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Tahm Kench Build Guide by Chief Kench



Updated on July 12, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chief Kench Build Guide By Chief Kench 161 7 334,640 Views 7 Comments
161 7 334,640 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chief Kench Tahm Kench Build Guide By Chief Kench Updated on July 12, 2021
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1 2 3 4
Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Legend: Alacrity

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Welcome to my guide for Tahm Kench !

First of all, let introduce myself. So, my name is Chief Kench, I'm currently Platinium IV on EUW, I peaked at Diamond 2 in season 8 but I dropped off. I've been praticing Tahm Kench since his creation. I'm near to reach the 2.000.000 points on him.

This guide is made for everyone who wants to learn about him. I'm not a challenger, but I believe that I can learn you something. If you notice a mistake please make sure to tell me.

Here is my opgg link :
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Tahm Kench presentation

Tahm Kench is a catfish, and not even a frog. He is a real gourmet, this fat guy eats everything he wants ! Deprived of compassion, he enjoys the enemy pain. During this guide you will discover and know the inner workings of the champion. Happy reading !
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Opinion on Tahm Kench rework

Positive point:

Tahm Kench is UNKILLABLE in lane The Abyssal Dive is very strong for escapes and engages. Tongue Lash gives even more sustain.

Suffers much less against range match up, very easy to get close to the ennemy and follow ganks with Abyssal Dive

Kill potential really high when reaching level 6 Devour it becomes easier to put an ennemy under tower.

Good to repositionning allies with Devour

Negative point :

The champion is much less strong in lane. Loss of cheese/bully potential

Lack of damage, lane phase is really frustrating sometimes (due to passive nerf and switching devour from W to an ult (R))

Wave clear is horrific unless you have Bami's Cinder that means you are less effective against split-pusher.

Roam potential highly reduced.
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Let's talk about runes.

I'll put everyone in agreement. There is NO perfect runes path, it's all about your playstyle.

Here is my main rune page.

Grasp of the Undying To my mind it's a must to have since he gives you a good sustain and lane durability. Tahm Kench relies a lot on long trade and auto-attack. So, everytime you hit the ennemy with your auto, you do a ton of damage !

Here is the second main runes page, that is totally viable.

The advantage is that your Tongue Lashworks perfectly with Approach Velocity paired with Iceborn Gauntlet you are very dangerous to catch ennemies and apply your Devour or Devour

Nothing hold you to mix these runes pages.

There is a lot of possibilities, it's your playstyle guys !


Legend: Alacrity if some of you like a bit more Attack Speed and wave push

Legend: Tenacity it's cool too if there is an heavy CC comp, allows you to espape easily with Devour

Coup de Grace Works too, perfect with Devour


Revitalize a great rune that works on your Thick Skin and Spirit Visage a must-have in my opinion

Second Wind a must-have in my opinion, fits your kit

Demolish perfect for more pressure, great for splitpusher

Conditioning a tanky rune, cool too

Overgrowth viable but not better than

Unflinching If you don't want to get kite too much


Approach Velocity is really strong on Tahm Kench excellent amount of movespeed after hitting a Tongue Lashor an auto with Iceborn Gauntlet

Biscuit Delivery better lane phase. Good.

Magical Footwear Well, it's free gold after all

NB : Feel free to change your runes and switch armor runes to Magic resistance
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Ghost is the best sumonner spell on Tahm Kench cause it overcomes the lack of mobility and the slowdown from Flash
In my opinion, you don't need Flash anymore because you can espace or reach a carry with Abyssal Dive

Teleport is the spell that I recommend to use too. First of all, it gives you a better lane durability, Tahm Kench is quite weak without his Thick Skin ! Also, the roaming potential is really high, which means that you can have a way more pressure with your Teleport and Devour

Ignite Let's talk about it. To my mind, this spell is correct against few opponents that have a great sustain ability Fiora Tryndamere You need a great trust in yourself,and know your matchup.
However, if your early game is ****ed, (sorry) Ignite isn't going to help you much. The Teleport will be more approriate for a better lane durability
One other reason to don't use Ignite because, Tahm Kench doesn't need to be extra-fed. A Tahm Kench with a team behind is completely useless ! So you should keep your kill for your jungler and mates !

