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Yuumi Build Guide by hardcandyluvr

Support YUUMI my-adc-is-immortal BUILD

Support YUUMI my-adc-is-immortal BUILD

Updated on December 27, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hardcandyluvr Build Guide By hardcandyluvr 4,090 Views 0 Comments
4,090 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hardcandyluvr Yuumi Build Guide By hardcandyluvr Updated on December 27, 2023
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Champion Build Guide

YUUMI my-adc-is-immortal BUILD

By hardcandyluvr
Short intro + Explanation
Hi, I'm Candy, a 300k LV7 Mastery Yuumi. I consistently get B to S+ grades during my games using this build.

I only started playing last 2023 October, so while I am no longer a one-trick-pony, Yuumi is still the champion I am most comfortable with + most skilled at.

Check out my performance as Yuumi by clicking here and see for yourself.

The explanations for the runes and the items are in the Notes, so you can just mouse over them. This is my first build and I'm too lazy to retype/reformat everything AHAHA but maybe I'll edit this someday.

However, the explanations will also be in the chapters below (in the same order as displayed above) for better readability.

TL;DR: This build fully leans into Yuumi as a healing mage and she will be dealing practically no damage with this build, but it has worked very well for me and some friends who have tried it so I look forward to seeing your experience with this build, too!

I have tried various Yuumi builds (tank Yuumi, AP Yuumi, AD Yuumi) and while that's all good and fun, I believe this build takes full advantage of her kit the most. I've had games where enemies actively focus on killing me as soon as I detach from my Best Friend because, as the title suggests... I make my ADC practically immortal :3

Key things to remember with this build:

1. Leave all the damage to your ADC. You're Yuumi. Forget about dealing any damage.

2. The main goal is to KEEP YOUR ALLIES ALIVE. Hop onto low-health allies and shield them, but always try to stay attached to your Best Friend (AKA your ADC – unless someone else is carrying) as they will empower all your skills + passive.

3. During lane, [detach - auto attack enemy - reattach] to provide heals to your ADC. This can be quite tricky to do but eventually, you will get used to it. Also, be conservative with your Qs and shields and ONLY EVER Q IF YOU ARE SURE YOUR Q WILL HIT. Think of your Q as a health potion for your ADC, because every time it hits, you provide your ADC with a heal. This is a mistake I see a LOT of Yuumi players do. They just randomly throw out Qs, therefore wasting mana and missing out on the heal.

Don't do that.

4. DON'T PANIC ULT. Only ult when your ADC/allies are half health – it really turns a fight around. This is another mistake I notice a lot of Yuumi players make, they ult as soon as an enemy gets close or they ult while their allies are still full health. DON'T. You are wasting the double purpose of your ult.

It is better to ult when your ADC/allies are half (if you're confident enough – low... it's a great surprise to the enemy who thinks they were gonna get a kill wink) health so you can heal them AND finish off your enemies.

Also, prioritize targeting your ult waves toward allies rather than at the enemy. It is better to have multiple damage dealers at high health compared to the little damage your ult will do to enemies.

That's all, please share your experience with this build! Thanks for reading.

Arcane Comet over Summon Aery because it gives you a much stronger poke during lane. Aside from that, Summon Aery also procs during autos but let's face it, you won't be auto-ing very much as a Yuumi.

Yes, Summon Aery also improves your shielding, but it doesn't provide much utility outside of that.

Also, even if Summon Aery procs faster (you can throw her out as soon as she walks back to you VS the fixed 20-8s cooldown of Arcane Comet), when you consider that you won't be throwing out Qs that often, the higher damage of Arcane Comet definitely provides more utility during lane.

Manaflow Band for obvious reasons (Mage probs).

Transcendence because it increases Ability Haste, which we absolutely need especially during the late game so we can ult more often during team fights and keep our allies alive.

Gathering Storm, as it is much more beneficial during the late game (where Yuumi shines best) compared to Scorch.

Demolish over Font of Life because you it helps you catch up (and even overtake your lane opponent) in case your ADC dies during lane.

Revitalize – again for obvious reasons.

Ability Haste over Adaptive Force as it is much more valuable to get your ult faster (especially during late game) for aforementioned reasons.

Adaptive Force because as a Yuumi you don't really need Armor or Magic Resist since you will be untargetable most of the time.

HP over Armor and Magic Resist for reasons previously mentioned, but also because more health will benefit Knight's Vow and allow you to take more damage.

You can also take Absolute Focus instead of Transcendence, but again I personally prefer faster ult cooldowns.
Always take these spells regardless of what your ADC has unless they explicitly ask you otherwise.

As Yuumi, you have practically no damage. This will help you secure kills during the laning phase, and help keep your ADC (or whoever ally you're attached to) stay safe, especially during late game with exhaust.

