a lot of takes honestly I only take Cut Down if the enemy team has 4 tanks.

Taste of blood I take for more early game for longer sustain in lane while I'm poking players down. you are very weak early so gives you a chance to last longer in the lane and late game you will be healing a lot during the fights.

I take Ultimate Hunter because of the way you're supposed to play twitch. You use your Q when heading into a fight. Now whether the fight is already happening or you are waiting for your tank to start team fight or even just wanna go in on your own, you need that attack speed from Q. You should only be exiting your Q when you are gonna throw your W onto one or more champs. The second you exit stealth and you hit your W, you hit your R and start Doing your thing. Once you do enough damage and you see them start to scream in pain, you pop your E once you are out of auto range hopefully they kill. With that whole thing I need my ult ready as fast as it can.

8 ability haste for bullying early
9 Adaptive force to simply have some poke early
Of course you can swap between magic resist or armor depending on team
Item Explanation
I Take Immortal shieldbow because of the survivalbility of the passive you just gain a shield that absorbs 300-800 damage for 3 seconds and give you bonus damage depending on level as well as mythic passive giving every legendary with 5 bonus damage and giving you 50 bonus health. You are getting alot of damage early with some lifesteal on top of it attack speed and lasting longer in fights. I would always take this over an other mythic especially kraken slayer i would never build kraken slayer i dont care whos on the team.

Berserker's Greaves because you need that early attack speed because you dont do alot of damage early you need to stack up your passive faster and also hit more with less damage then hit harder but autos are so slow.

Runaan's Hurricane is the prime item for twitch. Gives you some more crit with immortal more attack speed and some move speed but its passive is the wave. Basic attacks on-attack fire additional bolts at up to 2 enemies in front of you, each dealing 40% AD physical damage. Bolts apply on-hit effects at 100% effectiveness and are affected by critical strike modifiers. The bolts will target the closest enemies to you that are not the main target. Youre hitting 3 different targets adding toxic stacks on them doing alot of damage you are lifestealing off of all three and you can pop your E on 3 players with the possibility of kill 3 targets. Best item for twitch never get rapid firecannon

I get The Collector because when im hitting 3 different targets and getting them low then i pop my e if they somehow survive my toxic passive is still hurting them then collector comes in. With collector if you deal post-mitigation damage that would leave a champion below 5% of their maximum health, execute them. Champion kills grant you an additional 25 gold. So it excutes them and gives you even more gold on top of the takedown gold this is to secure kills.

Infinity Edge is your fifth item specifically for its passive. Gain 35% bonus critical strike damage if you have at least 60% critical strike chance. You have 60% critical strike if you built the previous items in that order and byt doing that grants IE's passive on top if the item just base giving you 70 attack damage and 20% Crit so basically 80%+ chance of just Criting every auto.

I threw Mortal Reminder for the reason of normally in my games there is always atleast one person with some decent healing. Mortal reminder stops that because of its passive, Dealing physical damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. Attacking a champion 3 times within 2 seconds increases this effect to 60% until it end. Grievous Wounds is a debuff that reduces all of a unit's healing and health regeneration received by 40% or 60%. so while you are doing all that damage in the fight and they are tryna heal you are cutting that off by having this item to secure kills even easier or assists sadly.

The last item i threw it which is if you are for some reason still in the game is Essence Reaver to put your crit at 100% chance with 45 attack and 20 ability haste for your ability cooldowns as well as its passive After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals 100% base AD (+40% bonus attack damage) as bonus physical damage on-hit and restores mana equal to 40% of the pre-mitigation bonus damage dealt (1.5 second cooldown, begins after using the empowered attack). Broken item
Thank you for checking out my guide if you like what you see give me an upvote id appreciate it !! If you have any questions you should stop in my twitch stream when im live and all my socials are in my about me section as well as my discord you can join ill answer any questions you may have :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OMNI Achilles
OMNI Achilles Twitch Guide
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