Exhaust Excellent against assasin champion like Zed but most of one burst champion can be countered by your Thick Skin so I don't see the need of using Exhaust
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Skills Sequence

This is the path I take in 90% of the match-ups. Max Tongue Lash it gives you sustain, poke, damage.

Level 2 - you should take Thick Skin taking less damage, more sustain on the early level.

Level 3 - Abyssal Dive to engage or escape.

If your jungler is ganking early. Taking Devour at level 2 is needed to set up a follow a gank.

I take at level 1 Thick Skin against specific match up like Malphite Gangplank. They will both harass you really hard, but trust me with Thick Skin at level 1, you will not get any damage. They will waste mana.
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Builds, Items opinion

I always build Tahm Kench, with full HP and full tank since he scales on HP item and his kit is appropriate on this. You can also have fun if you want to go AP or AS it works but according to me it's not the best way if you want to play him efficiently.


I always rush Bami's Cinder because it gives you a decent wave clear, that's the main Tahm Kench problem and it scales well on him !
Then I take a bit of Armor and finish the item. Iceborn Gauntlet definitely a Core Item.

Thornmail against high sustain or high AS champions like Fiora Tryndamere Vayne Kalista you can still build Bramble Vest and leave it to have anti-heal.

Anathema's Chains one of my favorite. I run it as a second item.

Randuin's Omen slow and the reduction critical strikes is quite nice !

Dead Man's Plate against AD and CC champion


Spirit Visage Core Item, cause the passive and the stats bonus. I always build it.

Abyssal Mask Aworks really well on Tahm Kench, I build it once I have a huge advantage.

Situational item

Gargoyle Stoneplate the tankiest item in the game, I build when there is a huge damage comp against me like Veigar Brand or on late game

If the key win is my ADC (he is the only fed) I go utilitary :

Knight's Vow isfine and make your ADC stronger.
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How to use properly Tahm, every tricks that you need to know.

In this chapter I will detail point by point the spells of Tahm Kench and discuss all the possibilities

Tongue Lash

#1 Use it to harass ennemies, every time an ennemy go for a last hit.

#2 AA+ Tongue Lash+ AA + wait until Tongue Lash CD recover (keep trading with your auto) + Tongue Lash + 1-2 AA + Devour -> Repeat (+ AA + Tongue Lash)

Example below :

When the jungler is coming, make sure to eat him quickly so he can come !

#3 AA+ Tongue Lash+AA+ Devour


2.5 seconds CC combo . AA+ Tongue Lash+AA+ Tongue Lash+ Abyssal Dive

Very situationnal :

You can grab an ennemy when an ennemy has 3 marks with :

#4 Tongue Lash+ Devour


Abyssal Dive

#1 Your tool to engage or escape to be used with care because of long CD. You can only be interrupted by a CC.

The spell works like Elastic Slingshot - make sure to predict the ennemy movement. Hitting Tongue Lash makes easier to hit the Abyssal Dive. However, it is really easy to dodge if the ennemy has a dash.

This spell is very strong because it forces the ennemy to move in the opposite direction.

#2 You can use it to catch the opponent if he overtsteps.

IMPORTANT : You can use Abyssal Dive on the edge of an animation decor. You don't need to click on a "teleportable" spot.

Here is a map of all the spot where Tahm Kench can land with Abyssal Dive :


#3 Aggresive use :

Abyssal Dive Use it when you are ennemy is overstepping, be sure to get a good trade or kill. Can be used if the ennemy has already a CC - or follow a gank

Tongue Lash+ Abyssal Dive = easier to hit Abyssal Dive

2.5 seconds CC combo . AA+ Tongue Lash+AA+ Tongue Lash+ Abyssal Dive

You can chase ennemy really far here is an example :

#4 Escape use :

During your lane phase and especially when your minion wave is pushed, always keep your Abyssal Dive There is a high chance you will be ganked or get a trade.

There are some ways to avoid getting CC - Using Devour in your minion Wave or in a Bush.

If there are no CC champion, you use it as soon as possible.

If you cannot dodge a CC, it is better to voluntarily take it and then escape.

Prioritize to use Devour to go through a wall

#5 Use it to go faster in lane.