Exhaust: Use this when running from someone or when dealing with a fed, burst damage enemy champion to both slow them down and reduce the damage your allies receive from them. I love using this on bruisers and assassins such as Irelia and Yone.

Ignite: Use this only when an enemy is at low health and don't randomly waste it. It is a great finisher to help you secure a kill. Otherwise, it's useless, ESPECIALLY if the enemy will just heal it off and survive.

Do NOT take Heal unless your ADC asks you to. It is wasted because 1) Your first item also functions as a Heal, but also 2) You will never need Heal as a Yuumi. You are untargetable and 70% of the time, you will be at high health. Ignite provides more value.
These are the items you should prioritize in your kit no matter how the game goes. Check out the explanations in the individual item sets below.


1. Spellthief's Edge > Frostfang > Shard of True Ice

2. Stealth Ward > Oracle Lens (Swap after Spellthief's Edge upgrades to Frostfang)

3. Faerie Charm > Faerie Charm x2 > Forbidden Idol > Ruby Crystal > Chalice of Blessing > Mikael's Blessing

4. Knight's Vow (Order doesn't matter)

5. Amplifying Tome > Oblivion Orb

6. Locket of the Iron Solari (Order doesn't matter)

Always take a Control Ward before leaving the fountain and place it in the tribush as soon as you get to lane. Use the Stealth Ward to either ward the river or the botlane bushes. Observe your opponent's play style – if they tend to hide in the botlane bushes, place your ward there. If not, place it in the river.

DO NOT buy potions.

You are Yuumi. You do not need potions. You will never need potions.


ALWAYS get Mikael's Blessing first, ESPECIALLY if your lane opponent has Crowd Control – and even if they don't, it acts as a "Heal" spell, since it gives your ally 250 Health.

Next, get a Knight's Vow – a personal favorite item of mine on Yuumi (giggles). Think of it... your health bar is wasted since you don't take damage because you are untargetable most of the time. As the item redirects some of the damage your ally receives to you + heals you for the damage they deal, it's a lot of healing; especially if you have a good ADC.

TIP: During team fights, if you notice that someone else on your team is also a damage dealer, tell them to stay close to your ADC and designate them as your Worthy so you can absorb their damage instead (since you'll be shielding your ADC most of the time).

If you and your ADC are alone, though, or if you have to attach to someone else, designate them as your Worthy. Always remember this.

It's an amazing item – I've had games where as much as 10K damage has been redirected to me throughout the entire game :)

Oblivion Orb is always a good item to have regardless of who you're up against, but you don't have to rush it. Focus on Mikael's Blessing + Knight's Vow first.

Always remember to swap out your Stealth Ward for an Oracle Lens as soon as your Spellthief's Edge upgrades into a Frostfang. This will help you de-ward, remove traps (such as Jhin's lotus traps and Teemo's mushrooms), and chase down enemies in the jungle.
Locket of The Iron Solari.

You may ask – why are we not rushing this mythic item? Because it does not offer as much value as the previous items in the early game. This item is great against burst damage, which usually starts to happen around the late game once people have gotten their items and have increased damage.

You could also be wondering:

A) Why not Moonstone Renewer? Because this item is more helpful against burst damage. Say you walk into a bush alone with your ADC and suddenly all 5 of the enemy team is there, then this item will give you more survivability VS Moonstone Renewer.

B) Why not Shurelya's Battlesong? Your shield gives MS, but secondly, even if you have this item and you try to run, your enemy could just flash/ghost and catch up.

Next is Morellonomicon.

You may also ask – why not Chemtech Putrifier? Because if a game lasts a long time, that means that you need to start dealing more damage.

Let's put this item side by side against Chemtech

Morellonomicon VS Chemtech Putrifier

90 AP --- 35 AP
10 Magic Pen --- 0 Magic Pen
200 Health --- 0 Health

Granted, you may not get the Heal & Shield Power + Ability Haste that Chemtech Putrifier gives you, but let's be honest, the late game is a situation where you need to delete the enemy first before they delete you. With this in mind, you get more value out of Morellonomicon. It also gives you Health, which directly benefits Knight's Vow as well.
These items are very situational.

Only get Dark Seal if you notice that someone on your team is consistently getting kills so you can start stacking to increase your AP, then upgrade it into Mejai's Soulstealer eventually.

Only get Redemption after everything else, this is an absolutely last-ditch effort item in very tight drawn-out games.

These items will replace the Control Ward slot in your inventory.
This is a "keep my ADC alive" guide, not an "I deal damage" guide, so max EWR first, then max Q last. Arcane Comet will give you a strong enough poke during lane but our main goal is to KEEP OUR ALLIES ALIVE. So max out your healing/shielding capabilities first, which would be EWR.
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