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Taliyah Build Guide by kinghatake123

Middle soras taliyah guide from bbgt hatake

Middle soras taliyah guide from bbgt hatake

Updated on August 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kinghatake123 Build Guide By kinghatake123 2,452 Views 0 Comments
2,452 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kinghatake123 Taliyah Build Guide By kinghatake123 Updated on August 21, 2017
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soras taliyah

taliyah is a weird champ a mage with no cc van build a wall TRUMP umm and has no escapes
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getting ganked

WARD WARD WARD WARD u have no CC no escapes U GET GANKED U DEAD look at map and use vision to get u kills
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god ap so get magic pen so if they get mr armor yellows every1 does that and magic resist blues for the mage vs mage match ups
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dont spam qs only q if u know u can hit or u gonna hate laning knock them back into your tower
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Team Work

get rayliahs so u can atleast have a slow so u can e them then q or in team fights u can w the adc also u can wall off enemys or stop one from coming
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roam after a kill or if he/she backs hug walls to get there faster or rider your wall u can e them out of tower
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Skill Sequence

max q your main dmg without q she would have no dmg and her poke is terrible
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Creeping / Jungling

can stop enemy from getting cs with your e or w
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kinghatake123
kinghatake123 Taliyah Guide
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soras taliyah guide from bbgt hatake

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