You can cast twice Abyssal Dive to get faster on your lane. However don't use Abyssal Dive when you have a speed of movement bonus (just march straight it is faster) then use Abyssal Dive if you want to close the distance.


Thick Skin

When you use your Thick Skin it turns into a shield that don't last for a very long time. So when you're using it, it doesn't give you HP regeneration.
If you take short trade, just don't press Thick Skin and just let your health recover.

So, when you should use Thick Skin ?

Before dying, you should use Thick Skin in order to tank as much as you can.

Before taking a crowd control that leads to death. You have to know you can use Thick Skin when you're crowd controlled.

When I have to tank a tower shot Thick Skin



Once you hit level 6 your kill potential is very very high. You can easily put an ennemy under tower. However, the cooldown is very long. You have to use it reasonably.

#1 Agressive use :

If you are sure to kill an ennemy, or set-up a gank, or catch an ennemy.
In this example, Drake was spawning, ennemies wanted to have the soul. I knew that Vladimir was bot and Qiyana in base, so I decided to initiate the fight and catch the jungler Sejuani

For the spit Devour champions like Riven Renekton can Flash or dodge with a dash right after they getting spitted. So using Devour+ Tongue Lash isn't the best case in some situations. It is better to hold your Tongue Lash

The spit direction is really important.

Spit him at your tower if you can or spit him back to you. (If you spit him at your tower you can last hit the minions that are taking the tower shot)

Except for champion like Sett because he can use his ult and Renekton he will dash on you. Better to spit them on your left or your right.

You can spit him near a wall, hence ennemy will have less ways to dodge your Tongue Lash also, make sure to block him with your body,or a minion wave... it will make a big difference !

If you're engaging a close fight, and you're near a bush, just stay in the brush and spit your ennemy outside, so he can't have the vision and auto you. Otherwise you can use spit the ennemy through a wall and escape.

In addition, Devour has a fair range ! If the opponent is located near his turret, just make few step backward and eat him at your maximum so you reduce the number of tower shots !

#2 Defensive use :

When you eat someone it provides him to deal damage. So, think twice before eating an ally, especially in a team fight cause you'll lose a very important damage part. First you can't use it on a ennemy and second your ally can't attack too.

It's all about decision-making and it takes time, you have to practice and analyse really quickly which situations his appropriated for a Devour using at this moment.

So when you have to use it Devour ?

Use Devour before or after your mate takes a CC
Use Devour when your mate is about to die, it will force your ennemy to use spell, summs and it recovers your team mates CD ! (good deal)
Use Devour in order to ran away both and use your Ghost

Good things to know :
You can Devour ally through walls and spit them through too.
It cancels a tower shot if you're allied is eaten. Devour it also cancels it on a minion...

Honestly, I don't think that Devour + Devour is useful, you will likely get cancelled. So it is better to use Devour + Ghost

#3 Engage use :

Very situationnal, if ennemy are escaping / or you want to engage. You can use Devour+ Ghost/ Devour


Here are the common mistakes of a Tahm Kench beginner :

Devour his ennemy whenever he can
Use his Thick Skin everytime he takes a trade
Devour his ally too ealier
Use Devour when lane is pushed or to initiate bad team fight.
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Phase laning, how to crush your opponent (Zoning - Cheese - advanced trick)

Cheese strategy - Most of my starts are in the bush.

Tahm Kench level 1 is one the best in the game. However you cannot win at level 1 against Sett Darius Udyr Olaf you have a high chance to get first blood if one our your opponent facecheck the bush. Keeping auto-ing the ennemy and then stun with Tongue Lash at the same time, block your opponent with your body.

Here is an example :

If I had a good trade, I will try to poke and go all-in at level 1-2.


If you didn't manage to cheese, play very safe until level 3 or 6.

In general :

Poke with your Tongue Lash or your auto with Grasp of the Undying. Try to do your best with farming.

Level 1: Give Priority to the enemy and let him the 3 first melee minion.

Level 2 : Upgrade Thick Skin to take the least damage, if your jungler is coming, upgrade Devour

Level 3 : Upgrade your missing skill.

