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Vayne Build Guide by Seth346

Top [10.20] Top Lane Vayne: Abusing CDR

Top [10.20] Top Lane Vayne: Abusing CDR

Updated on July 29, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Build Guide By Seth346 19 9 76,535 Views 4 Comments
19 9 76,535 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Vayne Build Guide By Seth346 Updated on July 29, 2021
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Top Lane (Against Easy Lanes)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[10.20] Top Lane Vayne: Abusing CDR

By Seth346
Table Of Contents
Set Up

My name is RivalofAll. I reached Diamond 2 100 lp this season and have been diamond every season since season 3. While I'm mainly known as a Riven main, I have thoroughly enjoyed and found success with Vayne.

I want to make it as a Twitch streamer for my dream job. Anything and everything you can could do would be highly appreciated. I stream every waking hour I can, so you won't be lonely. Recently updated the look of my stream as well so it looks really cool. Please, help me achieve my dream!

+ Extreme Mechanical Potential Vayne is a very mechanical champion. Every click of your mouse can change drastically how the outcome of the game will be. If you Tumble in the correct direction, if you Condemn properly, if you Condemn Flash, you get where this is going. Having said this, if you're unable to perform these, it generally ends with death and a fat L. To properly learn this champion, you will need to know not only how to play the game, but also many champion specifics as well. I'm here to help you with these things and insure your team won't be Vaynespotting you all game.

+ Incredible Late Game: Combining mechanical skill with late game scaling is something phenominal. I still remember one of my first experiences with Vayne. This was back in about season 3 or so. I met what I know now was a high elo smurf. I played with him after he carried me one game. At one point in the game, he had BORK, Randuin's, and Berserker's Grieves, he said "I can 1v5 Penta now. Me being naive at the time told him something to the effect of "No way, bro". He said, "Watch me". And watch I did, as he shredded their entire team dodging all their abilities and pumping out damage. This is just a sliver of Vayne's potential.

+ Low Mana Costs: Vayne has very uninhibited mana costs. The only ability you really have to have restraint with is your Condemn. This allows Vayne to ignore all mana items without a care in the world.

- Weak To Unavoidable CC and Burst: Ever faced Lethality Varus? How bout Lulu with Polymorph? These aren't fun situations, especially for Vayne. There are counterplays to unavoidable CC like Quicksilver Sash. If you play properly, the one activation of this item per fight should be enough. Death's Dance has got you covered with all kinds of burst and sustain to an extent.

- You're Going to be Camped: Ever faced a Zac that just won't leave you alone? You know my pain. If you're playing someone like Malphite, you can just hobble away. Unlike Malphite, Vayne has to play phenominally or use summoner spells, sometimes both just to escape. But this isn't just a normal gank, there's going to be many more. They won't seem to end. If you die to half of these ganks, you will probably lose. Good thing you're ranged and have multiple ways to escape these situations or they'd ruin the game.

Flash is pretty much required, it's the best spell to take on almost every champion and Vayne is definitely no exception. While there is a mechanic with your e which we will focus on later, you'll mainly you use this to keep the gap between you and your laner. I'll talk about this gap more in the Ghost section.

Teleport Basically this spell is used to solidify your early game. Whatever your opponents wants to do to doesn't matter. Dragons don't matter either. No matter what anyone says, League isn't a team game. It's a game you come to dominate every poor soul who comes your way, at times, even all 9 of them in the game.

Ghost gives Vayne amazing kill pressure and a great escape on a lower CD than flash. My favorite use of this spell is abusing the "Gap". Ranged champions are at their best when you're in that sweet spot where you can deal damage and the enemy can't. If the gap is closed, create it again or just finish off your opponent.

Exhaust Afraid your laner can kill you? Take this. The amount of health and kiting this spell allows for is absurd and they just keep buffing it. Exhaust is incredibly useful at all stages of the game for aggression and defense. If the gap has been closed and you're facing someone with burst, use it and you'll find yourself coming out of the situation fine and possibly with a kill.

