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Orianna Build Guide by FlopQueenEra

Middle [13.20] Orianna / The Lady of Clockwork

Middle [13.20] Orianna / The Lady of Clockwork

Updated on October 19, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlopQueenEra Build Guide By FlopQueenEra 9,611 Views 2 Comments
9,611 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FlopQueenEra Orianna Build Guide By FlopQueenEra Updated on October 19, 2023
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N1comagno03 (7) | September 7, 2023 2:31am
Hi. I think you should add somethin about the different phases on the gameplay (early, mid, late).
Also a section dedicated to explain runes choice, summoners choice and items choice would be nice. And maybe you can make the guide more nice if you look at "BBCode guide" and similars. It explains codes to format. Good work.
AbstrakT101 (1) | August 28, 2023 2:13am
Voted +1
Helpful guide! Maybe I will get into this champion.
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