Level 3-6, wait for a gank, engage with Abyssal Dive if necessary

Wave management

Do not expose you at ganks. You want to freeze your wave near your tower or reset the ennemy wave if he is freezing. You want to set up a gank or put the ennemy under tower once you have Devour

If you are pushing make sure to keep your Abyssal Dive to escape.

Level 6 - Your kill potential is really high. Keep freezing your wave near your tower, then engage with Abyssal Dive behind your enemy. Apply your fast combo and use Devour to spit him under tower. By the mean time you will Ghost or Abyssal Dive to catch him.

Depending on the situation, after the kill you want to push the wave and take plates or keep freezing if he has Teleport or if the ennemy jungler is near.


Teamfight :

As a tank you will have to get in front and engage the team fight.

Depending of the ennemy team comp and the current situation of the game. You will not play the same way.

Let me explain, if you have a carry that needs to be protected against an assassin or a Malphite for example, you will play closer to peel your carry with Devour

On the other hand, if you are quite strong and the opponent's composition does not have any dangerous players. You can initiate the fight with Abyssal Dive and zone the whole ennemy team.

To engage a teamfight Abyssal Dive works exactly like Elastic Slingshot you have to put yourself like a Zac and flank.
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Matchups (detailed) - Everything you have to know and how to HANDLE IT PERFECTLY

In this chapter I'll tell you how you to handle every Match-up... I've practised a lot and I will show you to cancel the ennemies spell.

I'll sort in ascending order - easy to hard.

You can go really aggressively against him, and trade him at level 1
If you want to play safe, take Devour and take the 3 first minions, avoid taking poke from his Q Colossal Smash
You can cancel his dash with Devour
Make sure to Devour your ally if he gets Hero's Entrance

Definitely not a big treat, you can bully him from level 1 to 18.

Play safe until level 3, cause of his Counter Strike
Let him push and freeze the lane near your tower
Harass him and keep distance from his jump and Counter Strike
Once you reach level 3 start to harass him with auto everytime he tries to last-it, it will force him to Counter Strike and Leap Strike
Keep the lane frozen near your turret.
Once his Counter Strike is on cooldown, you have 16 seconds to trade him, if it's impossible keep the lane frozen, he will lose gold.

He has a short range so harass with Tongue Lash
Don't let him dash on you with Jousting he will go for a short trade, and back with Jousting you can't catch him after that.
I don't recommend to Devour when Skarl is low cause he will take the damage and not Kled. Pop his Skarl first assure you the kill.
Spit him Devour behind you so he can't escape.

Avoid the harass until level 3, then you can freely engage her. You can use Devour when she is casting her ult to fully counter her.

Start with Thick Skin or Tongue Lash for cheese

Well, you're better than him at any point. The main problem will be is Seismic Shard which gives him movespeed and Ground Slam which is good for engaging or run away. He can't kill you but his kit makes him hard to catch sometimes
During team fights, make sure to stick with your carry and peel with Devour

Nothing special to say, trade him once you have all your kit Tongue Lash Devour Thick Skin

Poke poke poke, Nasus has to stack with Siphoning Strike everytime he goes for a last it, auto him and Tongue Lash.
Same as Tryndamere his ult Fury of the Sands can be countered if you Devour him or CC him with Tongue Lash

I usually freeze the lane near my turret in order to force him taking risk for stacking. Same as Tryndamere

Once he hits level 6, Nasus is a bit more dangerous. You have temporize his ult, stun or escape with Abyssal Dive

Just smash him, you can take risk, he is pointless against you.

One more thing, you can cancel his Dredge Line so make sure to apply 3 marks and cast Devour at the perfect time

Don't stuck near a wall, and trade at level 3, it will be ok.

Don't forget to poke as much as you can, if she tries to get her Iron Ambassador

Finally, eat her Devour if she casts Keeper's Verdict

A bit tricky on level 1 cause he jumps everytime, which makes difficult to Tongue Lash or AA him. Moreover, he has an anti-CC to escape

However, there is no way that you get destroyed, once you have Thick Skin it's pretty over for him. He can't win you.

Of course you can Devour while his Jump animation. I advise you too Devour him when he tries to escape with his ult Thrill of the Hunt it reduces his effect.