If you're taking my build bot lane, Heal and Barrier are great options, but just force your support to take heal and you take barrier. You're looking to survive and even dominate lane. Giving yourself the most effective health is the way to do that. Since heal is shared health and barrier is self health I believe that the ADC should take barrier regardless of the support.

Night Hunter
Effect Radius:  2000
INNATE:      Vayne gains 30 bonus movement speed when moving towards a nearby visible enemy champion.
FINAL HOUR:    Night Hunter's bonus movement speed is tripled to 90.

This is only VISIBLE enemy champions and your base movement speed is rather low because of this effect. Keep these in mind. Sometimes warding areas when chasing an opponent is especially effective to retain vision and thus, the movement speed.

Range: 300 Cost: 30 MANA Cooldown: 4 / 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 / 2
ACTIVE: Vayne dashes forward, though not through terrain, and her next basic attack within 7 seconds deals bonus physical damage.
Tumble resets Vayne's basic attack timer.

Silver Bolts
PASSIVE: Vayne's basic attacks and Condemn apply a stack of Silver Bolts for 3.5 seconds, up to 3 times. Attacking a new enemy removes all stacks from the previous target.

The third stack consumes them all to deal bonus true damage, with a minimum threshold, and capped at 200 against monsters.

This ability is usually Vayne's bread and butter. However, we can't abuse it too heavily till our second and third items, this is why we max it second. Your main source of damage for the early game is your autos and your Tumble procs. Having said this, it is still an extremely strong ability and heavily abuses Hail of Blades and Guinsoo's Rageblade as well as the attack speed we stack with Berserker's Greaves and Phantom Dancer later in the game.

Condom.. Wait.. Condemn
Range:550 (Edge to Edge)Cost:90 MANACooldown: 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12
ACTIVE: Vayne fires a heavy bolt at the target enemy, dealing physical damage, knocking them back 475 units, and applying a Silver Bolts stack.

50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+ 50% bonus AD)
If the target collides with terrain, they take bonus physical damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds.
75 / 127.5 / 180 / 232.5 / 285 (+ 75% bonus AD)

Now that I've mentioned the mechanic with Condemn and Flash, maybe I should explain it. This is a mechanic used to position yourself to ensure that your target gets stunned into a wall. How does it work? Well, when you're both near a wall, you Condemn them and then Flash perpendicular to them and the wall. Make sure to Flash before your Condemn connects and in a way that will line them up to be stunned. Congratulations, now you know how to do the mechanic. Go make a montage or something.

In addition to this, if you are walking into range of someone that is about to pounce, there's no harm in clicking e on them, you can cancel the input with a movement command and if they do pounce, you will negate it at the earliest moment.

If you are running away from someone, wait till they catch up to the edge of the range (you learn this by hovering over your e in game) and then click e on them. Your character will automatically path into range if you're not already in it and then fire off the ability. Hopefully these couple tips help you use the ability much more accurately and easily.

Final Hour
Cooldown: 120 / 90 / 60 Duation: 8 / 10 / 12 Max Duation: 16 / 20 / 24 Bonus AD: 25 / 40 / 55
ACTIVE: Vayne arms herself with her crossbow, gaining bonus attack damage and tripling Night Hunter's bonus for a duration.

Additionally, Tumble gains cooldown reduction, and casting it grants Vayne invisibility for 1 second. Attacking or casting Condemn breaks the stealth immediately.

30 / 40 / 50%
While active, whenever an enemy champion damaged by Vayne dies within 3 seconds, Final Hour's duration is extended by 4 seconds, up to a maximum of the original duration.

Now, I know that was a lot to read, but hopefully you're still with me! This is Vayne's Happy Hour! You get a multitude of steroids to help you beat down the baddies.

DPS is important, but if the time doesn't cost your team or especially you health then use your avoidance to it's fullest.

Lvl 1: Take Tumble. This is your time to abuse Hail of Blades to it's fullest potential. After every auto, do a real short click to make sure you keep up with your laner, and just rip off autos like a madman. This will get you an advantage in lane. Your only job is to keep up that advantage. Any time you can trade onto them with hail of blades, do it.