At first, it seems like Shen can counter Tahm Kench cause he denies autos with Spirit's Refuge

In fact, Shen can be easily denied from it once you Devour and get him out of his Spirit's Refuge

You're stronger than him at any level, he has poor range, easy harass with Tongue Lash

His only way to escape is Shadow Dash but can be denied too by Devour or getting caught up with Abyssal Dive

Be safe until level 6. Keep harassing with Tongue Lash
Try to stay at range from his stun

Play safe until level 3. Then use Abyssal Dive behind her, she won't be able to escape with her Vaykt

You should definitely don't trade him until level 3.
Make sure to apply 3 marks and denied his Decimating Smash with Tongue Lash or Devour

If you follow all the instructions, it should be good, Sion isn't a big treat and can't go for a true 1v1, once you have 3 stacks on him you can cancel his spells.

One of the easiest match-up cause you can counter his ult.
_ Don't let him load his rage bar, everytime he tries to last-hit, auto him.
_ Harass as much as you can.
_ Freeze the lane near your turret, so he can't hit minions. If he comes, just destroy him.
_ Devour him when he uses his ult.
_ Keep 3 stacks on him and don't devour him if he doesn't dash yet cause you are at range to stun him with Tongue Lash after his dash out.

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter him and later a Anathema's Chains

High poke potential, don't approach him until level 3 or a gank. Try to CS the better as you can. Once you hit Tongue Lash try for a trade.

Once you reach level 3 you can Devour behind him. He will automatically disengage with Thundering Blow
At some point you will just sustain his poke when you have enough items like Ninja Tabi.

The fact that you can hold his poke will make him out of mana really quickly.

Tips: Devour can be casted while Thundering Blow as a result you pull him out

His Warrior Trickster is pointless, since he is marked by your passive.

Assassin are useless against Tahm Kench, if you get close to her, it's O.V.E.R

The only thing that she can do is await with his Twilight Shroud which makes difficult to auto her, and backdash with Shuriken Flip make sure to denied her with your stun after her dash out or cancel it with Devour

Play safe until level 3. Then you can fully go aggressive. Keep poking him. Once you have 3 stacks on him you can cancel his ult with Devour or [Tongue Lash]]

Thick Skin first.
Gangplank strategy is to poke you in order.

You can't really trade him until your level 3, because he has Remove Scurvy which makes impossible to catch him
So what you can do : Try to zone him, and try poke with Tongue Lash and Auto.
He will be forced to use Remove Scurvy since he is too slowed after that, use Devour but never use it if he still has Remove Scurvy !
Make sure to go agressively if he uses Remove Scurvy it's your main problem.
Once you get close to him, it's pretty over for him.

You can cheese him at level 1, you just have to bait her Test of Spirit or dodge it. It's kinda easy to kill her if you have your whole kit.

However, don't ever gank her if she has her level 6, and don't trade her if you're not fed. I advise you to kite out same as Fiora match-up and step back.
If your foolish jungler ganks you, save your Devour for your ally, cause it usually turns badly.
Forget to Devour her, it makes it worse to reset her CD... unless you're sure to kill her with Devour and Tongue Lash combo.

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter her

Start safely cause she will probably **** you with a level 2 trade. Try to freeze the lane near your turret.

Once you get your level 3. It will be much more easier for you.

What you can do is to harass her everytime she Bladesurge it is really predicatable. Everytime that a minion is low just stay near it and bully her. You're the DANGER, cause you can throw her Devour under tower

You can cheese him level one if you take Tongue Lash

Well, you might not win this if you don't have Thick Skin and you have to pay attention to his ultimate that counter your grey shield. However, don't fight Urgot when you're low after level 6.

Ofc you can cancel his dash out with Devour

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter him

Play safe until level 3. If he tries to all in you can pop your Thick Skin before taking the fear. Let him waste his Shroud of Darkness before applying any abilities.

Not a big threat.

You can easily cheese him on level 1. Like most of the champion, sorry if I'm repeating.
I don't have much too say on this match-up. His only escape spell is Sanguine Pool your plan is to waste and force him to use Sanguine Pool, he will lose HP and burn is only way to escape from you. His poke can seem a little bit tricky on early game if you don't have Thick Skin but overall, he is an easy match-up.

Alright, so this dude Yasuo is extremely annoying from his dashes, he can give headaches.
Joke aside, his poke Steel Tempest can **** you up. So wait until level 3, at this point, just try to poke as much as you can and get close to him.

If you can't dodge his Last Breath just make sure to Thick Skin before.
By the way, you cancel his tornado and the Last Breath if you Devour, Yasuo will be in your belly while the bumping time as a result he cannot ult

Poke as much as you can

In fact, you just need to don't fight in his zone. Wait that he uses Pillar of Ice to disengage with Abyssal Dive - avoid fighting him when uses Subjugate

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter him

She pushes faster than you, a level 2 trade can screw your lane and force you to back.
Take the three first minions, and start freezing.
Your main problem is to catch her, because she has high mobility. Broken Wings Valor
Do not let her free trade with Broken Wings Ki Burst and back with Valor In fact you need a clear area without any minions to land a Tongue Lash just make a few steps back and force her to take risk if there's minions.

One more thing, you should care about her all-in at level 6 especially if you're low and get cc-ed you can't cast Thick Skin

Trick : you can cancel her jump Broken Wings if you Devour
You should cast Thick Skin in order to counter her one burst ult Blade of the Exile

Insane shove potential, ], just try to get close as much as you can if you want to trade, and avoid getting poke by him.

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter him. Once you reach level 6, it becomes easier to kill him

Poke with Tongue Lash

He is horrible to kill because of his passive, and he can be dangerous Decisive Strike + Demacian Justice which make you impossible to cast Thick Skin so you must pay attention to your HP.

Good tip : you can cancel his Demacian Justice if you cast perfectly your Devour on a ally.

Grasp of the Undying

So early game you will suffer from his hard poke, so stay safe first and farm peacefully with your abilities. When you have your entire kit at level 3, you can start trading.
Make sure to hit your Q first and run into him, please don't place yourself behind him because of his jump.
If you're good enough, you can cancel his jump (you need to cast it perfectly)

Note that Mega Gnar is less dangerous than the little one due to his weak mobility. So don't be scared to trade when he is big.

It's a snowball Match-UP, I advise you to play safe cause he can really be annoying when fed. So a typical Renekton players will make short trade and dash out like a *****.
First advice, be aware of his positionning and don't get hit by his first dash. (So he won't dash out)
Second advice, poke - poke - poke when he tries to last hit or charge his rage bar.
Third advice : Temporize his ult ! Avoid eating him when he has his ult you're just recharging his kit and rage bar... just try to stunt him with Tongue Lash and keep distance !

Be careful about Ruthless, he breaks your Thick Skin. When he is under Dominus temporize his ult with your stun Tongue Lash or escape with Abyssal Dive

You can rush a Bramble Vest to counter him

Try to poke and play safe until level 6. Once you have Devour you can kill him. If you fight him, try to side step his spell.

If he disengages Death's Grasp you can catch him with Devour or Devour it will push you back with Mordekaiser in your belly.

You have to wait level 6 to trade

She can be countered if you "hide" your vital point and stick to a wall, it makes hard for her to proc her passive.

Don't overestimate her early game poke, it could turn badly if she go for a level 2 trade. She will constantly poke you with Lunge and the best answer to that is Tongue Lash back

You have to make unpredictable your stun Tongue Lash or your Devour cause you're screwed if she Riposte perfectly. Don't even think to cast your Devouron her, it is really easy to counter.

Every Fiora that I met cast their Riposte immediately when they had 3 stacks. You just have to wait that she casts Riposte to stun or Devour her.

Last point at level 6 she has insane health steal with Grand Challenge if she pops her zone. You shouldn't eat her into the zone cause she still gets heal. If you can get her out of her zone with Devour do it. You should poke and kite out, and trade her back with Tongue Lash

You can rush a Bramble Vest to counter her

Kinda annoying, avoid getting hit by Precision Protocol Play safe until level 6

Her Hookshot can be denied with your Devour just try to stun with Tongue Lash or Devour when she is using it.

This champion has a better early game on level 1 to 6, don't trade him. He is one of the strongest level 1 champion... his ult can counter your Devour so eat him early if he doesn't cast it( so he can take damage) don't Devour when he is on ult of course, it's uneffective.