Lvl 2: Take Silver Bolts, and after the lvl 1 trade, your laner has no chance of walking up to the cs. Keep it this way. If the enemy Teleport's back you should be at least level 3 so keep denying them cs. You should throw a ward in the river bush after the first or second wave to make sure you can keep up your pressure but not so early that the downtime in-between wards is extensive.

Lvl 3: Take Condemn. Now you have access to all your abilities, this is where you're very threatening and can easily capitalize on mistakes. Realize where someone messes up, like that idiot trying to cs while you're sitting in the furthest bush top lane. Condemn them to hell with the other heathens that you've defeated and take most if not all of their health bar.

Lvl 4 & 5: At these levels, you just get extra damage on your q. Keep up the pressure the entire lane and whenever you decide to recall, get back to lane and get that advantage back again with hail of blades and your gold advantage. Differently than many champions, your goal is to deny cs from your laner the entire game. It's possible, but very rare that they step up far enough to eat enough damage to die. Having said this, if you can kill them, go for it, learn the limits.

Lvl 6: This is where you can really pop off. Let the lane push out a bit, then just slam autos into your opponent when they get to close. Look for something like Final Hour -> Auto -> Tumble -> Auto -> Auto -> Auto while keeping very close and going for very short movements in-between autos. Finish off the kill with an auto and an Condemn proccing Silver Bolts for that last sliver of health. Obviously there are other variations of this combo to kill people. Sometimes you'll be using Condemn into a wall, other times you'll be just kiting them until the turning point where they know they'll die if they continue.

40% CDR Spike: Whenver you get this spike, your power level goes OVER 9000!!! Auto them normally but spam Tumble on cooldown. If you need more space between you, Tumble in a direction they don't expect or into a bush. If you need less space, Tumble into them.

Make sure to adjust to the increasing amount of attack speed. The time in-between your attacks is limited by your attack speed, it's called your "attack cooldown". There is also the "attack windup" that can be canceled by a mechanic called "orbwalking". Orbwalking is basically just putting forth a command to cancel attack animations. Yes, just like Riven's infamous "animation cancelling" in a way. This is most often achieved through the use of movement commands (also known as right clicking).

The cooldown on your attack as well as the time to complete the animation lowers as your attack speed rises so you must train to get the maximum amount of dps of in every scenario. These mechanics are what separate good Vaynes from the great ones.

Infinity Edge Spike: This item is the apex of the build. You have the damage to abuse the crit, you have the crit to abuse the passive, nothing should be able to stop you at this point other than your own ability. Train to surpass expectations.

As for just some general gameplay information, CS is king. But you can't sacrifice the game to CS. If your team is constantly fighting, you have little choice but to sit on top of them and get jungle camps from the middle of the map (mainly wolves/red). When your entire team is deciding to group, your jungler has probably scaled to the point where the camps are more useful to you than him. Keep their fragile mental in mind though, if they ping on the way to a camp as you're taking it, just give it to them. No need to play a 4v5 if you don't have to.

In contrast to this playstyle, if your team is not fighting constantly, you can afford to be in a side lane and should push each sidelane until you no longer feel safe pushing another wave. You will grow a feel for this the more you push the line between "This next wave is fine" and "I'm in dangerrrr". When you start feeling that "uh oh" feeling, go to a different concentration of potential gold. If you're confused on what "concentration of potential gold" means, basically just visualize your options as probable gold amounts and chase the most efficient one. Top's pushed in? That's like 3-4 waves there. Jungle is up? That's a few hundred.

Now, there comes a point where farming doesn't make as much sense as abusing your lead. When this time comes, get your item spikes, and go get em' tiger!


Credit Where Credit is Due
- Riot games for their game and all the things I used from it
- All the people who wrote the league of legends wiki pages
- Arkhala_TheSlayer gets a big thanks for the coding of my Riven guide which I used to help me put this one together!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346
Seth346 Vayne Guide
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[10.20] Top Lane Vayne: Abusing CDR

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