You can rush a Bramble Vest and Ninja Tabi to counter him

This guy is just annoying on level 1, since he can shove the wave early on. Just try to take the least damage from his poke.

You can smash him when you're level 6.

I play safe until level 3 at least. Take the least poke from her, try to back out when she will pop Silver Bolts and avoid being near to a wall.

Play around her Condemn when it's on cooldown, you can try to take a trade.

Once you hit level 6, it's really easy to catch her and get a kill.

I usually rush Bramble Vest and Tabi Ninja against her

Better pushing, faster than you. Kinda annoying.

First hide in the T2 bush and stay here, just in case if he tries to proxy, you can counter his **** and get a free-kill.
If he doesn't proxy early game, just freeze the lane near your turret and force him to waste his poison. Poke him with Tongue Lash if he walks near your minion, and depush with Devour
You can trade him when he is Out of mana or when you have hit your Tongue Lash

Little tip : Eat him wth Devour as soon as possible cause he going to fling you. If you follow my advice the fling is going to cast with Singed in your belly and makes his fling ridiculous.

Don't take any trade before level 3 or 6. Keep harassing with Tongue Lash and stay away from Facebreaker when you see an opportunity you can trade at level 3, but be very careful of his damage.

At level 6, when you use Devour do not spit him backward

Equal poke on level 1, after that, you beat him over and over so trade him whenever you can maybe not when he reaches level 6 because of Maximum Dosage he is too tanky to be killable.

Mundo has an anti-CC passive. You have to land a CC with Devour or Tongue Lash to use Devour

This champion can blind you and make impossible to combo. But once you get closed to him it's pretty over for him. So don't try to Auto Attack when you're blind, just keep walking to him or forward him, Tongue Lash if you can of course.
You can trade at level 3 and take the less damage as you can early game from his poke.

At level 6 : Buy a pink ward (control ward) that cost 75 gold. Freeze the lane near your turret and place a ward on the lane in order to spot his mushrooms and avoid putting it. Most of Teemo will try to destroy it. So, you need to zone him and place yourself so that you can poke with your [[Tongue Lash].

Counter items : Oracle Lens Control Ward

This one can be really tricky because of his 6 and his Dark Procession avoid you to catch him.

I advise you to go really agressive until his level 6. He his like Nasus match-up avoid him to last it any CS when you can !

Here's some tricks : try to bait his Dark Procession or escape with Abyssal Dive
Use Devour when he pops his Dark Procession hold him and destroy the cage.

You can't just approach him, high poke, high push. Just be safe and try to bait his big turret. Wait for a gank...
Only trade when you bait CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade or UPGRADE!!!

You cannot use Abyssal Dive when you are in Miasma she can relatively sidestep your Tongue Lash if she is using Phase Rush

It's gonna be really tricky to catch her if you don't have Devour

Play safe until level 6, wait for a gank. You can only trade when you hit your Q.

Use Devour immediately when has activated Phase Rush

Good Darius can 100-0 you easily.

Only thing you can do is harassing with Tongue Lash, and wait level 6 to Devour and get a kill

If the trade goes badly you can use your stun to eascape or use Abyssal Dash (his Apprehend has to be on cooldown.

Try to stay close to him if he is using [Decimate]], stay at range from him Apprehend

If you are good enough you can cancel his Decimate and Noxian Guillotine with your [Devour]]

I recommend you to rush Bramble Vest against Darius.

That is my ban pick. You cannot apply your stacks, and she out-trades you from level 1-18.

Play very safe until level 6 or wait for your jungler.

Just try to poke with Q, if you manage to put Gwen under tower, then you have a chance to win.
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How to play against Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench is abusable if you have a strong champion in early like Sett Darius Olaf

Kitting, side stepping is your best tool

Wave management is crucial, slow pushing or freezing you wave if you free poke

Play behind you minions

Favour short trades and back out

Avoid trading him when you have 3 marks, when he hits level 6, he is very dangerous

If he is trying to escape with Abyssal Dive, land your CC to cancel him

You can outscale him later on.

Build Mercury's Treads and anti-heal item to counter him
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